Government Health Care

A Number of Messes Caused by Health Care Policy

First of all you may not know the full extent of care available from the different medical specialities.  Common treatment and diagnostic options are forwarded in strong marketing campaigns by giant medical/pharmaceutical  business interests and those become the most utilized by patients and supported by insurance companies.  You know those options well.
What may be a confusion for you is the growing, changing paradigm of complementary, alternative, wholistic, holistic, anti-aging, natural, functional medicine!  My point. This exciting and fruitful side of medical care has been unsuccessful in naming itself clearly to identify a parting of the ways with conventional common medical care, while remaining “medical” in nature.   There are many self care treatment modalities that are very effective but there are also licensed physicians ready to help you when self care is not quite enough.  People who are responsible for their life style and health may find that they need something more than self care at times and some think there is no avenue for non-pharmaceutical treatment within the community of medical centers and licensed physicians.  But…there is.

In company with Dr. Maulfair there are hundreds of doctors across this great country, probably within a few hours drive of  most locations, who are dedicated to finding the real causes of their patients ills, who choose searching diagnostic tools that look at the function of the body and whose treatment modalities turn away from medical drugs towards the building blocks of real health.  Did you know that if you had muscle aches and pains or high blood pressure you could benefit from a series of intravenous treatments of magnesium?  Did you know that the same treatment can relieve the problems of depression for some?  Were you aware you could request bio-identical hormones to make those years of passage full and free from sleep disturbances and tiredness as well as benefit your heart and circulatory system?

Our nation has recently consolidated physicians practicing medicine into hospital consortiums and with those connections the private, independent physician is harder to find.  This is a planned attack on the freedom of physicians and yours.  With hospitals as the umbrella of all these docs, you do not have to write hundreds of letters to each doc when you want to regulate something within the health care system, you write one letter to the hospital and control hundreds through the hospital policy.  There are protocols approved by the government that physicians must follow when presented with specific symptoms with a list of pharmaceutical drugs to recommend so physicians are losing the decision making battle.  They are pressured to conform more than ever.

No independent physician has an objection to emergency medical care or surgeries and medication when it is called for but those treatment modalities have a very poor track record in helping people with the problems of aging and chronic health problems.  No one disagrees with the use of pharmeceuticals when they are needed but ignoring other options, that do not harm the body but support the immune system and health, is dangerous.

Exert your freedom and speak up, talk to your physician and to your politicians.  We should demand health care and not disease care.  Let’s prevent a few things ourselves but when faced with a persistent problem see someone licensed or not for a gentler answer.  Join us in demanding control of your choices over your own body and your health.

Health Care Notes...key information

Just a quick note to let you know there are things you can do to stay ahead of the health care reforms and all the problems they will inject into your life.  Please visit Americans for Prosperity for the place and time of meetings in Delaware and Pennsyslvania planned to help inform you about the aspects of Obamacare you may not know about.
Jon Rappoport has a series of articles whose content you do not want to miss.  He is a health freedom fighter of immense understanding and the information in his blog is a must read, go here,   There is also a group of physicians and surgeons website is  They have information on the content of this law and what can be done to reflect the blows to your health.  This is a group of free enterprise physicians and very smart dialogue you can access and refer your doctors to as well.

Our polls show that people want and expect their physicians to get to the bottom of their health problems.  They want doctors who search for and find the cause of their problems and not just offer a drug to mask symptoms.  Is that inline with your interests?

There is no better advice to give at this point in our country’s history than to implore you to seek information on the content of the health care law that is about to descend on us.  The harm is clear and we are dedicated to help in the dessemination of the sources of truth on the content of this complicated and complicating law.  Your health and the health of generations to come depends on your actions.  Please, please inform yourself and others.

It Might Be The Drugs...

You have aches and pains and you go to the doc and he says you have fibromyalgia and should take a psyche drug.  When that “treatment” does not work well but gives you more side effects and problems he recommends you see someone because you are now depressed having felt ill for so long.  You “see someone” and they give you another psyche drug and a pain killer.  Now you are often dizzy and feel unstable and you are still in pain but now you have a bigger problem because you are taking addictive drugs.  Sound familiar?
This is malpractice.  Really is, no matter how common.  So start here.  What is fibromyalgia?  Look it up.  Fibro means of, or relating or characterized by fibers.  Myalgia means pain in a muscle or group of muscles.  You have a diagnosis that is just a description of the problem you already knew you had. You have pain in the fibers, muscles.   You went to doctor because you had unsolvable, indescribable pain and he tells you you are in pain.  Is that meaningful?  Do you want to know why?  How will the drugs treat the cause of the pain since he never investigated what might be causing the pain.  Were you checked for Lyme disease?  Did you have a thyroid or other hormone evaluation?  Are you usually dehydrated or deficient in minerals?   Did you discuss your old injuries?   Did he refer you to a physical therapist or chiropractor?  Did you get the idea you would be on medication the rest of your life?  Do you realize he may just be giving you the treatment in “the guidelines” for your symptoms?  Do you realize these very same drugs are known to cause suicide and homicidal ideation?  If you are taking a cocktail of drugs no doctor on the face of the earth can predict what might happen when you mix two together yet it is the primary stock and trade of the medical care you find in most offices in the US.

The US is 4.5% of the world population yet we take 90% of the world’s stimulants, 63% of the world’s anti psychotics, 51% of the world’s antidepressants.  We spend more on disease care than most countries yet rank lower than most developed nations in health outcomes.  Could it be that drugs are not the answer to what ails us?  Could it be that drug based treatments are making us worse, not better? 

I want to live in in a society where most of us feel good so the crabbiness and ill will dies down.  I want to live in a society where people are at peace pursuing their business and personal goals and winning.  I want to live in a society where mass murders do not occur because people are drug free and too busy and happy to contemplate such things.

Like It Is With Most Things...Fix the Right Thing and It All Changes

If the power company has a power outage in your area you will not return to full power by changing a light bulb.  If your brakes are out on your car changing the oil will not help.  If your house is a mess it will not improve if you take a walk.  If you have headaches constantly it may be “all in your head” but taking a psyche drug does not handle it.  If you have a medical condition taking a drug for it will not solve the reason you have it, but it may mask the symptoms.  Taking a drug for depression will not handle the fact that your family member has died.
Health care needs to change but not in the ways proposed by the government.  If you have high blood pressure taking a drug to control it does not solve the problem;  the reason it is high is undiscovered.  Having your blood pressure checked is not preventive medicine but taking action to avoid developing high blood pressure in the first place is prevention.

The thing you could concentrate on is demanding doctors and other health care workers discover WHY something is what it is and fix that!  Find the cause of your health problems.  Do not accept any masking treatment protocols but rather insist on getting help to find the cause.

Here are some startling facts provided by Grace E Jackson, MD in a 2010 presentation entitled “Psychiatric Drugs“  based on her experiences while employed as a clinician and Medical Director within several agencies that deliver publicly funded services to the mentally ill.   She cites  The Department of Veteran Affairs comparison of death rates of demented veterans who avoided psychiatric drugs to those who took newer antipsychotic medication or old “conventional” antipsychotic medication.  Of 12,821 patients who avoided these medications  18% died within one year.  Of the 10,615  veterans who experienced treatment with antipsychotic drugs the outcome was  quite different;  23%  of veterans died within 1 year who took newer antipsychotic meds, 25% of veterans who took older antipsychotic meds died within 1 year and 29% of those who took both (sequentially or concurrently) died within one year.

The United States comprises 4.5% of the world’s population but consumes 90% of the stimulant sales, 63% of the antipsychotics, 51% of the antidepressants.  Our enemies will have an easy time of it because drugs cause apathy, inaction and disinterest in life by the user.

What about the deaths caused by properly prescribed medications? Dr. Barbara Starfield, in an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 2000, pointed out that her research estimated the adverse effects of medication taken exactly as prescribed resulted in 106,000 inpatient deaths due to the pharmaceuticals and 199,000 outpatient deaths due to pharmaceuticals EACH YEAR.  In 2006 there were 629,191 deaths in the US attributed to cardiac disease, 560,102 due to cancer and 305,000 due to adverse drug reactions.  There is not a physician in existence that could possibly predict which of his patients are going to die due to a properly prescribed pharmaceutical drug.  Some doctors are not willing to live with that.  Some doctors have decided to look for other ways to help patients.  When you minimize prescription use you have to find out what CAUSES a patient to have a problem and then,  addressing that cause, you can figure out what the body is missing resulting in poor health or you can figure out what toxin is causing the difficulty.  It is not glamorous to talk to patients about their diet and exercise habits, it is not glamorous to prescribe nutrients to handle deficiencies but guess what… it avoids unnecessary complications and patients like it when they get better.  It is simple when someone breaks a leg to make the right recommendations to heal the leg, it is obvious what needs to be done when someone is pregnant, it is obvious to decide what to do when someone is in a car wreck and requires surgery but those solutions do not work for the common everyday chronic health problems like digestive disorders, fatigue, headaches, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis…. and on and on.  Those problems are chronic, complex and deserve a comprehensive evaluation that is unique for that patient and results in clear paths to solutions and the alleviation of the problem.  Yep, restoring circulation and wiping out aches and pain and increasing energy are things any conscientious doctor can help you with.

 We need real health care and real health care reform and we are not going to see effective medical care until we demand it.  It will take the public outcry to change any of this so start talking if you care.  You know, organic food did not magically appear in the grocery stores, it was demanded by enough of us for someone to finally listen and then competition took over.  Competition for your interest and your health care dollars will change America for the better so start talking about what you want.