It Might Be The Drugs...

You have aches and pains and you go to the doc and he says you have fibromyalgia and should take a psyche drug.  When that “treatment” does not work well but gives you more side effects and problems he recommends you see someone because you are now depressed having felt ill for so long.  You “see someone” and they give you another psyche drug and a pain killer.  Now you are often dizzy and feel unstable and you are still in pain but now you have a bigger problem because you are taking addictive drugs.  Sound familiar?
This is malpractice.  Really is, no matter how common.  So start here.  What is fibromyalgia?  Look it up.  Fibro means of, or relating or characterized by fibers.  Myalgia means pain in a muscle or group of muscles.  You have a diagnosis that is just a description of the problem you already knew you had. You have pain in the fibers, muscles.   You went to doctor because you had unsolvable, indescribable pain and he tells you you are in pain.  Is that meaningful?  Do you want to know why?  How will the drugs treat the cause of the pain since he never investigated what might be causing the pain.  Were you checked for Lyme disease?  Did you have a thyroid or other hormone evaluation?  Are you usually dehydrated or deficient in minerals?   Did you discuss your old injuries?   Did he refer you to a physical therapist or chiropractor?  Did you get the idea you would be on medication the rest of your life?  Do you realize he may just be giving you the treatment in “the guidelines” for your symptoms?  Do you realize these very same drugs are known to cause suicide and homicidal ideation?  If you are taking a cocktail of drugs no doctor on the face of the earth can predict what might happen when you mix two together yet it is the primary stock and trade of the medical care you find in most offices in the US.

The US is 4.5% of the world population yet we take 90% of the world’s stimulants, 63% of the world’s anti psychotics, 51% of the world’s antidepressants.  We spend more on disease care than most countries yet rank lower than most developed nations in health outcomes.  Could it be that drugs are not the answer to what ails us?  Could it be that drug based treatments are making us worse, not better? 

I want to live in in a society where most of us feel good so the crabbiness and ill will dies down.  I want to live in a society where people are at peace pursuing their business and personal goals and winning.  I want to live in a society where mass murders do not occur because people are drug free and too busy and happy to contemplate such things.