complementary alternative medicine

Alternative, Integrative, Holistic, Complementary vs Orthodox Medicine: History Repeats

Webster defines orthodox as “adhering to what is commonly accepted, customary, or traditional.” Today, 36 U.S. teaching hospitals are pushing the orthodox envelope to blend complimentary medicine with traditional care. No longer treated like unwanted relatives, this is the largest growing area of medicine. Hundreds of thousands of scientific studies are published annually, with millions of people receiving such treatments for back and neck pain, common colds, anxiety, depression and even cancer.

Therapies are termed Complementary when used in addition to “conventional” treatments and Alternative when used instead of “conventional” treatment. If that isn’t sufficiently unclear, either category may include nutritional, holistic, naturopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal and other forms of medicine. Commonly labeled “unconventional” or “unorthodox” by the conservative mainstream, are these approaches valid?

“Instead of wholesome foods and natural supplements, we have only drug studies paid for by the drug companies. Big pharma spends tens of thousands of dollars per doctor and $1.8 billion on public advertising to ensure their market is maintained.” answers Conrad Maulfair, DO at a recent Integrated Medicine conference. “Opinion and economic interests have fashioned what is considered acceptable medical practice.”

And so history repeats. Consider Claudius Galen, a Greek doctor who lived in the second century AD, Galen spent his lifetime in observation of the human body and its functioning. He performed extensive research and dissections to better understand the functions of the body. After he died, serious anatomical and physiological research ground to a halt. Orthodox medicine believed that everything there was to be said on the subject had been said. Although very enlightened for his time, Galen made certain serious mistakes – mistaken ideas which medical experts upheld centuries.

For nearly 1400 years, orthodox medical experts followed Galen’s teachings that “the tides of the blood” sloshed back and forth through the body, passing through the heart, where it was mixed with air, by pores in the septum. The lungs were responsible for moving the blood around the body. In 1628 William Harvey, an English doctor and researcher, published his findings that the heart, not the lungs, circulated the blood through a closed system of veins and arteries. His research notes first show this finding as early as 1615. Although a respected member of the Royal Medical Academy, Harvey waited 13 years, until 1628, to publish his findings. He closes his findings with the statement “Farewell, most worthy Doctors, and think kindly of your Anatomist.” His findings were never accepted during his lifetime, rather he was broadly attacked.

Why on Earth did the Galenic model last almost 1,400 years? It was obviously baseless. Many anatomists, including the great Leonardo da Vinci, Andreas Vesalius a respected Belgian anatomist, and others had failed to find holes in the intraventricular septum for well over 200 years before Harvey. In fact, it seems certain that these were never even found by Galen; these “anomalies,” however, did not seem to trouble the faithful! No one dared challenge popular opinion.

One important school of thought has withstood centuries of research. Considered the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates of Cos II made lasting contributions. The Hippocratic school held that all illness was the result of an imbalance in the body. When the four humours, blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm, were not in balance, a person would become sick and remain that way until the balance was somehow restored. Hippocrates or his students hold the earliest recorded use of vitamin C (citrus) to address the common cold.

Today, an integrated, holistic approach to healing recognizes that the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical elements of each person comprise a system. Working with this systems approach, Dr. Maulfair treats the cause of an illness rather than just the symptoms. Services at Maulfair Medical Center focus on integrating complimentary and alternative medical approaches, rather than drug-oriented medicine with its emphasis on pharmaceutical drugs. Clients of Maulfair Medical Center’s comprehensive programs regain their quality of life by restoring their health balance.

Conrad G Maulfair Jr, DO

What Do Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis and Cancer Have In Common?

Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and cancer are the big 4. Three of them are considered chronic degenerative diseases; they are ongoing and worsen over time. The likely common denominator among these diseases, and for that matter accelerated aging, is a toxic body load of heavy metals. Yes, toxic metals! There is a mountain of medical evidence validating the fact that small amounts of toxic metals; lead, cadmium, mercury, uranium, arsenic and others contribute to the development of chronic degenerative disease.
There are thousands of scientific references about lead in bodies associated with vascular disease, elevated blood pressure especially. Cadmium in the air over 28 cities was found to be associated with the incidence of vascular disease in people living in those cities.

Aluminum (al) has long been associated with decline of mental functions including Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum also damages the genetic material DNA. DNA besides being involved in genes is essential in everyday cellular function. Without proper DNA function the function of cellular activity deteriorates causing chronic degenerative diseases. Aluminum within cells will impair the cells energy production and therefore its health.

Arsenic is a well known metal poison. Arsenic can be introduced into the environment via pesticides and the glass and electronics industries. Its presence in human bodies has been shown to be associated with cancer, and peripheral vascular disease. Arsenic along with lead, cadmium, and mercury are neuro-toxic and associated with cardiovascular disease. Arsenic also affects glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes. Arsenic is added to animal feed to fight parasites in chicken.

The less toxic metals we carry around the healthier we will be. What is the best thing to do? There are three things: decrease the amount of toxic metals you are exposed to by finding out where they come from and avoiding future exposures, seek out the proper testing of heavy metal toxic load in your body, and finally remove the existing metal load with intravenous chelation therapy.

There is much that can be done to enhance and maintain a high quality of life. Handling toxic metals is an essential part of the effort.

Conrad G Maulfair, Jr. D.O.

Maulfair Medical Center Medical Alert: Alzheimer's Disease Not Just Aluminum

It has been suggested for many years that many people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease have been shown to have deposits of aluminum in their brains and the connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease has been fairly well-discussed and generally accepted as, at least, a contributing factor. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was unknown prior to the 20th century. The first case was published in 1907 by a German psychiatrist by the name of Alois Alzheimer. Text books on pathology up to 1938 did not mention any of the neurological changes that take place within the brain that cause Alzheimer’s disease. The epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease increased dramatically after 1950, Alzheimer’s disease tends to be more prevalent in “developed countries”. It was around 1950 that copper plumbing became widely used in “developed countries”; it is felt that the leaching of copper from copper plumbing is a major factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Many diseases have multiple factors and contributing causal agents so it may well be a combination of aluminum and copper.This potential for copper to be a contributing factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease was supported by studies with laboratory animals in which the changes in the brains of the animals, fed copper in their drinking water, were exactly the same substance called amyloid-beta that occurs in Alzheimer’s disease patients’ brains. It was also shown that these laboratory animals had twice as much copper lining their blood vessels in their brains. The brain can remove this amyloid-beta with a protein called LRP (lipoprotein receptor related protein). This substance escorts the amyloid out of the brain. It was found during this research that copper damages the LRP and it stops working. Of interest, the US EPA allows 1.3 parts per million of copper in human drinking water which is over ten times the amount used in these animal experiments.
There are two basic forms of copper. One is organic copper which is in the food we eat and is bound to food proteins. It is therefore metabolized by the liver and is safe. An inorganic copper is a salt of copper which is the kind that is typically put in nutritional supplements and leaches into drinking water. It is not metabolized by the liver and increases the body’s overall copper pool where it becomes available to cause toxicity; it generates reactive oxygen species (free radicals). Free radical damage is a major feature of the Alzheimer’s disease of the brain.
Research has also shown that many people with Alzheimer’s disease also are deficient in zinc and zinc supplementation is typically part of a comprehensive chelation therapy program.
As far as dietary sources of copper are concerned, red meat is a common source. Processed meats including hot dogs, sausage and bacon are also a source. Copper sulfate used as a bactericide and fungicide sometimes on meat and fat and meat products can also be a source. Copper sulfate has also been used as a fungicide, bactericide in crops of rice, wild rice, cherries, oranges, wine grapes, peaches, nectarines, walnuts, almonds, lemons, apricots and grapefruit. You can also have your water tested for copper. If you have your own water treatment system, reverse osmosis is about 99% effective in removing copper.
Chelation therapy chelates or removes toxic metals from the body, including minerals such as copper and aluminum. The use of chelation therapy to treat someone who has Alzheimer’s disease may be helpful, depending upon how long the condition has been obvious. It will certainly be helpful in retarding early Alzheimer’s disease and a major factor in decreasing the potential of its occurring in the first place.
Other research has shown that iron can also contribute to the brain changes that occur in Alzheimer’s disease. Damage to DNA is involved in Alzheimer’s disease and both iron and copper interfere with the activity of two enzymes that repair DNA damage.
In addition to decreasing your exposure to copper and inappropriate levels of iron, chelation therapy to remove them should be an essential part of treating existing and contributing to preventing the advent of Alzheimer’s disease. The good news is something can be done about it, and as usual, with all chronic degenerative diseases, the sooner someone commences on an appropriate program, the more effective it will be and the more long-lasting will the effect be.

Dr Conrad G. Maulfair, D.O.
December 2014

Grab a Cup of Coffee - long article but worth it if you have diabetes or heart disease or want to prevent them.


Chronic degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes and arthritis are called chronic degenerative diseases because they persist over a long period of time. Once the diagnosis of arthritis, diabetes or atherosclerosis is made it is generally accepted by patient and professional that the disease will be present for the rest of the patient’s life.  What may escape notice is the disease process began long BEFORE symptoms were present and the diagnosis was made.  A particularly salient example of this is atherosclerosis.  Often the first “sign” or “symptom” of this disease is chest pain, if the disease is occurring in the arteries in the heart, or leg cramps, if it is occurring in the arteries in the legs.  It could also be a stroke or strokelet if the disease is present in the carotid arteries.  Subsequent to appropriate diagnostic procedures the patient is declared to have coronary artery disease, or peripheral vascular disease (blocked arteries in the legs) or carotid artery disease (blocked arteries in the neck).  While the symptoms may seem to appear suddenly and the diagnosis made in a relatively short period of time, the arterial disease process, which resulted in the symptoms and the diagnosis, started 20, 30 or 40 years earlier.

Let us briefly examine the important parts of this chronic disease process. Our body is composed of approximately 10,000 billion individual cells.  They are designed to perform specific functions.  There are heart muscle cells, designed to contract and pump blood throughout the body.  There are blood vessel cells present in numerous layers including cells that line the inside of the arteries, muscle cells and elastic fiber cells, designed to transport the blood, carrying nourishment to every cell.  Keep in mind that the muscle and elastic fiber of the artery pumps blood along with the heart.  These cells, fibers can become stiff, thus hardening of the artery.   There are liver cells and kidney cells designed to clean the blood.   The health of our individual cells is important then, is it not?  If our cells are healthy, we are healthy, if they are not, we are not.  When numerous cells and other substances in the body incur damage over a long period of time, a disease, for example, atherosclerosis, is diagnosed.  Damaged cholesterol, for example, is deposited in artery walls and is an important part of the atherosclerotic disease process.  This process is ongoing for years and years before it becomes a problem and before obvious symptoms occur.  The result of this damage is the cell’s inability to function normally, a decreased ability to protect itself and perhaps even death and destruction.

Damaged cholesterol is the main ingredient in plaque, NOT undamaged, normal cholesterol.  Medical science has been studying this damage and destruction for many years.  It is known that a significant portion of this damage is caused by something called free radicals.  Free radicals are reactive molecules that cause damage to cells and tissues by robbing them of electrons.   This can happen to the lining of your arteries.  It can happen to cholesterol.  It can happen to the genetic material, the RNA and DNA within the cells.  Virtually anywhere free radicals are present, damage to cells or tissue can result.  Damage from free radicals left unchecked day after day, week after week, year after year results in the inability of cells and tissues to function normally.  Eventually destruction, decreased function and death can result.  The symptoms of disease processes then become obvious.

It is doubtful there is a person in the United States over 40 who does not believe, with certainty, that cholesterol is bad and that it causes blocked arteries.  Most people regard high levels of cholesterol in the diet and in blood akin to a death sentence from atherosclerotic disease.  People believe high levels of cholesterol result in an increased risk of heart attack and stroke when it is only true that a certain type of cholesterol makes up a significant part of the plaque that blocks arteries.  This is the LDL type of cholesterol.  It is not generally understood that it is not the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body that causes the plaque build up, but rather DAMAGED LDL cholesterol that makes up the majority of the plaque.[i]  In other words, when LDL cholesterol is damaged by free radicals, it is much more likely to stay in the artery wall.  If the LDL cholesterol is not damaged, it is less likely to be deposited in the artery wall.  One of the primary effects of a comprehensive chelation therapy program is the potential to reduce free radical damage thus protecting the cholesterol.

Calcium is an important mineral nutrient.  As we all know it is an essential ingredient in healthy bones and teeth.  It is also an important factor in properly functioning cells including muscle cells.  It is well known that calcium becomes an important part of the plaque structure contributing to making it “hard”, hence “hardening of the arteries”.  This form of calcium is called metastatic calcium.  A study from 1944 in the Journal of Pathology discovered evidence of calcium in the walls of arteries, where it should not be, long before there was any plaque formation.[ii]  Although calcium is one of the many nutrient substances is essential for a healthy body it can be destructive.  Another important mode of action of a comprehensive chelation therapy program is lowering of minerals in the body including the metastatic calcium deposited in the body tissues where it does not belong.

Free radical damage can be accelerated significantly if the minerals iron and copper are present in the area where the damage is occurring.  Toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic can also contribute to accelerating the disease process and are also carcinogenic.  Another mode of action of the comprehensive chelation therapy program is the removal of toxic metals and excessive iron and copper.[iii]

In summary, there are numerous damaging reactions that occur within the body at the cellular level resulting in the development of many chronic degenerative diseases including atherosclerosis.  A comprehensive chelation therapy program is individually designed for each patient to treat or prevent the disease processes.

Let us explore the component parts of such a program.  A properly prescribed, dispensed and monitored chelation therapy program is composed of three basic parts.  The first part is the intravenous chelation treatment, which removes the metastatic calcium and the iron and copper which accelerate free radical damage.  It also removes toxic metals such as lead and cadmium.  The second part of the program includes specific nutrients, taken orally, that are essential for healthy cell function, and antioxidants as well as other substances to support and enhance the immune system.  Mineral nutrients must be replaced.   The third part of the program is diet and exercise.  Educating oneself about the effects of free radicals and reducing free radical exposure is essential.

Numerous studies, evaluations, and medical papers have been written about chelation therapy over the past 40 years.  Intravenous chelation treatments have been used for over 30 years with children to remove lead from the soft tissues of the body.  It is extremely safe.  Saunders medical textbook, Cardiovascular Drug Therapy, published in 1996, has a chapter dealing with chelation therapy and references 65 scientific articles.[iv]  A recent study published in Evidence Based Integrative Medicine 2005; 2 (1), Insert footnote mark clearly shows evidence of the benefits of a comprehensive intravenous chelation program.  People who had intravenous chelation therapy for vascular disease were followed for three years and experienced fewer cardiac events than people treated with bypass surgery, angioplasty or conventional medical therapy.

Studies have shown that millions of Americans are seeking alternative medical choices and relying less on the usual drugs and surgical medical modalities.  It is encouraging to see that segments of the medical establishment are beginning to agree.  A 1998 article in the American Journal of Medicine states “coronary arteriography (heart catheterization) is inadequate for assessing the severity of diffuse (many vessels) CAD (coronary artery disease)”.  The authors also said that the adverse outcomes of invasive procedures such as bypass surgery and angioplasty outweigh the benefits when performed on patients who have good heart function.  Their conclusion went on to say that this knowledge, which they gathered from 183 references, “… provides the basis for a shift in the management of CAD from an invasive procedure oriented viewpoint currently dominant in cardiology toward a non-invasive orientation.[i]

Chelation therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment for, and prevention of, chronic degenerative diseases.

Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr., D.O.                                 

[i]  Navab, Mohamad, et al:  The Ying and Yang of Oxidation in the Development of the Fatty Streak. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 16:7, 1994.

[ii] Blumenthal, HT, Lansing, AI, Wheeler, PA: Calcification of the Media of the Human Aorta and Its Relation to Intimal Arteriosclerosis, Aging and Disease. The American Journal of Pathology. 10:4, July, 1944.

[iii] Halstead & Rozema: The Scientific Basis of EDTA Chelation Therapy. Second Edition, 1997, Pages 87-91.

[iv] Messerli, FH: Cardiovascular Drug Therapy: Chapter 175, Magnesium EDTA Chelation, Second Edition, 1996, Pages 1613-1617.

v.  L. Terry Chappell et al, Original Research Article, Subsequent Cardiac and Stroke Events in Patients with Known Vascular Disease Treated with EDTA Chelation Therapy, a Retrospective Study.  Evidence Based Integrative Medicine 2005: 2 (1).