
Diagnostic Tools for Clinical Practice Lead to Real Results in Effective Treatments.

Dr. Conrad G. Maulfair, Osteopathic Physician

Effective medical care includes looking for and finding the causes of someone’s symptoms. If a physician only offers to medicate symptoms you never find the causes of health problems and the real problems continue as the need for additional medication increases. An example, you have probably noticed, is people on blood pressure medications need more medication over time as the pressure marches upward because the underlying cause has not been addressed. When the cause of chronic problems is not addressed you seldom find a lasting improvement in health.

The heavy metal lead is associated with increase in blood pressure, to continue with this example, if you have high blood pressure you should have your lead levels in hair and red blood cells tested. Contact our office for a copy of a study synopsis from the Journal of the American Medical Association entitled “Blood Lead, Blood Pressure, and Hypertension in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women.” Conclusions include blood lead levels positively associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and risks of both systolic and diastolic hypertension among women aged 40-59 years. There is much more in this article so call us for the complete report.

Simple diagnostic procedures can demonstrate toxins such as pesticides reside in human fat tissue. The presence of fat stored toxins rob a person’s vitality and can seriously interfere with healthy aging. As an example, pesticides are directly correlated with the development of breast cancer. The EPA has long studied the prevalence of xenobiotics in the bodies of American public: they found residues of tens of toxins in all tissue samples taken across the country. Pharmaceutical drugs, street drugs and radiation are also stored in the body; in the case of drugs this is the reason past drug users still crave drugs and sometimes return to drug use.

Health conscious people recognize the interference and interruption of normal function fat stored toxins create. These toxins accelerate the aging process with all the pitfalls of developing chronic health problems.
In the case of heavy metal toxicity chelation therapy could be utilized to lower the levels of these toxins in your body. When they are removed the reasons for health problems diminish and you are healthier, hundreds of our patients have experienced the benefits of increased energy and less heart disease, lower blood pressure and improved arthritis. Diabetics often lower the levels of insulin they use, some can eliminate it,

Patients in our practice have an opportunity to address these problems with our rejuvenation programs which detoxify the body. The most effective program to eliminate fat stored toxins, such as pharmaceutical drugs, street drugs, pesticides, herbicides and environmental toxins is the sauna detoxification program described in a popular text on the subject titled “Clear Body Clear Mind”, by L. Ron Hubbard. We have this text for sale in our office or you can order it by going to our website links for or purchase it through any bookstore.

This program is the program you may have heard is responsible for restoring the health of the rescue workers of 9-11. These contemporary heroes suffered much in the months following their service at Ground Zero. So toxic they couldn’t work and having to retire at young ages these men and women have been regaining their health through Mr. Hubbard’s program. We offer this identical program in our medical center in Orefield. Tours and informational consultations can be arranged by calling 610-682-2104. We also give ongoing health education seminars, call to reserve your seat.

© All rights reserved Maulfair Medical Center

Dr. Maulfair's Comments "Its February and It is Heart Health Month."

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, this statistic is not limited to men.  Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, not breast cancer, not uterine cancer.  Although a very common health problem currently, coronary heart disease and heart attack date back to the early 18th century.  The first issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, in 1812, included an article about angina (chest pain from coronary artery disease).  Since that time much has changed in the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease; unfortunately most of the currently popular treatment modalities do not address the causes of the disease but rather treat the symptoms (the result of the disease).  There are alternatives, there are choices, and there is a better way.

It is believed by the medical profession, and generally accepted by the public, that high cholesterol is the cause of hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes. There is ample scientific evidence to the contrary.  Currently treatment of hardening of the arteries includes lowering cholesterol levels in the blood by diet and or drugs.  One example of the ample scientific evidence suggesting that cholesterol is not a significant factor in heart disease is a study done by the UCLA medical school citing 75% of people who had heart attacks had cholesterol levels within the acceptable range.

It is a fact that cholesterol is a major constituent of the plaque that builds up in an artery. It is also a generally held belief that there is good and bad cholesterol (HDL and LDL).   The simple presence of LDL cholesterol does not make it harmful.  It becomes harmful when it is altered from its natural form. In an altered form it is more likely to contribute to plaque in the artery wall. Damaged LDL cholesterol, when situated in the arterial wall, gets stuck and over time more is added and plaque progresses.  So a key question to ask is not what the LDL cholesterol level is, but rather what may be going on causing damage to LDL cholesterol?

The answer to this question is of critical importance; anything that contributes to free radical damage is the primary culprit.  Insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, flame retardants, artificial food coloring, artificial food flavoring, sugar substitutes, medical drugs, toxic metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, uranium and others) are especially damaging to normal cholesterol.

The treatment of coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis in general must then include decreasing exposure to all of the above.  As treatment, removing as much of the above contaminants as possible, already accumulated in the body, is key.  The removal of chemicals is achieved via a sauna detoxification program.  The removal of toxic metals is achieved with an appropriately prescribed comprehensive chelation therapy program.  The importance of the removal of toxic metals and metastatic calcium (calcium located in soft tissues, where it is not supposed to be) cannot be over emphasized.

Numerous studies over the 60 years that chelation therapy has been used therapeutically have shown its potential to improve circulation and as a result, decrease the risk of heart attack, stroke and amputation.  A study funded by the National Institute of Health and reported November of 2012 is the latest study proving chelation therapy decreases heart attack and stroke even in people, who prior to the study, had heart attacks.  The improvement shown was especially significant for people in the study who had heart disease AND diabetes.

So if you have coronary artery disease, or if you have coronary artery disease AND diabetes, you might want to learn more.  The Maulfair Medical Center provides free educational seminars.    Our website is 

Where Do Toxins Go When They Die?

They don’t, you do.  Most toxins, if they are eliminated from the body, and most are not, find their way into the municipal water treatment plant.  Some metals and pharmaceutical drugs are not able to be removed with normal processes so they may be incinerated and/or they wind up on the family farm in form of sludge.  Plants uptake the toxins while they grow and you eat the crops, or the animals that ate the crops, and there you are again.  Processing toxins.
Your body is able to eliminate some toxins but if you have an impaired liver you will not do a good job of it.  If  you are eating poorly and in a toxic work place you may harbor an overload of toxins your body cannot eliminate;  they will be stored in your fat tissue.  Adipose tissue has a very poor blood supply so the body in its wisdom disposes of toxins by directing their storage in fat tissue.  The storage of toxins in fats includes storage in the myelin sheath surrounding your nerves.  This very well may explain the problems of m.s..  When stored in fat tissue they are relatively out of the way, not circulating the blood stream, until you miss a meal, exercise, or for any reason burn the fat the toxin is stored in.  When that happens the toxin recirculates in the blood stream, causing new problems and is again directed into fat storage by the body’s safety mechanisms.

Best understood when you talk about drugs like LSD.  People may experiment with LSD a few times in college and then leave those days behind.  Ten years later they are jogging down their street after work for exercise and they burn fat tissue for energy that is storing molecules of LSD from ten years ago.  They experience a “flashback”.  This is not a mental phenomenon but rather the physical occurence of the drug being re-released into the blood stream and causing a brand new hallucination.

This recirculation can happen with all toxins stored in adipose tissue.  You can develop symptoms that are only the result of this physical process and see a doctor for a symptom and guess what?!  The doctor gives you another toxin in the form of a prescription and there you go again.  Can you imagine what you might feel like if you start to experience an anesthesia coming out of fat storage?  Think of all the medical drugs, alcohol, street drugs, pain killers, deadening agents, solvents, cleaning fluids, food additives, preservatives, heavy metals like mercury, cadmium in the air we breathe …... it goes on and on.  Think of how those things made you feel, you will feel like that again, same woosyness, same headache, same lack of ambition, same lack of energy.

So it does matter … your diet, your nutrient supplements, your medical habits, your exercise, clean air and water, your view of farm fields… it all matters a great deal.  You are remaining healthy because you pay attention to these things or if not, you are slowly losing your edge against symptoms and problems of aging.  If you are in our area, come to our seminars or visit our center for a tour.  We do not ignore the contaminants that may be making you sick.

9/11 Health Problems Linger

This is a day we all share with a common memories and continued concern. The tears still stream down my face when I think of all the families directly harmed and the rest of us left with broken hearts considering the pain and suffering of 9/11 victims.  The World Trade Center deaths seem to get center stage but we also have all the people in the Pentagon and on Flight 93, yikes.  Then there are the thousands of rescue workers and construction workers that helped for the months following.  People from all over the country who offered their muscle and expertise.

It is fine that we have finally acknowledged, through allocations of funds on the federal level, all the people directly involved need help with the overwhelming medical costs of the expected cancers related to the toxic exposures they endured as the result of their service.  I have no problem with that but here is the real tragedy, there is a simple, effective way to avoid the expected cancers.  I marvel at the ignorance and stubbornness of medical care as it is currently delivered.  We treat cancer but do nothing effective to prevent it.  Looking for signs of cancer in diagnostic tests does absolutely nothing to prevent it.  Nothing. There is a very big message in the offer to extend coverage for expenses related to cancer for all these citizens.  A giant message.

Exposure to toxins cause cancer.  Imagine that, a common sense realization on the part of our government and the medical industrial complex.  Yet, nothing is done in a broad way to rid the bodies of our citizens of the toxins they have been exposed to.  The only advice is to avoid exposure; do not smoke, do not take street drugs, medical drugs are ok?, do not ingest too much pesticide, wear gloves and masks when working around some substances.  That is it on the help.  If you develop cancer then we step in with guns blazing to expose you to radiation and more chemicals after we remove part of your body.  Makes no sense to me. Heroic??  I think not and after billions of dollars spent in research and treatment the results are meager.

I know of way to reduce the body burden of cancer causing chemicals.  They are stored for years in body tissue and that is how they help develop cancer.  There have been hundreds of rescue workers and survivors of those days in 2001 who enjoy good health due to this program.  We offer it in our medical center and I have the pleasure of watching people recover their health to a marked degree.  Why have you not heard this news?

Because this protocol was developed by one man, L. Ron Hubbard, who noticed some members of the Church of Scientology, as past drug users, were having trouble concentrating, studying and had other physical problems causing him to  suspected their bodies harbored toxins and drug residues.  Working with doctors and scientists he developed a way to reduce the body burden of these chemicals and the program he developed has been used since the 70’s to help thousands of victims from many walks of life including heavy drug users, victims of various environmental catastrophes, victims of the
Soviet nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl, and nearly 1,000 rescue workers of 9/11.  Like so many effective medical treatments this simple program is largely ignored by insurance companies and standard medicine.  Remember, the field of medicine does not accept new paradigms in healing readily.  They cannot make money with cancer treatments if no cancer manifests itself now can they?  Medical history includes the fact that it took 50 years for physicians to adopt hand washing between mothers in delivery as means to prevent mom and infant deaths.  The business of medicine does not readily accept new ways of doing things.  It is just offensive that they also prevent the widespread knowledge of helpful treatments that could be offered to educated public who might freely choose to do something that is harmless and may actually help.  No, they offer more chemicals in drugs to mask the horrible symptoms toxins cause.

My experience with offering the Hubbard program of thorough daily sauna detoxification is so rewarding and so fun when it clears away symptoms and health problems many other treatment protocols failed to affect.  You know when people find real help, where there was little hope, they do not care where or who offers it.  One for one they come to respect the man who brought this program to the broad society and did not hold it available to only members of our Church.    Read “Clear Body Clear Mind”.