Complementary alternative medical care

False information about health & disease is a serious health concern

We offer seminars in our medical center that are aimed at imparting medical information that is basic to help people learn about their physiology.  If you do not understand how a health body works how will you comprehend your problems if you develop them?  More importantly, how does the body stay healthy?  That is our focus.


A diagnostic test is not prevention, checking your blood pressure does not prevent anything, it detects something.  Knowing your cholesterol count is not prevention, a colonoscopy is not prevention.  These measures may be important but they are not PREVENTING anything, they are detecting something.  What you DO about it is prevention.  Or could be. 


Disease sets in when some normal function goes wacky or there is a deficiency of something that is required for health.  Your attention to learning basics things to keep yourself healthy will protect you as you age.


For instance, did you know vitamins and minerals are cofactors in chemical reactions in the body?  Did you know that if  you have a deficiency of one of them a toxin can take the place of the required substance on a cell membrane and wreak havoc with your health.  Not only will you suffer from a deficiency but now you have the problems the opportunistic toxin caused.

The New Medical Paradigm for Health

          What do the ageing process and chronic degenerative diseases like hypertension, diabetes, pre-diabetes, arthritis have in common?  The answer is a resounding "a bunch!" 

          Let us start with a comment about ageing and getting older.  Getting older is a function of the passage of time.  Ageing is a result of loss of quality of our bodily function.  Eventually time and function collide and our body loses both.   

         The ideal medical paradigm would result in the maximum extension of life with the absence of problems of ageing.  The result would be dying at an old age but healthy!  You just wear out one day without disease.  If that sounds like it’s right for you, read on and join the “long livers.”

          Let’s continue this by talking a bit about the body’s physical function in generalities!

          This unit we call the body, is composed of numerous organs in various systems, very complex.  The most basic unit of function is the cell.  All the various organs and systems in the body are comprised of cells, the cell is its basic building block. As such,  cellular health determines the body’s health.  Cell health would also impact the ageing process and the incidence of diseases both acute and chronic. 

          It would seem that the more you knew about how the cell worked the more you could understand how the various organs and other body systems function.  Your decision about your medical choices would be more effective, right?  If we’re in agreement let’s do some study of cellular health.

          We eat and drink because we’re hungry and thirsty.  We get hungry and/or thirsty physiologically because cells need the nutrients from food and the water to make energy.  Nutrients are the cells’ energy currency and quality counts.

          In the early days of the computer there was a saying regarding the quality of a computer’s output which was "garbage in/garbage out".  Something that is true of your cells and organs and body, garbage in/garbage out.  You cannot expect your cells and organs to produce high quality function with low quality fuel.  Eventually the function of cells' and organs' ability to minimize cellular damage from free radicals diminishes.  Increased disease and internal ageing occur.   Oops!  I just used the term free radicals—let’s define.

          A free radical is any molecule that has one or more missing electrons in its outer ring of electrons.  Sources of free radicals are everywhere; chemicals in food, air and water are not recognized by the body as needed for life.   Free radicals initiate damage to cells, organs and bodies in general.  Preventing or putting out the free radical fires are essential for the maintenance of life quality and quantity. 

          The currently popular medical paradigm primarily addresses the symptoms of lost cellular and organ system function with a pharmaceutical drug to suppress the symptoms.  However, hypertension is not a disease but rather a symptom of malfunction of the circulatory system.  Elevated blood sugar is not diabetes but rather a symptom of diabetes, etc.  Taking a pharmaceutical drug does not change the disease status but suppresses symptoms.  A more effective paradigm might be one that addresses CAUSES  OF SYMPTOMS of cellular malfunction wherever located in our body. As a clinical result of this paradigm shift in treatment modalities patients often note improvement in symptoms and healing of ailments beyond what their primary chief complaint was.


Let me veer off topic for a moment.  The proof that the currently popular medical paradigm is disease and symptom oriented is demonstrated by the health questionnaire that is presented to an individual at a healthcare facility.  Often, one of the first questions asked is about your chief complaint, little or nothing related to your wellness.  The assumption being "why would you be seeking care of doctor if you were not ill?"  How about a new idea - see a physician because she/he knows how to keep you healthy!

          A large part of our ability to be healthy has to do with our immune system.  Our immune system’s job is primarily to handle agents that would be harmful to cellular or organ system function.  The majority of these agents are primarily bacteria, viruses and toxins, AND the majority of the body’s immune system is in the intestinal tract.  That makes sense since the things that we eat and drink aren’t sterilized and therefore the gastrointestinal tract is a major entry point into the body of foreign substances; including bacteria, viruses and thousands of environmental petrochemicals that we are exposed to in the form of insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, artificial food coloring and artificial food flavoring and thousands of others.  Therefore proper evaluation of the intestinal tract and effective improvement in its function will go a long way toward restoring and maintaining a strong immune system to aid health and healthy ageing.

          One of the currently popular medical methods of evaluating the GI tract is direct visualization, i.e., gastroscopic evaluation of the stomach and small intestine and, at the other end, colonoscopic evaluation of the large intestine.  These are fine for evaluation of the gross anatomy but they do not tell us much about function and the microscopic intestinal life, i.e., the bacteria and fungi and the immune system. 

To answer this conundrum, we have been utilizing a study called a comprehensive stool evaluation for decades.  This is performed on a stool sample that you collect at home. You mail in the vials to the lab that specializes in this examination. Due to the findings of that evaluation an appropriate initial treatment program is designed and started.  Addressing the GI tract comprehensively goes a long way in assuring that the system through which you absorb most of the nutrients that we must have for health is functioning properly.  It is an evaluation of the majority of your immune system, 60% or more. Utilizing these diagnostic modalities determine therapeutic paradigms  that assure you are getting on the right track toward dying at an advanced age, old but healthy.

          I would be remiss if, while on the topic of the GI tract I failed to mention the potential of a yeast overgrowth commonly referred to as candidiasis.  Candidiasis is a class of yeast that overgrow in the intestinal tract.  We have been identifying and treating  candida overgrowths for our patients for decades.  We find it in both sexes and all ages.  It is very rewarding to see a patient’s life quality improve, often dramatically and after a lifetime of symptoms of ill health.  04/07/2020


Conrad G Maulfair, Jr.  D.O.

Heart Disease? Diabetes? The Broad Benefits of Chelation Therapy

One of our patients reported these findings:
In 2001 I had a catheter test at Reading Hospital and was found to have 3 blocked arteries. One 50%, one 70%, and one 80% blocked.

In 2012 this test was repeated and all my arteries were found to be clear-NO BLOCKAGES! I have been doing chelation therapy for the past several years and it appears to have been very successful. Thanks you Dr. Maulfair!! J.G.

(J.G. has been doing chelation since 2006 at the rate of one treatment per month for 70 treatments TO ACHIEVE THAT RESULT… IT IS WORTH IT.)

Intravenous Chelation Therapy is a wonderfully effective, safe, comprehensive program that can benefit people with chronic degenerative diseases. People with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, unhealing wounds, lack of energy and problems of aging can experience a resurgence of energy and life quality. This program is not new. It has been studied and offered to patients by many progressive physicians to hundreds of thousands of thankful people world wide for over 60 years. Patients who receive chelation therapy experience their quality of life improve first hand. Our patients report being able to walk without the use of their past aids, improved sleep, increased energy, improved sense of well being and many people return to work and previous sports as their illness abates. Their cardiologists notice the improvements.

Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy Recently Completed by the NIH.

It makes our day that we are no longer alone in these observations; the United States government via the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a study on chelation therapy. The study called TACT, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, started in 2003. The results were just announced at the American Heart Association’s meeting November 4, 2012. The results were positive.

People in this trial who received Chelation Therapy had decreased hospitalizations for angina, compared to the control group. There were fewer deaths from heart attacks and strokes for the patients receiving chelation therapy. The chelation patients also needed less bypass surgeries and angioplasties; the findings were especially positive for patients who also suffered from diabetes. Chelation Therapy reduced cardiac events by 18% and by 39% for diabetic patients. The total reduction in cardiac events was statistically significant. Physicians conducting the study included university cardiologists and experienced chelation physicians.
Keep in mind all study participants had a previous heart attack before beginning the trial, 83% had either bypass surgeries, angioplasty with or without stents. The majority of participants had high blood pressure and 73% had been prescribed cholesterol lowering statin drugs. One thousand seven hundred people participated in the study. An additional finding was the unquestionable safety of Chelation Therapy.

If this therapy is so effective in reversing the disease process can you imagine how helpful it might be to utilize it as a preventive before you have serious symptoms? We keep people healthy with this therapy.

For more information and background on the development of chelation therapy please check out Dr. Maulfair’s articles on our website .  Check out this article on newsmax maxlife

Veterans, Construction Workers, Past Drug Users, People with Chronic Health Problems All Benefit

When you look for underlying reasons for health problems and symptoms you find toxins in one form or another at the base of the mountain.
Changing your diet, detoxifying with a number of common methods can do wonders for your health and well-being. Some people, however, find they cannot get lasting results with self-care and these are the people who need the help of a program of thorough detoxification.

Toxins are stored in adipose tissue throughout the body. That’s right, fat tissue. The body chooses fat tissue because it has a low blood supply, so storing toxins in fat means they may stay out of circulation in the blood stream for some time; until the time you are exercising or missing a meal and your body burns “that” fat tissue for energy. The only thing you notice is you feel like you are drugged or spacey or just plain ill; developing a headache for no reason you can put your finger on. The reason is within you, your body just released from fat storage a bit of toxins into your blood stream and you are feeling it. Most people answer this problem with more toxins, like an aspirin or antidepressant. That does not work; it makes you worse over time.

The science is strong and growing in scope. The Environmental Working Group found evidence of 287 chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of 10 infants. The US Geological Survey measured Organic waste Water Contaminants in 139 streams in 30 of our 50 states. 80% of the streams had measurable “owc’s” including cholesterol drugs, insect repellents, triclosan (an anti-microbial), fire retardants and detergent. 80,000 tons of carcinogens are released into the air annually in North America; there are 2100 chemicals in most municipal water supplies and over 50,000 chemicals in commercial use. The toxic metal cadmium in the air over 28 cities is connected to higher levels of vascular diseases for residents in those cities. NYU School of Medicine researchers established a causal link between air pollution and arteriosclerosis in 2005. The Environmental Health Perspectives Journal cited toxins such as PCB’s, dioxin and pesticides increase arteriosclerosis and fat in artery walls. We could go on and on. The body of scientific knowledge of the health problems cause by contaminants grows monthly.

As you age it starts to become apparent that you are harboring more toxins as you can experience a lasting fatigue, or if a user in the past you crave drugs, while developing symptoms that stick around. Symptoms arising from toxic metals like mercury, arsenic, cadmium and other others, as well as pesticides, herbicides, food additives like msg and aspartame and the toxins from medical and street drugs accumulate and overwhelm your liver and other organs or simply give you symptoms that do not go away.

Taking antioxidants helps in the detoxification pathways and prevents some toxins from harming your body. Utilizing various detoxification protocols like colonics and digestive detoxification methods helps to some extent but fail to reach the toxins stored in adipose tissue and the myelin sheath around the nerves of the body. What releases the toxins from deep fat stores throughout the body? We know of no other effective program to do so other than chelation therapy for heavy metal detoxification and the Hubbard method of sauna detoxification of the hundreds of other chemicals and poisons and mercury in your body stores.

With the daily use of nutrients and niacin, mild exercise and dry heat sauna you can reduce the levels of toxins in your body to the point where you feel a resurgence in well being, energy and mental clarity you desire. The complete program protocol can be found in the book by Hubbard, Clear Body Clear Mind. Followed precisely this program is profound in its benefits.

Chelation therapy can be used as a preventive program to clean up the ravages of daily living with a maintenance program of a treatment every month. Taking high quality nutrients and eating clean, organic foods, avoiding the chemicals in manufactured foods, goes a long way in preventing the build up toxins in your body. Avoiding sources of contamination is key to healthy aging and keeping ones wits.