
Taking apart psychiatry: fraud-kings of the mind

Please make the time to read this article of Jon’s.  It is essential information for navigating health issues.  PLEASE READ THIS!!!
Taking apart psychiatry: fraud-kings of the mind Exploding the myth of “good science” by Jon Rappoport February 29, 2016 (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click …

Source: Taking apart psychiatry: fraud-kings of the mind

The Only Real Defense in Health Care

Stay healthy or work on regaining and maintaining good health and you will avoid all the mishaps and changes in “health care”.  Dr. Maulfair refers to the present system as disease care.  It is.  You have to have a disease to be admitted into the ranks of the cared for.  Common medical preventive measures prevent nothing, they detect problems.
Prevention is something you do.  You avoid toxins, you eat organic, clean food, you avail yourself of measures to avoid pharmaceuticals.  More importantly you find out how your body works, you exert some effort in understanding the ailments you have so you can differentiate good care from bad.  When your education is complete you help other people find out what to do about their situations.

Dr. Maulfair has started a podcast to educate those who listen about many aspects of medical care and the new paradigm in healing.  We still have the same old problem of this field not naming itself in a way that takes the confusion out of the noise in medicine you hear every day.  Alternative, Complementary, Functional, Anti-Aging, Intregrative,  Holistic or rather Wholistic since nothing is missing…oh, wait a minute; maybe the originators were thinking of filling the “hole” in normal medical care.  Who knows.

Certainly you hunger for a place to go where people listen, where underlying causes are searched for before the latest drug is offered.  How on earth does a pain killer for migraines headaches heal?...it does not…it dulls the pain and dulls you until the headache passes.  The question is why do have them?  Please start to help yourself and ask why.  Encourage your doctors to wonder why and if they refuse then find someone who will.

Listen to Dr. Maulfair’s podcasts and come to our workshops if you are within driving distance or just read the articles on our website, it is a start.





Heart Disease? Diabetes? The Broad Benefits of Chelation Therapy

One of our patients reported these findings:
In 2001 I had a catheter test at Reading Hospital and was found to have 3 blocked arteries. One 50%, one 70%, and one 80% blocked.

In 2012 this test was repeated and all my arteries were found to be clear-NO BLOCKAGES! I have been doing chelation therapy for the past several years and it appears to have been very successful. Thanks you Dr. Maulfair!! J.G.

(J.G. has been doing chelation since 2006 at the rate of one treatment per month for 70 treatments TO ACHIEVE THAT RESULT… IT IS WORTH IT.)

Intravenous Chelation Therapy is a wonderfully effective, safe, comprehensive program that can benefit people with chronic degenerative diseases. People with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, unhealing wounds, lack of energy and problems of aging can experience a resurgence of energy and life quality. This program is not new. It has been studied and offered to patients by many progressive physicians to hundreds of thousands of thankful people world wide for over 60 years. Patients who receive chelation therapy experience their quality of life improve first hand. Our patients report being able to walk without the use of their past aids, improved sleep, increased energy, improved sense of well being and many people return to work and previous sports as their illness abates. Their cardiologists notice the improvements.

Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy Recently Completed by the NIH.

It makes our day that we are no longer alone in these observations; the United States government via the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a study on chelation therapy. The study called TACT, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, started in 2003. The results were just announced at the American Heart Association’s meeting November 4, 2012. The results were positive.

People in this trial who received Chelation Therapy had decreased hospitalizations for angina, compared to the control group. There were fewer deaths from heart attacks and strokes for the patients receiving chelation therapy. The chelation patients also needed less bypass surgeries and angioplasties; the findings were especially positive for patients who also suffered from diabetes. Chelation Therapy reduced cardiac events by 18% and by 39% for diabetic patients. The total reduction in cardiac events was statistically significant. Physicians conducting the study included university cardiologists and experienced chelation physicians.
Keep in mind all study participants had a previous heart attack before beginning the trial, 83% had either bypass surgeries, angioplasty with or without stents. The majority of participants had high blood pressure and 73% had been prescribed cholesterol lowering statin drugs. One thousand seven hundred people participated in the study. An additional finding was the unquestionable safety of Chelation Therapy.

If this therapy is so effective in reversing the disease process can you imagine how helpful it might be to utilize it as a preventive before you have serious symptoms? We keep people healthy with this therapy.

For more information and background on the development of chelation therapy please check out Dr. Maulfair’s articles on our website .  Check out this article on newsmax maxlife

Reduce Stress...this is an article we give our patients.

Reduce Stress
In these turbulent times we want to invite you to do all you can to improve a good night’s sleep, insure you have a strong immune system, are feeling well enough to exercise and know that the quality of the food you eat has everything to do with your health and happiness.

YOU NEED EVEN MORE… you need the knowledge that our medical center stands at the top of the heap with regards outcomes and results. We help the toughest cases and those who know how to avoid developing health problems in the first place. We are sending you this notice to summarize the benefits we offer. Our first recommendation to you is to avoid pharmaceutical drugs of all kinds. If you must use them use them the way we do: use the smallest amount for the shortest period of time.

Infusion therapy is offered in our center because most people have poor digestion and do not eat foods that are healthful. While we educate you on proper dietary choices we offer treatments that deliver nutrients needed to fight disease and prevent problems in the form of intravenous treatments. WHY? you ask. Results. Delivered directly into your blood stream a trouble free intravenous treatment (IV for short) is supervised by our talented nurses while you read or sleep or work on your computer or watch you personal DVDs. Nutrients and other infusions speed recovery to normal function and help prevent symptoms of all kinds from developing to begin with.

If you have cancer and are undergoing treatment we support you with nutrient IVs and also high dose vitamin C. Well tolerated, high dose vitamin C is given in amounts you could not take by mouth. No need to be digested it is immediately available to your body for nutrition but also to combat cancer directly. Cancer Centers of America are doing an IRB on high dose vitamin C in their Chicago facility. We have been offering this treatment to our patients for years. Although we do not treat cancer directly we support your immune system and help you fight that much harder. People report fewer side effects from chemotherapy when combining the use of both philosophies of medicine.

Vitamin C intravenous treatments also fight viruses and used pre and post surgery enhance the healing process. St. Agnes Burn Center uses IV vitamin C for this very reason to help burn victims, it speeds healing and helps prevent infection. People with influenza, mononucleosis, upper respiratory infections, Lyme disease and liver disease all benefit under our care. You can also use these infusions to remain healthy during high flu outbreak months.

If you suffer from migraines, muscle spasms, asthma, heart rate irregularity, angina, menstrual cramping, constipation, Raynaud’s syndrome, esophageal spasm, back muscle spasm and intestinal spasm, you will benefit by infusions of magnesium. The health giving properties are abounding in the medical literature and you will find many reasons to use magnesium as you research its uses. Low energy, fatigue, weakness, inability to sleep, anxiousness, nervousness, irritability are also improved with mega doses of magnesium. You could not take the amount in an IV by mouth as you would get diarrhea due to the muscle relaxant properties of magnesium.

Glutathione is essential for normal liver function. It is minimally absorbed when taken orally but when you give infusions of glutathione it supports liver function. If you are a past drug abuser or medical drug over user this is a very important treatment to help your liver function better. People with cancer typically have stressed liver function and benefit from this treatment. A series of infusions of glutathione can be used in conjunction with vitamin C. There is evidence mounting that people with severe drug reactions to fluoroquinolone antibiotics benefit a great deal by the use of glutathione.

The king of the hill remains chelation therapy. It has recently enjoyed demonstrated benefits for diabetic patients and heart and circulatory problems in the NIH national study which clearly show its benefits. The study cited its safety and efficacy. The main study investigator was a skeptic and now he is heading up the effort to do a chelation study for wound healing. Chelation therapy helps the body heal and prevents circulatory problems. Inflammation lies at the bottom of most symptoms of aging, inflammation caused by heavy metals picked up and stored in the body disrupting normal function. We have tons of clinical evidence of the benefits of chelation therapy. We have scientific studies, pre and post treatment, of our patients that clearly shows the benefits and healing properties of chelation. Without a doubt the benefits are known by medical scientists as a whole, but the business interests of big pharma and big medicine will not give way without calling every doctor using alternative complementary medical treatments a quack. So be it… if it gets the results, if it changes and reverses circulatory problems, as documented by diagnostics commonly used, then it must be EFFECTIVE AND HEALTHFUL!! We have reversed circulatory problems due to diabetes that could have resulted in amputations, we have successfully treated wounds that were slow to heal, heart problems and we have helped thousands of people slow the aging process and enjoy their active lives.

Billions of dollars spent on invasive procedures could be saved if the public was able to avail themselves of chelation therapy and other IV therapy for prevention and treatment of existing disease processes. You do not change or stop the disease when you have a bypass surgery, the disease process continues. Spend some time in our reception area and read the hundreds of benefits people have experienced in our center. Patients themselves are the best testimony to health restored.

Come to our seminars and we will help you understand why so many ignore the flack and come to us. In the meantime call and we will send you materials amplifying our discussion; better yet, go to our website and watch the video. Check out our links and research for yourself all the benefits of our medical center. We are always here to give you a tour, call and come by. Check out icimed.com to find a doctor near you.
Dr Conrad Maulfair, Osteopathic Physician