Dr Maulfair is a medical detective getting to the bottom of patients' health problems. We firmly believe you are responsible for your health — good or ill — and that doctors should be used as consultants to help clarify your options. You deserve second opinions and should readily seek them when faced with serious conditions. We offer real preventive and restorative medical care and wellness programs.
Every moment of your life your body is trying to remain healthy and balanced. It desires homeostasis. So why aren't you feeling great? Why aren't you full of energy? That is what you need to find out. We use diagnostic tools to find the real causes of your ailments, and in turn, help you address them. We do prescribe drugs — only when necessary — and for very short periods of time. Avoiding overuse of drugs, we help your body return to normal function with treatments that support your body's natural efforts to be healthy.
We understand toxic influences that block your health, including heavy metal toxicity. We understand digestion and dysbiosis. We understand minerals, vitamins, and body basics. We know every prescription drug is considered by the body to be toxic to some degree and often damaging. You can avoid adverse drug reactions in our center. Don't settle for the same old answers of drugs and surgery. Give yourself a chance to heal. Whether you refer to this as alternative, complementary, or integrative medicine — you will receive help from licensed professionals — who get real results.