alternative medicine

Alternative, Integrative, Holistic, Complementary vs Orthodox Medicine: History Repeats

Webster defines orthodox as “adhering to what is commonly accepted, customary, or traditional.” Today, 36 U.S. teaching hospitals are pushing the orthodox envelope to blend complimentary medicine with traditional care. No longer treated like unwanted relatives, this is the largest growing area of medicine. Hundreds of thousands of scientific studies are published annually, with millions of people receiving such treatments for back and neck pain, common colds, anxiety, depression and even cancer.

Therapies are termed Complementary when used in addition to “conventional” treatments and Alternative when used instead of “conventional” treatment. If that isn’t sufficiently unclear, either category may include nutritional, holistic, naturopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal and other forms of medicine. Commonly labeled “unconventional” or “unorthodox” by the conservative mainstream, are these approaches valid?

“Instead of wholesome foods and natural supplements, we have only drug studies paid for by the drug companies. Big pharma spends tens of thousands of dollars per doctor and $1.8 billion on public advertising to ensure their market is maintained.” answers Conrad Maulfair, DO at a recent Integrated Medicine conference. “Opinion and economic interests have fashioned what is considered acceptable medical practice.”

And so history repeats. Consider Claudius Galen, a Greek doctor who lived in the second century AD, Galen spent his lifetime in observation of the human body and its functioning. He performed extensive research and dissections to better understand the functions of the body. After he died, serious anatomical and physiological research ground to a halt. Orthodox medicine believed that everything there was to be said on the subject had been said. Although very enlightened for his time, Galen made certain serious mistakes – mistaken ideas which medical experts upheld centuries.

For nearly 1400 years, orthodox medical experts followed Galen’s teachings that “the tides of the blood” sloshed back and forth through the body, passing through the heart, where it was mixed with air, by pores in the septum. The lungs were responsible for moving the blood around the body. In 1628 William Harvey, an English doctor and researcher, published his findings that the heart, not the lungs, circulated the blood through a closed system of veins and arteries. His research notes first show this finding as early as 1615. Although a respected member of the Royal Medical Academy, Harvey waited 13 years, until 1628, to publish his findings. He closes his findings with the statement “Farewell, most worthy Doctors, and think kindly of your Anatomist.” His findings were never accepted during his lifetime, rather he was broadly attacked.

Why on Earth did the Galenic model last almost 1,400 years? It was obviously baseless. Many anatomists, including the great Leonardo da Vinci, Andreas Vesalius a respected Belgian anatomist, and others had failed to find holes in the intraventricular septum for well over 200 years before Harvey. In fact, it seems certain that these were never even found by Galen; these “anomalies,” however, did not seem to trouble the faithful! No one dared challenge popular opinion.

One important school of thought has withstood centuries of research. Considered the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates of Cos II made lasting contributions. The Hippocratic school held that all illness was the result of an imbalance in the body. When the four humours, blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm, were not in balance, a person would become sick and remain that way until the balance was somehow restored. Hippocrates or his students hold the earliest recorded use of vitamin C (citrus) to address the common cold.

Today, an integrated, holistic approach to healing recognizes that the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical elements of each person comprise a system. Working with this systems approach, Dr. Maulfair treats the cause of an illness rather than just the symptoms. Services at Maulfair Medical Center focus on integrating complimentary and alternative medical approaches, rather than drug-oriented medicine with its emphasis on pharmaceutical drugs. Clients of Maulfair Medical Center’s comprehensive programs regain their quality of life by restoring their health balance.

Conrad G Maulfair Jr, DO

Diagnostic Tools for Clinical Practice Lead to Real Results in Effective Treatments.

Dr. Conrad G. Maulfair, Osteopathic Physician

Effective medical care includes looking for and finding the causes of someone’s symptoms. If a physician only offers to medicate symptoms you never find the causes of health problems and the real problems continue as the need for additional medication increases. An example, you have probably noticed, is people on blood pressure medications need more medication over time as the pressure marches upward because the underlying cause has not been addressed. When the cause of chronic problems is not addressed you seldom find a lasting improvement in health.

The heavy metal lead is associated with increase in blood pressure, to continue with this example, if you have high blood pressure you should have your lead levels in hair and red blood cells tested. Contact our office for a copy of a study synopsis from the Journal of the American Medical Association entitled “Blood Lead, Blood Pressure, and Hypertension in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women.” Conclusions include blood lead levels positively associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and risks of both systolic and diastolic hypertension among women aged 40-59 years. There is much more in this article so call us for the complete report.

Simple diagnostic procedures can demonstrate toxins such as pesticides reside in human fat tissue. The presence of fat stored toxins rob a person’s vitality and can seriously interfere with healthy aging. As an example, pesticides are directly correlated with the development of breast cancer. The EPA has long studied the prevalence of xenobiotics in the bodies of American public: they found residues of tens of toxins in all tissue samples taken across the country. Pharmaceutical drugs, street drugs and radiation are also stored in the body; in the case of drugs this is the reason past drug users still crave drugs and sometimes return to drug use.

Health conscious people recognize the interference and interruption of normal function fat stored toxins create. These toxins accelerate the aging process with all the pitfalls of developing chronic health problems.
In the case of heavy metal toxicity chelation therapy could be utilized to lower the levels of these toxins in your body. When they are removed the reasons for health problems diminish and you are healthier, hundreds of our patients have experienced the benefits of increased energy and less heart disease, lower blood pressure and improved arthritis. Diabetics often lower the levels of insulin they use, some can eliminate it,

Patients in our practice have an opportunity to address these problems with our rejuvenation programs which detoxify the body. The most effective program to eliminate fat stored toxins, such as pharmaceutical drugs, street drugs, pesticides, herbicides and environmental toxins is the sauna detoxification program described in a popular text on the subject titled “Clear Body Clear Mind”, by L. Ron Hubbard. We have this text for sale in our office or you can order it by going to our website links for or purchase it through any bookstore.

This program is the program you may have heard is responsible for restoring the health of the rescue workers of 9-11. These contemporary heroes suffered much in the months following their service at Ground Zero. So toxic they couldn’t work and having to retire at young ages these men and women have been regaining their health through Mr. Hubbard’s program. We offer this identical program in our medical center in Orefield. Tours and informational consultations can be arranged by calling 610-682-2104. We also give ongoing health education seminars, call to reserve your seat.

© All rights reserved Maulfair Medical Center

Reduce Stress...this is an article we give our patients.

Reduce Stress
In these turbulent times we want to invite you to do all you can to improve a good night’s sleep, insure you have a strong immune system, are feeling well enough to exercise and know that the quality of the food you eat has everything to do with your health and happiness.

YOU NEED EVEN MORE… you need the knowledge that our medical center stands at the top of the heap with regards outcomes and results. We help the toughest cases and those who know how to avoid developing health problems in the first place. We are sending you this notice to summarize the benefits we offer. Our first recommendation to you is to avoid pharmaceutical drugs of all kinds. If you must use them use them the way we do: use the smallest amount for the shortest period of time.

Infusion therapy is offered in our center because most people have poor digestion and do not eat foods that are healthful. While we educate you on proper dietary choices we offer treatments that deliver nutrients needed to fight disease and prevent problems in the form of intravenous treatments. WHY? you ask. Results. Delivered directly into your blood stream a trouble free intravenous treatment (IV for short) is supervised by our talented nurses while you read or sleep or work on your computer or watch you personal DVDs. Nutrients and other infusions speed recovery to normal function and help prevent symptoms of all kinds from developing to begin with.

If you have cancer and are undergoing treatment we support you with nutrient IVs and also high dose vitamin C. Well tolerated, high dose vitamin C is given in amounts you could not take by mouth. No need to be digested it is immediately available to your body for nutrition but also to combat cancer directly. Cancer Centers of America are doing an IRB on high dose vitamin C in their Chicago facility. We have been offering this treatment to our patients for years. Although we do not treat cancer directly we support your immune system and help you fight that much harder. People report fewer side effects from chemotherapy when combining the use of both philosophies of medicine.

Vitamin C intravenous treatments also fight viruses and used pre and post surgery enhance the healing process. St. Agnes Burn Center uses IV vitamin C for this very reason to help burn victims, it speeds healing and helps prevent infection. People with influenza, mononucleosis, upper respiratory infections, Lyme disease and liver disease all benefit under our care. You can also use these infusions to remain healthy during high flu outbreak months.

If you suffer from migraines, muscle spasms, asthma, heart rate irregularity, angina, menstrual cramping, constipation, Raynaud’s syndrome, esophageal spasm, back muscle spasm and intestinal spasm, you will benefit by infusions of magnesium. The health giving properties are abounding in the medical literature and you will find many reasons to use magnesium as you research its uses. Low energy, fatigue, weakness, inability to sleep, anxiousness, nervousness, irritability are also improved with mega doses of magnesium. You could not take the amount in an IV by mouth as you would get diarrhea due to the muscle relaxant properties of magnesium.

Glutathione is essential for normal liver function. It is minimally absorbed when taken orally but when you give infusions of glutathione it supports liver function. If you are a past drug abuser or medical drug over user this is a very important treatment to help your liver function better. People with cancer typically have stressed liver function and benefit from this treatment. A series of infusions of glutathione can be used in conjunction with vitamin C. There is evidence mounting that people with severe drug reactions to fluoroquinolone antibiotics benefit a great deal by the use of glutathione.

The king of the hill remains chelation therapy. It has recently enjoyed demonstrated benefits for diabetic patients and heart and circulatory problems in the NIH national study which clearly show its benefits. The study cited its safety and efficacy. The main study investigator was a skeptic and now he is heading up the effort to do a chelation study for wound healing. Chelation therapy helps the body heal and prevents circulatory problems. Inflammation lies at the bottom of most symptoms of aging, inflammation caused by heavy metals picked up and stored in the body disrupting normal function. We have tons of clinical evidence of the benefits of chelation therapy. We have scientific studies, pre and post treatment, of our patients that clearly shows the benefits and healing properties of chelation. Without a doubt the benefits are known by medical scientists as a whole, but the business interests of big pharma and big medicine will not give way without calling every doctor using alternative complementary medical treatments a quack. So be it… if it gets the results, if it changes and reverses circulatory problems, as documented by diagnostics commonly used, then it must be EFFECTIVE AND HEALTHFUL!! We have reversed circulatory problems due to diabetes that could have resulted in amputations, we have successfully treated wounds that were slow to heal, heart problems and we have helped thousands of people slow the aging process and enjoy their active lives.

Billions of dollars spent on invasive procedures could be saved if the public was able to avail themselves of chelation therapy and other IV therapy for prevention and treatment of existing disease processes. You do not change or stop the disease when you have a bypass surgery, the disease process continues. Spend some time in our reception area and read the hundreds of benefits people have experienced in our center. Patients themselves are the best testimony to health restored.

Come to our seminars and we will help you understand why so many ignore the flack and come to us. In the meantime call and we will send you materials amplifying our discussion; better yet, go to our website and watch the video. Check out our links and research for yourself all the benefits of our medical center. We are always here to give you a tour, call and come by. Check out to find a doctor near you.
Dr Conrad Maulfair, Osteopathic Physician

Veterans, Construction Workers, Past Drug Users, People with Chronic Health Problems All Benefit

When you look for underlying reasons for health problems and symptoms you find toxins in one form or another at the base of the mountain.
Changing your diet, detoxifying with a number of common methods can do wonders for your health and well-being. Some people, however, find they cannot get lasting results with self-care and these are the people who need the help of a program of thorough detoxification.

Toxins are stored in adipose tissue throughout the body. That’s right, fat tissue. The body chooses fat tissue because it has a low blood supply, so storing toxins in fat means they may stay out of circulation in the blood stream for some time; until the time you are exercising or missing a meal and your body burns “that” fat tissue for energy. The only thing you notice is you feel like you are drugged or spacey or just plain ill; developing a headache for no reason you can put your finger on. The reason is within you, your body just released from fat storage a bit of toxins into your blood stream and you are feeling it. Most people answer this problem with more toxins, like an aspirin or antidepressant. That does not work; it makes you worse over time.

The science is strong and growing in scope. The Environmental Working Group found evidence of 287 chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of 10 infants. The US Geological Survey measured Organic waste Water Contaminants in 139 streams in 30 of our 50 states. 80% of the streams had measurable “owc’s” including cholesterol drugs, insect repellents, triclosan (an anti-microbial), fire retardants and detergent. 80,000 tons of carcinogens are released into the air annually in North America; there are 2100 chemicals in most municipal water supplies and over 50,000 chemicals in commercial use. The toxic metal cadmium in the air over 28 cities is connected to higher levels of vascular diseases for residents in those cities. NYU School of Medicine researchers established a causal link between air pollution and arteriosclerosis in 2005. The Environmental Health Perspectives Journal cited toxins such as PCB’s, dioxin and pesticides increase arteriosclerosis and fat in artery walls. We could go on and on. The body of scientific knowledge of the health problems cause by contaminants grows monthly.

As you age it starts to become apparent that you are harboring more toxins as you can experience a lasting fatigue, or if a user in the past you crave drugs, while developing symptoms that stick around. Symptoms arising from toxic metals like mercury, arsenic, cadmium and other others, as well as pesticides, herbicides, food additives like msg and aspartame and the toxins from medical and street drugs accumulate and overwhelm your liver and other organs or simply give you symptoms that do not go away.

Taking antioxidants helps in the detoxification pathways and prevents some toxins from harming your body. Utilizing various detoxification protocols like colonics and digestive detoxification methods helps to some extent but fail to reach the toxins stored in adipose tissue and the myelin sheath around the nerves of the body. What releases the toxins from deep fat stores throughout the body? We know of no other effective program to do so other than chelation therapy for heavy metal detoxification and the Hubbard method of sauna detoxification of the hundreds of other chemicals and poisons and mercury in your body stores.

With the daily use of nutrients and niacin, mild exercise and dry heat sauna you can reduce the levels of toxins in your body to the point where you feel a resurgence in well being, energy and mental clarity you desire. The complete program protocol can be found in the book by Hubbard, Clear Body Clear Mind. Followed precisely this program is profound in its benefits.

Chelation therapy can be used as a preventive program to clean up the ravages of daily living with a maintenance program of a treatment every month. Taking high quality nutrients and eating clean, organic foods, avoiding the chemicals in manufactured foods, goes a long way in preventing the build up toxins in your body. Avoiding sources of contamination is key to healthy aging and keeping ones wits.