Prescription Drugs

How Are You Feeling About Health Care Reform??

It will be sometime before we know how any legislation on health care will turn out.  Both bills going to conference set up intermediaries between the patients and doctors.  So now you will have the insurance company AND the federal government commissions.  Can you imagine how that might go- millions of people needing decisions every minute of the day.
The solution to this is a concerted effort on the part of every individual to learn as much as they can about staying healthy or returning to good health and maintaining it.  You need to stay away from the use standard medical help as much as you can.  We have people in hospitals and on boards telling us the changes have already been instituted in many ways without the new bill.  Ask the ill elderly people around you and you may find the care they should have is not available or not offered to them.

Staying healthy is the way to go.  Check out our website and read the articles we post for some ideas on improving your immune system and you will find some of the treatment programs we offer for wellness, and to reverse health problems, described.  We reverse heart disease, diabetes, arthritis to mention a few.  We help people with chronic conditions.

Our New Year’s wish for you is not a wish, it is a postulate and a prayer for your good health.   We are going to need every shoulder at the wheel to preserve our “free” society.  Every person needs to be in tip-top shape to confront and handle the problems coming down the road.

Dr. Maulfair on Aging

Dreams and goals are unattainable if you are ill. Have you noticed your interest in your personal activities actually increases in your forties and fifties? All of sudden you start thinking about the things you have put off. If you are taking care of aging parents they bring home to you the message of the importance of health.
Health and energy are the foundation for a happy life and you need to pay attention to ways in which they are robbed from you before you realize it. Aging starts earlier than people recognize. You can have the beginnings of heart disease in your twenties and as it slowly progresses over the course of your life you “naturally” have less energy, feel slightly ill all the time and enjoy your life less as you are approaching the problems in life with less enthusiasm. Some of joy of life leaves because you sleep poorly, you have less energy so you do less and you find yourself thinking you are not going to make a difference anyway. The quality of your life degenerates and many people accept this as a normal part of growing old.

I disagree. Years of helping people regain their vitality gives me the certainty that many, many people can be helped and their energy can be restored and so their contribution to life around them. Active, healthy people benefit society and we all gain something when one of us is doing well in the last decades of our lives.

The contamination of the human body is ignored in the practice of mainstream, corporate medicine. In fact, the treatments involve in standard care increase the level of chemicals in the body instead of reducing them. Any drug, even helpful drugs of which there are few, give your body a new problem. Not only is it still suffering from some underlying cause of your symptoms it is now burdened with decontaminating this chemical and trying to eliminate it without causing tissue damage. Can’t be done. Once you swallow something you commit your body to doing something about it. Notice the warning of liver damage in most drug commercials on television; go to your pharmacy and get the side effects of drugs you take for various ailments. AND...we have not yet addressed the environmental chemicals you pick up from the food and water you drink and the air you breathe.

Little know facts I want my patients to know include the scientific fact that tiny amounts of lead in your body drive up blood pressure. When your doctor determines you have high blood pressure does he/she ever mention you should be checked for lead levels and if present you should have a course of intravenous chelation therapy to reduce the body burden of lead? Does he/she mention that intravenous chelation therapy is approved by the the FDA for heavy metal toxicity? No? Well, why not?

If you are tired all the time and yet cannot sleep are your hormone and thyroid levels checked? No? Well it is time to find out what else you could be doing to help yourself. Find a physician who can help you without pharmaceuticals. Try Susanne Somers is doing a great job of describing the vast array of medical choices you actually have.

Healthy aging is possible. Give us a call and we will help any way we can. 800-733-4065  Oh..Have a delicious organic Thanksgiving!

Dr. Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr.

Osteopathic Physician

Confused? What is Alternative Complementary Medicine?

There is a great confusion on the nature of Alternative, Complementary Medicine - actually missing information and false information.  Health care plans, hospitals, counselors and other health providers are providing half the story.  A recent PBS show took up this topic and highlighted yoga, vegetarian diets, nutritional counseling, Reiki and other good things to do.  None of these treatments compete with what the hospital is already doing.  The one glaring thing that was missing from this show was diagnostic and therapeutic modalities that directly compete with common everyday mainstream medicine.   Hospitals offer yoga, acupuncture, Reiki, exercise and nutritional programs,  mind-body medicine and not one of them directly competes or supplants what standard medicine has to offer.  They complement existing drug and surgical care.  They are extremely helpful for many people and we support their use  but the patient is not given all the information and help they could be. That is one half the story.
The attempt to bury, or to forget to mention, all the other treatments available that are direct competition for the usual, leave the public with missing data and the idea that you have accept certain diets, and ways of thinking in a “counseling” or coaching relationship.  It is hard for conservative people who do not want that kind of interference in their life styles.  They want an ALTERNATIVE TO THE USUAL DRUGS AND SURGERY.  They also want to PREVENT bad health outcomes.

There are hundreds of doctors across this country and the world who offer the real thing.  They are medical doctors who think outside the box ; they recognize the body’s ability to heal itself and they offer MEDICAL CARE delivered by themselves and nurses.  Homeopathic medicine is an alternative to drug therapy, chelation therapy is an alternative to drugs and surgery, infusion therapy of various types provides nutrients and other constituents the body is lacking and needs, chiropractic care is an alternative, taking nutrients properly both orally and intravenously is alternative to drugs, sauna therapy reduces the body burden of toxins and drugs making us vulnerable to being sick.  There are cancer treatments apart from chemotherapy and radiation.  These and much more restore normal function and heal.  They are suppressed, misrepresented, and generally not widely known.

Here is a nasty example of how all this works.  There is a widely accepted treatment called External Counter Pulsation.  This is a physical treatment approved by the FDA and reimbursed through medicare but only for one type of heart disease.  It is a treatment you do with a technical person where blood pressure like cuffs are placed around your calves, thighs and hips and you have electrodes on your heart that monitor your heart beat.  Inbetween heart beats the cuffs gently squeeze your legs forcing the blood quickly into the tiny capillaries in your heart that are not in use, it increases blood flow to the heart.  Got the picture?   Well, to avail yourself of this treatment in most clinics, you must be so ill that you cannot withstand another surgery.  That’s right, instead of using it BEFORE someone is really in trouble they wait to use it until you have had and paid for all the surgery you can take.  Guess what!  It works, people get better and regain their energy and improve their heart function even when they had been gravely ill.  Imagine what a wonderful thing to do to prevent heart problems in the first place.  There are tiny capillaries in your heart that are not in use and this encourages their growth.  Hint, did you know your body grows its own blood vessels around blockages if left alone?  It is called collateral circulation.   This treatment is not offered to people before they are in real trouble except in clinics like ours.  It is used in California for athletes to improve proformance.

The most important aspect of health care reform legislation, with all the talk and gnashing of teeth currently, misses the most important points for you and your family.  There is more available to you than you have found out about.  It is fought and suppressed so you stay in the system.  Contact our website and use our links to find doctors, or contact,, or

Anti-aging medical care.

Anti-aging medicine is so much more than cosmetic procedures.  I venture to say many of us would not turn to cosmetic surgery to turn back the clock but would like to do something to regain our energy or return to good health or not slide toward death so fast! 
Beauty and energy and wellness come from within and if the internal needs of the body are not addressed it does not matter what cosmetic path you take, you will not be satisfied.  Many of us realize we are responsible for our own health outcomes as long as we are not harmed by bad advice.  For the next brief months we are still free to take or not the advice of physicians who care for us and we need to encourage others to think for themselves and do a bit of research when told to take pharmaceutical drugs as the answer to their health problems.

Because of the access to so many people through our medical practice Dr. Maulfair has heard it all!!  People who come to us are fed up with the lack of interest on the part of some doctors in finding out WHY they suffer from whatever.   Why? should be the biggest question, certainly posed before the take this drug and call me in the morning  lazy answer.  The body does not fail and become ill due to pharmaceutical deficiencies!!  If you have lost your edge with aging perhaps there is something you can do to adjust your lifestyle as part of the solution.

We are very fortunate at this time because we have alternative voices all across this country with research backup educating the public about health.  As baby boomers we remember when whole wheat flour was suggested and became readily available with new ways to unBetty Crocker ourselves.  We ate veggies again, we walked, we reduced chemical exposures and became aware of planetary environmental issues.  So here we are,  60 and 70 and needing good medical advice.  We are not the sheep our parents might have been, we want to know why and we want healthy answers to our difficulties.

Time to speak up to government officials and elected offiicials running amuck and wanting every pregnant mother to get a psyche evaluation through a questionaire administered by her doctor.  Every one looks mentally ill if you buy that line, it is a marketing strategy to sell drugs for depression and whatever else.  Its really sickening.  I am tired of menopause, pregnancy and all the other happenings in life made into illness – they are not.  Real illness is growing old feeling lousy, that is sick.  Lets steer this society away from “mental illness” to real solutions for feeling lousy.  Find a good anti-aging doctor and follow his non-drug treatments and win. 

Remember we were the generation that did change some things for the better-lets do it again.  Lets start talking and doing-in a really big way-for health freedom and healthy happy old age!!  Maybe we need some more marches on Washington, walking is good for us!!!