Health effects of toxins and drugs

Blue Sky and Health "Care"

Here are some things to look forward to in the future and NOW.  You can fly to your favorite destination with a pilot on drugs.  In the effort to remove the stigma of mental health the FAA thinks it is a good idea to agree with the unions and allow pilots on mind altering drugs to fly aircraft with you on board.
The drugs allowed are zoloft, celexa, lexapro, prozac.  The side effects are minor – just things like agitation, Akathisia (severe restlessness), anxiety, bizarre dreams, confusion, delusions, emotional numbing, hallucinations, violent behavior, headache, sexual dysfunction, heart attacks, hostility, hypomania ( abnormal excitement), impotence, insomnia, loss of appetite, mania, memory lapses, nausea, panic attacks, paranoia, psychotic episodes, seizures, suicidal thoughts or behavior.  Fly the friendly skies and you to will be driven to taking these drugs.

Pilots in charge of millions of lives drugged and this is thought to be a good idea.  We must work to destigmatize mental illness!!  At the risk of others death?  Why can’t they drink?  Insane decisions by the advisors to our governmental agencies, again.  There will be more of this if government health care is going to expand to include all of us.

Newsweek just did an article on the placebo effect when taking pills for depression.  Placebo actually are better because there are no side effects.   The article cites the FACT that there is no scientific evidence linking seratonin levels to depression.  A drug used in France is said to be successful and it lowers the levels not raising them.  Junk science.  Please look into this issue and scream bloody murder to the airlines.  Check out and research the drugs for yourself.

You could have a pilot who agrees with using a plane as a weapon under the influence of these drugs.  I wonder what Sulley would say to this.  How much do reaction times affect a pilot?  We spoke recently to a narcotics officer who said the category in traffic citations is “under the influence” and it includes alcohol AND legal AND  illegal drugs.  There are no separate stats kept.  GREAT!  Here we go again, more insane health care issues to contend with.

PBS Health Advice

This is the run of the mill, and now will be the run of the society, medical advice.  I was listening to PBS Philadelphia on my way in to our medical center this morning and caught this discussion of a person with serious cramping.  Charlie horse cramps at night that ruined his sleep and caused him all kinds of related problems.  His toes and legs would cramp.  He described a big toe cramp that pulled his toe at a ninety degree angle one night and on another it curled his toe completely under so when he stepped out of bed in serious pain he then broke his toe as he put his weight on it in that position.
The moderator was sooooo interested.  They continued to explain how he went everywhere and had every test known to medicine and they found nothing out of the ordinary, no real cause determined.   So what was the recommendation?  I will give you a few a minutes to think about that.   Think – what do you suppose??  You will have this recommendation occurring much more often now that we have medical care for EVERYONE!! 

OK…time is up.  He is so happy because he had been put on a medication for seizures and it worked great, no more cramps.  No more cramps but a few more months of that and he will wish for cramps to get rid of the side effects of the drug.  Who knows, he may still get the cramps but he can’t feel them so he does not wake up.  Maybe the drug makes him groggy.

This is crazy.  Why not wonder why?  Why not admit the body builds health from nutrients; could there be a deficiency of magnesium, potassium, calcium or b complex vitamins?  He did say he was told to eat bananas.  If  you have medical tests after enduring some medical problem and nothing shows up, how about the obvious?  You body is missing something it desperately needs.   When you experience a symptom the problem has been happening for sometime.  A symptom is not your body telling you something happened recently it is telling you it can’t take it anymore and it is the end stage of the problem.

A seizure drug for muscle cramps sounds like a recommendation from someone who does not know anything about HEALTH.  They know a great deal about the fact that seizure drugs make it impossible for the body express the symptom of a deficiency known as a cramp.  The cramp is the sign that something is amiss- the body would never have a seizure drug deficiency.

I am telling you this because you need to get wise fast.  Obama care is certain.  Drugs are cheap in comparison to real care and real attention from a doctor and are far easier than changing your lifestyle and taking care of yourself ; eating properly and getting proper nutrition. And, and, and.  I could go on.

Health Care Disarray

We will endure many more months of uncertainty and confusion on the health care front.  As employers decide how the new law will affect them, and doctors decide what they are going to do, we will feel the unsettling aspects of this disorderly and ignorant legislation.  If you are interested in various aspects of  government health care our views are clear in our blog.
We know people have already been turned away from conscientious care in hospitals if they are medicare patients and “old”, “you have lived a good life” is the refrain.  Individual choice and family wishes are neglected.  He who pays says.  It has been true for years that covered drug rehabilitation is not rehabilitation, it is substituting a prescribed drug for a street drug because it is cheaper; it costs more to provide real help!  This and so much more will be routine and you will find treatments reduced to the cheapest, pharmaceuticals.  We will be an inactive, drugged nation in a few years…unless..

The only personal path is to stay healthy so you can escape all these pot holes of “choice” in your own care.  Being as healthy as you can will be the responsible path.  You know, we need to be working until the day we drop  so our taxes can pay for others.  The only way to fight back and escape the apathy that can set in when you lose your freedom is to do what you love and just keep being interested and active.  In the meantime do yourself a favor and study up on paths to excellent health and follow what you find.

For me that means taking my husbands’ advice and exercising more.  He tells me to slow down when I eat “because your stomach does not have teeth!“   A diet high in organic, nutrient dense foods is a must.  What we put in our mouth determines our health and it needs to be well chewed to digest properly.  Avoiding exposures to toxins is smart.  I will increase the frequency of my chelation program so I am continuing to remove the metals causing high blood pressure and more.  So join me in taking good care of yourself and your family and we will avoid visits to the doctor altogether.  If you find you need a doctor, seek out one like my husband who knows how to help you without pharmaceutical drugs.

Health Facts, You Might Have Been Mislead

Health news includes research from the New England Journal of Medicine showing that niacin is more effective in improving cardiovascular disease than expensive drugs that lower cholesterol like Zetia and Vytorin.  Physicians wrote prescriptions of more than 29 million contributing to the worldwide sales of 4.56 billion.  When it comes to profits and money motives you could get a bum steer if you do not know how your body works.
When you have disease or just a few symptoms you know something about the normal function of your body has gone awry.  Here is a definition for you from Stedman’s Medical Dictionary: “cholesterol n. A white crystalline substance found in animal tissues and various foods, normally synthesized by the liver and important as a constituent of cell membranes and a precursor to steroid hormones.  Its level in the bloodstream can influence the pathogenesis of certain conditions, such as the development of atherosclerotic plaque and coronary artery disease.”

If you have attended Dr. Maulfair’s seminar you know the rest of the story with many examples and scientific backing that ONLY when the cholesterol is DAMAGED by free radicals does it become a problem and develop into a disease process.  Cholesterol is a major constituent of the membrane around the billions of cells your body is made up of.  The liver makes cholesterol and you need it.  I am not a scientist but I bet if you take a drug that limits cholesterol your liver will make more to keep up.  Stedman’s also has this definition: ” Cholesterolosis n. A condition marked by the abnormal deposition of cholesterol, as in tissues or blood vessels.“  So lets wonder why cholesterol gets deposited in tissues where it does not belong.  The real question to figure out is what is happening in your body and why.  If you just stop to think for a minute you will discover that all drugs are unnatural and considered by your body to be toxins.  They interrupt normal functions you might actually need.  You need to find out WHY you have a non-optimum condition.

There is no substitute for looking for the reasons, causes of problems.  You know this from living life, when you find the right reason why the solution comes naturally.  If you have a leak in your water pipes you cannot add some substance and fix it you have to find it and repair it.  If you fail to find it you still have the leak, and it will progress and create more problems.  When you find the exact cause you have no more leak.  So take the time to study a bit.  Find seminars given by people in health care and look at who is paying for the meeting.  Follow the money.  Pull out the dictionary and start looking up the words dealing with your condition and you will find the real answers.

You are the guinea pig.  Many people have had serious side effects from limiting cholesterol with drugs.  Muscle weakness, liver problems and some digestive problems have been a direct result of drug usage.  There are more studies, you need to look for them and then get busy improving your health with better dietary choices and antioxidants in the proper amounts. 

Good luck -we wish for you a year of knowledge and independence from drugs!!  We will save some health care dollars too!