organic foods

New Connections for Us...

Our summer has been in the way of updating our posting and letting people know more about our very special patients and activities.  We are always aware of how courageous and brave our friends and patients are when they reach out to change the course of their health and take the bull by the horns and actively seek to help themselves improve their lives.  I have always said that my husband, Conrad is the bravest man I know.   He practices medicine with active research and a willingness to find answers for his patients.  He takes to heart..“first, do no harm.“  He, we, have a lot of fun with our medical center and watching people change their health status.  Our staff is great, life is good.
We joined a new group recently and became part of a lecture series that is so easy to access.  Donna Kasuska,, is a chemical engineer who has taken her vast experience in the direction of helping people understand and change their relationship to chemicals in their lives.  She included us in the WISH Summit series of on Spring Cleaning.  They offer a wonderful series on the influence of chemicals in our lives in the collection of interviews and make them so easy to download and take with you to listen as you can.  Listen while you make an organic meal for  your family!  Donna’s interview link is and my interview is

We hope your summer is full of family and friends and good food, good times.  We visited Harper’s Ferry and saw the film America last week and recommend both to you.  A very good start to month of America’s birthday.


Where Do Toxins Go When They Die?

They don’t, you do.  Most toxins, if they are eliminated from the body, and most are not, find their way into the municipal water treatment plant.  Some metals and pharmaceutical drugs are not able to be removed with normal processes so they may be incinerated and/or they wind up on the family farm in form of sludge.  Plants uptake the toxins while they grow and you eat the crops, or the animals that ate the crops, and there you are again.  Processing toxins.
Your body is able to eliminate some toxins but if you have an impaired liver you will not do a good job of it.  If  you are eating poorly and in a toxic work place you may harbor an overload of toxins your body cannot eliminate;  they will be stored in your fat tissue.  Adipose tissue has a very poor blood supply so the body in its wisdom disposes of toxins by directing their storage in fat tissue.  The storage of toxins in fats includes storage in the myelin sheath surrounding your nerves.  This very well may explain the problems of m.s..  When stored in fat tissue they are relatively out of the way, not circulating the blood stream, until you miss a meal, exercise, or for any reason burn the fat the toxin is stored in.  When that happens the toxin recirculates in the blood stream, causing new problems and is again directed into fat storage by the body’s safety mechanisms.

Best understood when you talk about drugs like LSD.  People may experiment with LSD a few times in college and then leave those days behind.  Ten years later they are jogging down their street after work for exercise and they burn fat tissue for energy that is storing molecules of LSD from ten years ago.  They experience a “flashback”.  This is not a mental phenomenon but rather the physical occurence of the drug being re-released into the blood stream and causing a brand new hallucination.

This recirculation can happen with all toxins stored in adipose tissue.  You can develop symptoms that are only the result of this physical process and see a doctor for a symptom and guess what?!  The doctor gives you another toxin in the form of a prescription and there you go again.  Can you imagine what you might feel like if you start to experience an anesthesia coming out of fat storage?  Think of all the medical drugs, alcohol, street drugs, pain killers, deadening agents, solvents, cleaning fluids, food additives, preservatives, heavy metals like mercury, cadmium in the air we breathe …... it goes on and on.  Think of how those things made you feel, you will feel like that again, same woosyness, same headache, same lack of ambition, same lack of energy.

So it does matter … your diet, your nutrient supplements, your medical habits, your exercise, clean air and water, your view of farm fields… it all matters a great deal.  You are remaining healthy because you pay attention to these things or if not, you are slowly losing your edge against symptoms and problems of aging.  If you are in our area, come to our seminars or visit our center for a tour.  We do not ignore the contaminants that may be making you sick.

Maddening Organics

Truth is hard to come by when you are talking business.  News today includes a study of conventional crops and organics having no difference in nutrient value.  On the face of this it is hard to buy.  If you have better soil and you do not trouble the crop with chemicals that linger and you provide microbes needed for plant health and the plants do better in drought conditions and they taste better to amateur foodies, maybe they are better.  This study was done by Standford University doctors and it states there was no funding from an outside source of the study.  It is published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Here is one; we have a study we cite that we like because the author looked at 50 years of  literature comparing the nutrient values of conventional and organic crops.  It was published in 1998 in Alternative Therapies.  That’s right.  The quack rag that has actual unsponsored studies to bring to the doctors who seek this kind of info.  In this case the author is clinical nutritionist who served on the board of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.  There was a trend in the data indicating higher nutrient content in organically grown crops.  The author called for further research.  She did note “Animal studies showed  better growth and reproduction in animals fed organically grown feed compared with those fed conventionally grown feed.”

This attack on organics might come from a relationship with a business interest contrary to good food and organics.  Maybe a chemical company.  Sounds just like the naysayers who always say your food is enough for your health needs and that you do not need additional vitamins and minerals.  You know if you have adequate vitamins and minerals and other important nutrients you do not become ill as readily and it cuts across the sale of drugs and trips to the doctors.  Having a strong immune system is better than a vaccination.

I, for one, am a Mom and us moms know something about food and health.  In our medical center I hear people commenting about the benefits of avoiding junk food and eating whole, organic foods.  They are stronger.  After all, people do know their own mind and should rely on their own experience.  I have serious concerns about chemical contamination but more seriously the effects of genetically engineered crops throughout our food supply.

International College of Integrative Medicine is holding a conference September 21-23 where these issues will be discussed.  Check out Diet and Nutrition: What a Clinician Needs to Know about Nutrient Density, Pesticides and Genetically Engineered Foods- Dr. Andersen was first a soil scientist and agricultural consultant, then a physician. He specializes in nutritional management of crops and advises farmers in “building biology.” His book, Real Medicine, Real Health, draws on his wide-ranging expertise to share a vision of healing based on creating a sound body through solid nutrition and a healthier environment.

I Love It!

Today is Sunday, its time.  On my drive in to run our sauna detoxification program I was in the vicinity of a Mennonite Church in our area.  It is wonderful to pass buggies and bike riders heading to Church with babies on the laps of their mothers as the Dads drive the horse.  Most of horses look cheerful too with their heads high, manes blowing in the breeze they are creating as they dash along looking forward to standing next to their friends in the shed while their people go to the service.  It is a scene that makes you glad to be alive.  Alive in a country where families stick together and work hard and take in the day of rest to be with God and their families and friends. 
The local Mennonite and Amish farms grow without the use of harmful chemicals for the most part creating a community where you can find organic foods grown nearby.  Simple homes with flowers around offering the extra to anyone who stops.  I love it.  There are those who use chemicals and accept sludge for fertilizer but there are more who grow vegetables with consideration for health.  It is wonderful to have the countryside as a view, knowing there are foods close by for the farmers markets and communities.  I love to follow the buggies and watch the feet of horse under the carriage going like made as they climb the hills and tear across the flats on their way somewhere.   It is a great pace, you can actually see the flowers on the roadsides and have more than a glimpse of your countryside.  The closest we get to this is a ride in Conrad’s 1924 Dodge Brothers touring car,  it moves at about the pace of the horses with carriage.

I love it!  The horse, the carriage and the kind people in their pretty dresses and Sunday clothes.  Life is good.