Health effects of toxins and drugs

Stay Healthy and Find Out Your Heavy Metal Toxic Load

In the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2003;289: 1523-1532 the results and conclusions of a study entitled Blood Lead, Blood Pressure, and Hypertension in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women concludes;   “At levels well below the current US occupational exposure limit guidelines (40hg/dL), (note,the h should be upside down) blood lead level is positively associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and risks of both systolic and diastolic hypertension among women aged 40-59 years.  The relationship between blood lead level and systolic and diastolic hypertension is most pronounced in postmenopausal women.  These results provide support for continued efforts to reduce lead levels in the general population, especially women.”
So there you have it, in the general medical journals you will find articles like this.  But ask yourself this:  When you are having your blood pressure checked and it is elevated has anyone ever asked you if you have had testing to determine your body load of toxic metals including lead?   Interesting isn’t it.  This finding is not new nor is it infrequent, lead causes problems and can eventually cause heart disease and problems of aging.  A bit of no brainer.  What do you suppose happens to your health when you are exposed to chemicals and toxic metals?   You get symptoms and you get sick when the levels accumulate over time.

This problem is easy to handle with a preventive program including intravenous chelation therapy.  You can lower the levels of many metals over time with a properly prescribed program including nutrients and a chelation intravenous program.  You can use chelation preventively each month to rid your body of accumulated metals.  Why intravenous treatments?  Because oral chelation is not powerful enough to make a difference and since EDTA the chelating agent is attracted to metal including lead what happens when the water you take the chelating agent with has metal in it or lead?  EDTA attaches to the metal and could be inadvertently absorbed through the intestines and go into the body!  Some of the lead you ingest goes straight through without being absorbed but the chelating agent could carry it into the body!

The reason you do not hear of this widely in medical information is because of  the jealous business of medicine, big pharma, and this; if you handle the CAUSES of high blood pressure and heart disease you will NOT NEED expensive surgery and interventions in the future, you will not need drugs.  If we are healthy we do not buy what is being SOLD to us.

Take some time and do some research and you will find a great therapy in chelation, used for years safely in doctors offices across the world with thousands of great results.  Check out and or check the links on our website where you will find a link to Doctors Data, a lab that tests for heavy metals.

Stay Healthy is the Answer

But how?  First of all realize the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the things you put on your body can make you sick.  Toxins accumulate in the body and disrupt the normal functions of many systems.  Toxins often act in place of hormones.  The effect of toxins or the presence of toxins is a new view of the cause of  symptoms and neglected by most doctors and patients alike.  Finding  ways to investigate the level of toxins in the body is smart health care.
Food is health, food heals and food causes disease.  It is work to find local growers and organic farmers and suppliers near your home but it is essential.  If there is anyone in your family with health difficulties the first thing to do is clean up your diet.  Eat fresh organic, eat fresh anything and everything.  If you made a pact with yourself to eat fresh foods only and you had a weight problem you would lose weight without limiting calories.  The additives in factory foods cause obesity.  Artificial, manufactured foods need to be avoided.  Although many grocery stores offer organic products you may find better local resources in your area.  The idea is to pack as much nutrition into every bite and you will feel so much better!!

Clean water is essential. Do not count on your city water or your well.  You can have a perfectly good well one year and the next have TCE in the water due to environmental contamination.  Make sure you know your water source and you take measures to make it as clean as can be. 

Air is dicey- hard to control.  You can find good air cleaners for you home and office.  It is important. 

Then… there is so much you can find to help you stay healthy in homeopathics, nutrient supplements, and many other self-help practices.  Keep in mind your personal care products are going into your blood stream through your lungs and through your skin.  You need to know ingredients and their effects.  Luckily we have the internet and all the great companies providing organic sources of everything.  Household items, personal care products, baby clothes, hemp fashions, bamboo fashions, baby toys, foods and support groups are all easily available.  The key is to keep it simple and clean.  Avoid chemicals in personal care products and food.

If you ever need something you think we might be able to help with you are welcome to call us anytime, 800-733-4065.  If you are a supplier who wants to talk about ingredients with clients let us know and we will add you to our links so people can find you fast.

How Are You Feeling About Health Care Reform??

It will be sometime before we know how any legislation on health care will turn out.  Both bills going to conference set up intermediaries between the patients and doctors.  So now you will have the insurance company AND the federal government commissions.  Can you imagine how that might go- millions of people needing decisions every minute of the day.
The solution to this is a concerted effort on the part of every individual to learn as much as they can about staying healthy or returning to good health and maintaining it.  You need to stay away from the use standard medical help as much as you can.  We have people in hospitals and on boards telling us the changes have already been instituted in many ways without the new bill.  Ask the ill elderly people around you and you may find the care they should have is not available or not offered to them.

Staying healthy is the way to go.  Check out our website and read the articles we post for some ideas on improving your immune system and you will find some of the treatment programs we offer for wellness, and to reverse health problems, described.  We reverse heart disease, diabetes, arthritis to mention a few.  We help people with chronic conditions.

Our New Year’s wish for you is not a wish, it is a postulate and a prayer for your good health.   We are going to need every shoulder at the wheel to preserve our “free” society.  Every person needs to be in tip-top shape to confront and handle the problems coming down the road.

Dr. Maulfair on Aging

Dreams and goals are unattainable if you are ill. Have you noticed your interest in your personal activities actually increases in your forties and fifties? All of sudden you start thinking about the things you have put off. If you are taking care of aging parents they bring home to you the message of the importance of health.
Health and energy are the foundation for a happy life and you need to pay attention to ways in which they are robbed from you before you realize it. Aging starts earlier than people recognize. You can have the beginnings of heart disease in your twenties and as it slowly progresses over the course of your life you “naturally” have less energy, feel slightly ill all the time and enjoy your life less as you are approaching the problems in life with less enthusiasm. Some of joy of life leaves because you sleep poorly, you have less energy so you do less and you find yourself thinking you are not going to make a difference anyway. The quality of your life degenerates and many people accept this as a normal part of growing old.

I disagree. Years of helping people regain their vitality gives me the certainty that many, many people can be helped and their energy can be restored and so their contribution to life around them. Active, healthy people benefit society and we all gain something when one of us is doing well in the last decades of our lives.

The contamination of the human body is ignored in the practice of mainstream, corporate medicine. In fact, the treatments involve in standard care increase the level of chemicals in the body instead of reducing them. Any drug, even helpful drugs of which there are few, give your body a new problem. Not only is it still suffering from some underlying cause of your symptoms it is now burdened with decontaminating this chemical and trying to eliminate it without causing tissue damage. Can’t be done. Once you swallow something you commit your body to doing something about it. Notice the warning of liver damage in most drug commercials on television; go to your pharmacy and get the side effects of drugs you take for various ailments. AND...we have not yet addressed the environmental chemicals you pick up from the food and water you drink and the air you breathe.

Little know facts I want my patients to know include the scientific fact that tiny amounts of lead in your body drive up blood pressure. When your doctor determines you have high blood pressure does he/she ever mention you should be checked for lead levels and if present you should have a course of intravenous chelation therapy to reduce the body burden of lead? Does he/she mention that intravenous chelation therapy is approved by the the FDA for heavy metal toxicity? No? Well, why not?

If you are tired all the time and yet cannot sleep are your hormone and thyroid levels checked? No? Well it is time to find out what else you could be doing to help yourself. Find a physician who can help you without pharmaceuticals. Try Susanne Somers is doing a great job of describing the vast array of medical choices you actually have.

Healthy aging is possible. Give us a call and we will help any way we can. 800-733-4065  Oh..Have a delicious organic Thanksgiving!

Dr. Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr.

Osteopathic Physician