Journal of the American Medical Association

Dr Maulfair's Thoughts for Today - Medical Establishment Runs Scared

I am an osteopathic physician, for those unfamiliar osteopathic physicians we are trained and practice in all medical arenas.  The reason we are special is our additional basic training in osteopathic manipulative therapy and idea that symptoms are an indication of abnormal function and not the disease itself.  So although you cannot tell an MD from a DO these days it used to be easy. DO’s used to search for the underlying cause of an ailment and used prescriptive drugs sparingly.  I am very old fashioned.
Just as we are anticipating the National Institute of Health’s results from a study on chelation therapy and its effect in heart disease, comes noise from the American College of Medical Toxicology.  At their recent conference, as described by the newsletter from the Alliance for Natural Health USA, they attacked chelation therapy as dangerous and this conference was for CME hours for physicians.  If these doctors bought the brainwash, they have relegated themselves to health problems as they age because they will not avail themselves of chelation therapy.  Heart disease, high blood pressure and auto immune diseases await them as they do all of us as well.

We, however, will escape health problems as we age, as will our patients, because we have examined the myriad of medical proof of years of study and hundreds of articles citing the benefits of chelation therapy for the problems of aging including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and the aging process itself.  If you want to age gracefully, with vigor, seek chelation therapy.  You have the backing of the Saunders medical textbook entitled “Cardiovascular Drug Therapy” and its chapter on chelation therapy and how it works along with its 65 references.  Or perhaps you would be more impressed to know that JAMA published an article relating small amounts of lead in the body to the development of high blood pressure.  Although that article did not suggest how to remove the lead, we know how.  They also relate accumulated lead in the body to the development of cataracts in men in a separate article.  Or perhaps you need the assurance that you are on the right track in healing from the article in “Neuro Toxicology Letters” which discussed the relationship of mercury in laboratory animal brains with lesions similar to those of alzheimer’s patients.  Heavy metal in the body causes disease processes.  Medical research has validated that fact.

Now, knowing that, what do they recommend to remove metals?  Apparently they have an aversion to you being helped.  They have no recommendation.  They will do surgery which does not remove lead, they will add to the toxicity of your body by giving you drugs but they will not address the cause of metal toxicity and they will not even test your levels of lead when you turn up with heart palpitations and high blood pressure. Why?  Because it is political, financial and “how do I explain my position to the good ole boys” problem for the establishment and they need the comfort of the masses at the club.

Stay Healthy and Find Out Your Heavy Metal Toxic Load

In the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2003;289: 1523-1532 the results and conclusions of a study entitled Blood Lead, Blood Pressure, and Hypertension in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women concludes;   “At levels well below the current US occupational exposure limit guidelines (40hg/dL), (note,the h should be upside down) blood lead level is positively associated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and risks of both systolic and diastolic hypertension among women aged 40-59 years.  The relationship between blood lead level and systolic and diastolic hypertension is most pronounced in postmenopausal women.  These results provide support for continued efforts to reduce lead levels in the general population, especially women.”
So there you have it, in the general medical journals you will find articles like this.  But ask yourself this:  When you are having your blood pressure checked and it is elevated has anyone ever asked you if you have had testing to determine your body load of toxic metals including lead?   Interesting isn’t it.  This finding is not new nor is it infrequent, lead causes problems and can eventually cause heart disease and problems of aging.  A bit of no brainer.  What do you suppose happens to your health when you are exposed to chemicals and toxic metals?   You get symptoms and you get sick when the levels accumulate over time.

This problem is easy to handle with a preventive program including intravenous chelation therapy.  You can lower the levels of many metals over time with a properly prescribed program including nutrients and a chelation intravenous program.  You can use chelation preventively each month to rid your body of accumulated metals.  Why intravenous treatments?  Because oral chelation is not powerful enough to make a difference and since EDTA the chelating agent is attracted to metal including lead what happens when the water you take the chelating agent with has metal in it or lead?  EDTA attaches to the metal and could be inadvertently absorbed through the intestines and go into the body!  Some of the lead you ingest goes straight through without being absorbed but the chelating agent could carry it into the body!

The reason you do not hear of this widely in medical information is because of  the jealous business of medicine, big pharma, and this; if you handle the CAUSES of high blood pressure and heart disease you will NOT NEED expensive surgery and interventions in the future, you will not need drugs.  If we are healthy we do not buy what is being SOLD to us.

Take some time and do some research and you will find a great therapy in chelation, used for years safely in doctors offices across the world with thousands of great results.  Check out and or check the links on our website where you will find a link to Doctors Data, a lab that tests for heavy metals.