Health effects of toxins and drugs

New Connections for Us...

Our summer has been in the way of updating our posting and letting people know more about our very special patients and activities.  We are always aware of how courageous and brave our friends and patients are when they reach out to change the course of their health and take the bull by the horns and actively seek to help themselves improve their lives.  I have always said that my husband, Conrad is the bravest man I know.   He practices medicine with active research and a willingness to find answers for his patients.  He takes to heart..“first, do no harm.“  He, we, have a lot of fun with our medical center and watching people change their health status.  Our staff is great, life is good.
We joined a new group recently and became part of a lecture series that is so easy to access.  Donna Kasuska,, is a chemical engineer who has taken her vast experience in the direction of helping people understand and change their relationship to chemicals in their lives.  She included us in the WISH Summit series of on Spring Cleaning.  They offer a wonderful series on the influence of chemicals in our lives in the collection of interviews and make them so easy to download and take with you to listen as you can.  Listen while you make an organic meal for  your family!  Donna’s interview link is and my interview is

We hope your summer is full of family and friends and good food, good times.  We visited Harper’s Ferry and saw the film America last week and recommend both to you.  A very good start to month of America’s birthday.


Dr. Maulfair's Comments "Its February and It is Heart Health Month."

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, this statistic is not limited to men.  Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, not breast cancer, not uterine cancer.  Although a very common health problem currently, coronary heart disease and heart attack date back to the early 18th century.  The first issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, in 1812, included an article about angina (chest pain from coronary artery disease).  Since that time much has changed in the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease; unfortunately most of the currently popular treatment modalities do not address the causes of the disease but rather treat the symptoms (the result of the disease).  There are alternatives, there are choices, and there is a better way.

It is believed by the medical profession, and generally accepted by the public, that high cholesterol is the cause of hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes. There is ample scientific evidence to the contrary.  Currently treatment of hardening of the arteries includes lowering cholesterol levels in the blood by diet and or drugs.  One example of the ample scientific evidence suggesting that cholesterol is not a significant factor in heart disease is a study done by the UCLA medical school citing 75% of people who had heart attacks had cholesterol levels within the acceptable range.

It is a fact that cholesterol is a major constituent of the plaque that builds up in an artery. It is also a generally held belief that there is good and bad cholesterol (HDL and LDL).   The simple presence of LDL cholesterol does not make it harmful.  It becomes harmful when it is altered from its natural form. In an altered form it is more likely to contribute to plaque in the artery wall. Damaged LDL cholesterol, when situated in the arterial wall, gets stuck and over time more is added and plaque progresses.  So a key question to ask is not what the LDL cholesterol level is, but rather what may be going on causing damage to LDL cholesterol?

The answer to this question is of critical importance; anything that contributes to free radical damage is the primary culprit.  Insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, flame retardants, artificial food coloring, artificial food flavoring, sugar substitutes, medical drugs, toxic metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, uranium and others) are especially damaging to normal cholesterol.

The treatment of coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis in general must then include decreasing exposure to all of the above.  As treatment, removing as much of the above contaminants as possible, already accumulated in the body, is key.  The removal of chemicals is achieved via a sauna detoxification program.  The removal of toxic metals is achieved with an appropriately prescribed comprehensive chelation therapy program.  The importance of the removal of toxic metals and metastatic calcium (calcium located in soft tissues, where it is not supposed to be) cannot be over emphasized.

Numerous studies over the 60 years that chelation therapy has been used therapeutically have shown its potential to improve circulation and as a result, decrease the risk of heart attack, stroke and amputation.  A study funded by the National Institute of Health and reported November of 2012 is the latest study proving chelation therapy decreases heart attack and stroke even in people, who prior to the study, had heart attacks.  The improvement shown was especially significant for people in the study who had heart disease AND diabetes.

So if you have coronary artery disease, or if you have coronary artery disease AND diabetes, you might want to learn more.  The Maulfair Medical Center provides free educational seminars.    Our website is 

Where Do Toxins Go When They Die?

They don’t, you do.  Most toxins, if they are eliminated from the body, and most are not, find their way into the municipal water treatment plant.  Some metals and pharmaceutical drugs are not able to be removed with normal processes so they may be incinerated and/or they wind up on the family farm in form of sludge.  Plants uptake the toxins while they grow and you eat the crops, or the animals that ate the crops, and there you are again.  Processing toxins.
Your body is able to eliminate some toxins but if you have an impaired liver you will not do a good job of it.  If  you are eating poorly and in a toxic work place you may harbor an overload of toxins your body cannot eliminate;  they will be stored in your fat tissue.  Adipose tissue has a very poor blood supply so the body in its wisdom disposes of toxins by directing their storage in fat tissue.  The storage of toxins in fats includes storage in the myelin sheath surrounding your nerves.  This very well may explain the problems of m.s..  When stored in fat tissue they are relatively out of the way, not circulating the blood stream, until you miss a meal, exercise, or for any reason burn the fat the toxin is stored in.  When that happens the toxin recirculates in the blood stream, causing new problems and is again directed into fat storage by the body’s safety mechanisms.

Best understood when you talk about drugs like LSD.  People may experiment with LSD a few times in college and then leave those days behind.  Ten years later they are jogging down their street after work for exercise and they burn fat tissue for energy that is storing molecules of LSD from ten years ago.  They experience a “flashback”.  This is not a mental phenomenon but rather the physical occurence of the drug being re-released into the blood stream and causing a brand new hallucination.

This recirculation can happen with all toxins stored in adipose tissue.  You can develop symptoms that are only the result of this physical process and see a doctor for a symptom and guess what?!  The doctor gives you another toxin in the form of a prescription and there you go again.  Can you imagine what you might feel like if you start to experience an anesthesia coming out of fat storage?  Think of all the medical drugs, alcohol, street drugs, pain killers, deadening agents, solvents, cleaning fluids, food additives, preservatives, heavy metals like mercury, cadmium in the air we breathe …... it goes on and on.  Think of how those things made you feel, you will feel like that again, same woosyness, same headache, same lack of ambition, same lack of energy.

So it does matter … your diet, your nutrient supplements, your medical habits, your exercise, clean air and water, your view of farm fields… it all matters a great deal.  You are remaining healthy because you pay attention to these things or if not, you are slowly losing your edge against symptoms and problems of aging.  If you are in our area, come to our seminars or visit our center for a tour.  We do not ignore the contaminants that may be making you sick.

Your Health Depends on Answers - Not Prescriptions

What counts now, with the advent of Obamacare in action, is your ability to direct  your own health care with providers you trust.  Doctors have less leeway and must follow protocols  dictated by the big government recipes.  When there is a recommendation that varies from the routine of “this complaint = this drug”, you and your doctor will have to fight for the right to select another route.  Remember, the cheapest way to treat health problems is to prescribe a drug.  It is cheap.
The DSM V for emotional problems is expanded and deserves your attention.  You do not want to talk with doctors about social problems or emotional problems and life situations, do not.  They are the last group to go to for advice, they are trained in physical health.  They have no formal training in nutrition.  If you have a troubled child you need to research the actual results of the care in the hands of psychiatry or family medicine.  The field of psychiatry “treats” kids in trouble and when the treatments result in a crazed act of violence they rush in to “treat” the victims that are left to pick up the pieces.  They create their own patients.  When the violence is not enough in the world around them to generate the income they need, they decide a child whose parents and school have failed at teaching them how to read is a mental patient and needs treatment, a drug.  The fraud in medicine continues.  In the DSM IV code 315.00 Reading Disorder, 315.1 Mathematics Disorder, and, of course, 315.2 Disorder of Written Expression are money makers for family physicians who prescribe psyche drugs and the psyches.  School fails to educate students, parents fail to make sure their kids are succeeding and we have a cash cow for the psyches.

A child who has been unable to read, write and do math at a level expected for their age is now insured of failure because the drugs they take give them side-affects like inability to sleep, bed wetting, stunted growth and heart problems.  These are people whose internal organs and brain are still developing and they should be growing like weeds.  Tell me this is not big business making money off of our misfortune.

If you have few resources, if you are under the influence of the system; realize that free care, handouts, and government programs stifle self-reliance, initiative and worse, you can be made mad for life if you get into the wrong hands.  Happy living only happens when you make a difference somewhere, somehow.  If no one needs your help, if you are not setting and reaching goals the emptiness of government-run health care and other programs does not build self-esteem, it destroys it.

There are many doctors who practice sane medical care and help their patients a great deal.  They wonder why someone has headaches, can’t sleep or has poor digestion or bad circulation.  They do not jump in with the latest drug recommended for that symptom.  They wonder why.  They so searching diagnostics.  If you have migraines why take a pain-killer?  Does the pain-killer handle the reason you have headaches?  It does nothing if the reason is your unbalanced hormones or your lack of magnesium or your subluxation.  See?  You need to wonder why and you need to insist your doctors have discovered the basic problems.  When you handle the cause your symptoms vanish and you have no need for drugs.  There is not one drug your body has a shortage of.   They are all toxic to one degree or another.

Coleen Maulfair