National Institute of Health

Dr. Maulfair's Comments "Its February and It is Heart Health Month."

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, this statistic is not limited to men.  Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, not breast cancer, not uterine cancer.  Although a very common health problem currently, coronary heart disease and heart attack date back to the early 18th century.  The first issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, in 1812, included an article about angina (chest pain from coronary artery disease).  Since that time much has changed in the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease; unfortunately most of the currently popular treatment modalities do not address the causes of the disease but rather treat the symptoms (the result of the disease).  There are alternatives, there are choices, and there is a better way.

It is believed by the medical profession, and generally accepted by the public, that high cholesterol is the cause of hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes. There is ample scientific evidence to the contrary.  Currently treatment of hardening of the arteries includes lowering cholesterol levels in the blood by diet and or drugs.  One example of the ample scientific evidence suggesting that cholesterol is not a significant factor in heart disease is a study done by the UCLA medical school citing 75% of people who had heart attacks had cholesterol levels within the acceptable range.

It is a fact that cholesterol is a major constituent of the plaque that builds up in an artery. It is also a generally held belief that there is good and bad cholesterol (HDL and LDL).   The simple presence of LDL cholesterol does not make it harmful.  It becomes harmful when it is altered from its natural form. In an altered form it is more likely to contribute to plaque in the artery wall. Damaged LDL cholesterol, when situated in the arterial wall, gets stuck and over time more is added and plaque progresses.  So a key question to ask is not what the LDL cholesterol level is, but rather what may be going on causing damage to LDL cholesterol?

The answer to this question is of critical importance; anything that contributes to free radical damage is the primary culprit.  Insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, flame retardants, artificial food coloring, artificial food flavoring, sugar substitutes, medical drugs, toxic metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, uranium and others) are especially damaging to normal cholesterol.

The treatment of coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis in general must then include decreasing exposure to all of the above.  As treatment, removing as much of the above contaminants as possible, already accumulated in the body, is key.  The removal of chemicals is achieved via a sauna detoxification program.  The removal of toxic metals is achieved with an appropriately prescribed comprehensive chelation therapy program.  The importance of the removal of toxic metals and metastatic calcium (calcium located in soft tissues, where it is not supposed to be) cannot be over emphasized.

Numerous studies over the 60 years that chelation therapy has been used therapeutically have shown its potential to improve circulation and as a result, decrease the risk of heart attack, stroke and amputation.  A study funded by the National Institute of Health and reported November of 2012 is the latest study proving chelation therapy decreases heart attack and stroke even in people, who prior to the study, had heart attacks.  The improvement shown was especially significant for people in the study who had heart disease AND diabetes.

So if you have coronary artery disease, or if you have coronary artery disease AND diabetes, you might want to learn more.  The Maulfair Medical Center provides free educational seminars.    Our website is 

My Impressions and Response to the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy Recently Completed by the NIH. Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr. D.O.

Chelation Therapy is a wonderfully effective, safe, comprehensive program that can benefit people with chronic degenerative diseases.  People with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, lack of energy and problems of aging can experience a resurgence of energy and life quality.  This program is not new.  It has been studied and offered to patients by many progressive physicians to hundreds of thousands of thankful people world wide for over 60 years.  Patients who receive chelation therapy experience their quality of life improve first hand.  The doctors who provide individualized programs enjoy their observations of their patients’ improvements.
It makes our day that we are no longer alone in these observations; the United States government via the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a study on chelation therapy.  The study called TACT, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, started in 2003.  The results were just announced at the American Heart Association’s meeting November 4, 2012.  The results were positive.

People in this trial who received Chelation Therapy had decreased hospitalizations for angina, compared to the control group.  There were fewer deaths from heart attacks and strokes for the patients receiving chelation therapy.  The chelation patients also needed less bypass surgeries and angioplasties; the findings were especially positive for patients who also suffered from diabetes.  Chelation Therapy reduced cardiac events by 18% and by 39% for diabetic patients.  The total reduction in cardiac events was statistically significant.  Physicians conducting the study included university cardiologists and experienced chelation physicians.

Keep in mind  all study participants had a previous heart problem before beginning the trial, 83% had either bypass surgeries, angioplasty with or without stents. The majority of participants had high blood pressure and 73% had been prescribed cholesterol lowering statin drugs.  One thousand seven hundred people participated in the study.  An additional finding was the unquestionable safety of Chelation Therapy.

Considering the decrease need for angioplasty and bypass surgery would you be surprised to see the cardiology and cardiovascular surgeons less than enthusiastic about the study results?

Those of us who have been trained to provide Chelation Therapy for the benefit of our patients have known for many years the wide range of improvement possible for our patients.  Through thick and thin our care has been without support in the main from mainstream medicos, so we welcome the scientific evidence from a large clinical trial that confirms some of the many benefits we have observed in our patients.

Truth be told, however, if the study was not positive I would have continued to provide Chelation Therapy to my patient family and continued my own Chelation program.  I know the benefits of providing Chelation Therapy after forty years of providing this care in clinical practice.  I see PVD, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes abate all the time.  Some of our diabetic patients no longer require insulin injections.

I am willing to talk with any sincere person about any aspect of this study.  I welcome your questions.

Best in health,

Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr. D.O>