toxins and health

Toxic Time Bombs: The Pollution In You

Fatigue, allergies, joint aches or mood swings got you down? Although concern over the effects of pollution on the environment has held our attention for decades, new research is detecting chemical toxins in most people.[1;2] While industry furiously challenges the evidence, scientists argue that low-level chemical exposures are linked with these subtle but all too common problems, not to mention diseases such as autism, ADHD, and cancer, to name a few. Long term, low level exposures to chemicals cause an accumulation in the body referred to as “body burden.”

As we gain increasing understanding about the adverse effects of body burden on health what remains less clear is when the time bomb may go off. The medical community is trained to look to yesterday’s exposure to explain today’s symptoms. Yet, body burden, accumulations of toxic chemicals, may have more subtle but important health effects that are not seen for years, or even lifetimes. Because of this time delay, it is not uncommon for a chemical to be banned for safety concerns after decades of use — a real world experiment.

Studies link ZIP codes near waste sites with low-birth-weight babies, thyroid disease in women and female reproductive disorders such as endometriosis — even in regions with higher per capita income, less smoking, better diet and more exercise.[3] The same researchers have data linking living near waste sites to elevated risks for stroke, ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer.

Our life support system: Better living through chemistry?
You don’t live near an industrial waste site? The truth is that even if you do, you probably get most of your toxins as pesticides and additives in your food or each time you apply various consumer cosmetic products. Your home, your cars and even the water you drink slowly leak chemicals into your life.

There has been a staggering proliferation of toxic chemicals produced without due regard for testing for long-term health effects of low level exposures. Thousands of new synthetic chemicals come into manufactured consumer products every year with little to no safety testing or public approval process. According to the World Health Organization, there are over 100,000 synthetic chemicals in use in consumer products today with 1,000 to 2,000 being added to the list each year.

We breathe these chemicals through our lungs, absorb them through our skin and ingest them in the food we eat and water we drink. We are soaking up chemicals that we'd be hard-pressed to spell or pronounce, if we could even find out what they were.

The body burden problem
Toxic chemicals know no boundaries. Chemicals contaminate not only wildlife and the environment, but people, breast milk and the unborn child yet most people are unaware that they carry chemical compounds in their bodies. Each of us has some load of industrial chemicals stored in or passing through our bodies. Human fat tissue sampled in the United States contained 700 contaminants that have not been chemically identified.[4]

According to Michael McCally, M.D. Ph.D., of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, “Current ‘normal’ body burdens of dioxin and several other well-studied organochlorides are at or near the range at which toxic effects occur in laboratory animals.” A recent Mt Sinai study found 167 chemicals in the blood and urine of volunteers; chemicals used in consumer products and found in industrial pollution.[2] Of the 167 chemicals discovered, 94 are toxic to the brain or nervous system, 76 are carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and 79 are linked to birth defects. None of the participants worked with chemicals or lived near an industrial facility. In other words, these toxins represent the average body burden of the ordinary American citizen.

This is not a uniquely American problem. A 2005 British study funded by the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Co-Operative Bank found chemicals including banned pesticides like DDT, flame retardants and the PFOA chemical found in Teflon and used on nonstick pans and stain repellents.

If the body burden of adults isn’t enough cause for alarm, it is shocking to learn the effects on future generations. In 2005, the US Environmental Working Group [5] reported that umbilical cord blood samples taken from newborn babies were all heavily contaminated. A total of 287 contaminants were detected. Many of these were known or suspected carcinogens, neurotoxins or linked with birth defects if present in high concentrations. Meanwhile, an exhaustive review of the evidence points to prenatal exposures as a source of postnatal mental deficits.[6]

Scientists have never assessed the effects of exposures to the endless combinations of chemicals found in people. One reason why measuring such effects is difficult is that these chemicals are persistent (meaning they do not break down) and bioaccumulative (meaning they tend to build up in living things, particularly areas of the body rich in fat such as fatty tissue, brain and other organs).

Our understanding of when a chemical is toxic is changing and concerned individuals are calling for laws to regulate these compounds more carefully. However, because of their widespread use, tendency to persist and accumulation in body tissues — especially fat — even regulatory changes will not remove them from our world very quickly.

While we wait for industry, government and science to reach agreement, the vast increase of chemicals in our environment, foods, cosmetics and medicines puts an enormous burden on our bodies’ natural abilities to break down and remove toxins. With the exception of certain minerals, these chemicals do not belong in the body. While minerals are needed at low levels for normal function, some are now found measured at high or even toxic concentrations.

Most people wait too long to do something about it
The good news is that something can be done about the toxins in our bodies. Our livers, lungs, kidneys are constantly working overtime to remove the onslaught of chemicals. To function properly, these systems require broad nutritional support. When we don’t give our body what it needs to help it eliminate these chemicals or when we expose it to more than it can handle, it just can’t keep up. Symptoms such as fatigue, aches, allergies, asthma, mood swings, foggy thinking, and more set in. Before this happens — and even afterwards — the correct detoxification program can make all the difference.

The Maulfair Medical Center uses the Hubbard method of detoxification, the most thorough and scientifically validated regimen available. This precise regimen combines exercise, sauna bathing, and vitamin and mineral supplementation to increase the elimination of chemicals while rebuilding and repairing your body. Its safety and effectiveness in treating a wide range of exposures have been established for more than two decades.[7;8]

Originally developed by Hubbard in 1979, this program has been successfully used to aid individuals exposed during large-scale environmental contaminations, including those resulting from the 2001 World Trade Center disaster [9] and the 1986 Chernobyl incident [10]. Thousands of people have enjoyed relief from symptoms caused by more gradual build-up of toxins.

Sauna detoxification at the Maulfair Medical Center
Dr. Maulfair gets you started on your sauna program with a thorough medical examination and a series of key tests plus a complete physical exam. Tests may include a pre and post assessment of toxic body burden and some tests may be repeated periodically, to monitor your status while on the regimen.

Dr. Maulfair has over thirty years experience utilizing detoxification regimens to treat chronic disease. Join those clients of the Maulfair Medical Center’s program who have gained back their quality of life, enjoy restored energy, clear thinking, motivation and an overall sense of well being. For more information see

Dr. Conrad Maulfair
Maulfair Medical Center, Topton, PA

Reference List

1. Calafat AM, Wong LY, Kuklenyik Z, Reidy JA, Needham LL: Polyfluoroalkyl chemicals in the U.S. population: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2004 and comparisons with NHANES 1999-2000. Environ Health Perspect 2007; 115: 1596-602.
2. Environmental Working Group. Body Burden: The pollution in people [Web Page]. 2003; Accessed 2008 Feb 20. Available at: 
3. Baibergenova A, Kudyakov R, Zdeb M, Carpenter DO: Low birth weight and residential proximity to PCB-contaminated waste sites. Environ Health Perspect 2003; 111: 1352-7.
4. Onstot, J., Ayling, R., and Stanley, J. Characterization of HRCG/MS unidentified peaks from the analysis of human adipose tissue. Vol. 1: Technical Approach. 87. Washington DC, US Environmental Protection Agency Office of toxic Substances. 
5. Environmental Working Group. Body Burden: The pollution in newborns [Web Page]. 2005; Accessed 2008 Feb 20. Available at: 
6. Williams JH, Ross L: Consequences of prenatal toxin exposure for mental health in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2007; 16: 243-53.
7. Schnare DW, Denk G, Shields M, Brunton S: Evaluation of a detoxification regimen for fat stored xenobiotics. Med Hypotheses 1982; 9: 265-82.
8. Schnare, D. W., Ben, M., and Shields, M. G. Body Burden Reduction of PCBs, PBBs and Chlorinated Pesticides in Human Subjects. Ambio 1984; 13(5-6): 378-380.
9. Cecchini MA, Root DA, Rachunow JR, Gelb PM: Chemical Exposures at the World Trade Center: Use of the Hubbard Sauna Detoxification Regimen to Improve the Health Status of New York City Rescue Workers Exposed to Toxicants. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients 2006; 273: 58-65.
10. Tsyb, A. F., Parshkov, E. M., Barnes, J., Yarzutkin, V. V. , Vorontsov, N. V., and Dedov, V. I. Rehabilitation of a Chernobyl Affected Population Using a Detoxification Method. Proceedings of the 1998 International Radiological Postemergency Response Issues Conference. 1998. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

New Connections for Us...

Our summer has been in the way of updating our posting and letting people know more about our very special patients and activities.  We are always aware of how courageous and brave our friends and patients are when they reach out to change the course of their health and take the bull by the horns and actively seek to help themselves improve their lives.  I have always said that my husband, Conrad is the bravest man I know.   He practices medicine with active research and a willingness to find answers for his patients.  He takes to heart..“first, do no harm.“  He, we, have a lot of fun with our medical center and watching people change their health status.  Our staff is great, life is good.
We joined a new group recently and became part of a lecture series that is so easy to access.  Donna Kasuska,, is a chemical engineer who has taken her vast experience in the direction of helping people understand and change their relationship to chemicals in their lives.  She included us in the WISH Summit series of on Spring Cleaning.  They offer a wonderful series on the influence of chemicals in our lives in the collection of interviews and make them so easy to download and take with you to listen as you can.  Listen while you make an organic meal for  your family!  Donna’s interview link is and my interview is

We hope your summer is full of family and friends and good food, good times.  We visited Harper’s Ferry and saw the film America last week and recommend both to you.  A very good start to month of America’s birthday.


9/11 Health Problems Linger

This is a day we all share with a common memories and continued concern. The tears still stream down my face when I think of all the families directly harmed and the rest of us left with broken hearts considering the pain and suffering of 9/11 victims.  The World Trade Center deaths seem to get center stage but we also have all the people in the Pentagon and on Flight 93, yikes.  Then there are the thousands of rescue workers and construction workers that helped for the months following.  People from all over the country who offered their muscle and expertise.

It is fine that we have finally acknowledged, through allocations of funds on the federal level, all the people directly involved need help with the overwhelming medical costs of the expected cancers related to the toxic exposures they endured as the result of their service.  I have no problem with that but here is the real tragedy, there is a simple, effective way to avoid the expected cancers.  I marvel at the ignorance and stubbornness of medical care as it is currently delivered.  We treat cancer but do nothing effective to prevent it.  Looking for signs of cancer in diagnostic tests does absolutely nothing to prevent it.  Nothing. There is a very big message in the offer to extend coverage for expenses related to cancer for all these citizens.  A giant message.

Exposure to toxins cause cancer.  Imagine that, a common sense realization on the part of our government and the medical industrial complex.  Yet, nothing is done in a broad way to rid the bodies of our citizens of the toxins they have been exposed to.  The only advice is to avoid exposure; do not smoke, do not take street drugs, medical drugs are ok?, do not ingest too much pesticide, wear gloves and masks when working around some substances.  That is it on the help.  If you develop cancer then we step in with guns blazing to expose you to radiation and more chemicals after we remove part of your body.  Makes no sense to me. Heroic??  I think not and after billions of dollars spent in research and treatment the results are meager.

I know of way to reduce the body burden of cancer causing chemicals.  They are stored for years in body tissue and that is how they help develop cancer.  There have been hundreds of rescue workers and survivors of those days in 2001 who enjoy good health due to this program.  We offer it in our medical center and I have the pleasure of watching people recover their health to a marked degree.  Why have you not heard this news?

Because this protocol was developed by one man, L. Ron Hubbard, who noticed some members of the Church of Scientology, as past drug users, were having trouble concentrating, studying and had other physical problems causing him to  suspected their bodies harbored toxins and drug residues.  Working with doctors and scientists he developed a way to reduce the body burden of these chemicals and the program he developed has been used since the 70’s to help thousands of victims from many walks of life including heavy drug users, victims of various environmental catastrophes, victims of the
Soviet nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl, and nearly 1,000 rescue workers of 9/11.  Like so many effective medical treatments this simple program is largely ignored by insurance companies and standard medicine.  Remember, the field of medicine does not accept new paradigms in healing readily.  They cannot make money with cancer treatments if no cancer manifests itself now can they?  Medical history includes the fact that it took 50 years for physicians to adopt hand washing between mothers in delivery as means to prevent mom and infant deaths.  The business of medicine does not readily accept new ways of doing things.  It is just offensive that they also prevent the widespread knowledge of helpful treatments that could be offered to educated public who might freely choose to do something that is harmless and may actually help.  No, they offer more chemicals in drugs to mask the horrible symptoms toxins cause.

My experience with offering the Hubbard program of thorough daily sauna detoxification is so rewarding and so fun when it clears away symptoms and health problems many other treatment protocols failed to affect.  You know when people find real help, where there was little hope, they do not care where or who offers it.  One for one they come to respect the man who brought this program to the broad society and did not hold it available to only members of our Church.    Read “Clear Body Clear Mind”.