environmental toxins

Cancer Prevention, Yes You Can


                Let us start by reviewing some of the basics.  Cancer begins at the cellular level.  There is typically a genetic mutation or alteration in genes which if it is allowed to persist will create an abnormal cell and then multiple abnormal cells and then a cancer.  Under normal circumstances, this happens to all of us every day but the immune system is able to identify this abnormal cell and destroy it before it becomes a conglomerate of cells, i.e., a tumor.  The key then to preventing cancer is preventing an abnormal cell becoming multiple abnormal cells.  An important question to ask then would be what contributes to the cell genetic material becoming mutant, or to mutate?  Another obvious important question to ask would be what can be done to enhance the destroying of the mutant cells, the abnormal cells?  Intravenous Vitamin C to the rescue.

                Over the decades, numerous scientific studies and articles have highlighted the ability of Vitamin C to be active against cancer.  An article appearing in Free Radical Biology in Medicine in 2009 entitled “Pharmacologic Concentrations of Ascorbic Acid by Parenteral Administration Exhibit Antitumoral Effects” is one example.  Another article appeared in the British Journal of Cancer in 2001 titled “Cytotoxicity of Ascorbate, Lipoic Acid and Other Antioxidants and Hollow Fiber In Vitro Tumors.”  More recently an article appeared in WebMD April 3, 2017, “IV Vitamin C Boosts Chemo’s Cancer-Fighting Power.”  An article entitled “Mainstream Researchers Finally Admit Vitamin C Kills Cancer” appeared in the NaturalNews.com.

 We have been using infusions of Vitamin C for decades with sometimes dramatic results.  So far we have been talking about treating diagnosed cancer.  How does this relate to prevention?  Back to the cells.  The beginning of cancer is an abnormal “genetically mutant” cell.  If it is allowed to reproduce, it eventually creates cancer.  If intravenous Vitamin C is helpful in treating cancer which has millions of cancer cells, would not intravenous Vitamin C be potentially very helpful in handling a few abnormal cells before they become tumors?  In other words, utilizing an infusion of Vitamin C periodically would seem to be a very important part of a cancer prevention protocol.  Kill off a few cancerous cells before they become many.  Important note:  The amount of Vitamin C necessary to achieve this is much greater than is obtainable through oral Vitamin C.  Therefore, the infusion route is necessary.  Certainly taking some Vitamin C orally in addition is okay and helpful but it is not adequate enough to be effective for killing cancer cells. 

                Now let’s go a step further.  Another important question to ask would be “What things can contribute to causing the genetic mutations occurring in the first place?”  This research and observations have also been done over the decades identifying hundreds if not thousands of various toxic chemicals, toxic metal exposures that contribute to these genetic perturbations that result in cancer cell production.  In addition, the majority of the body’s immune system which is designed to protect us against abnormal cell production is located in the intestinal tract so ideal intestinal tract function is of critical importance in the prevention of cancer.  Diagnostics to identify the presence of toxic substances, i.e., various classes of chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, etc., and toxic metals can be identified and most importantly therapeutic modalities to decrease those exposures are also available. 

                If you have a family history of cancer or if you are just concerned about cancer for yourself for various reasons, you have been exposed to things in the past, whatever the cause or causes of your concern, something can be done about it!  The age-old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is definitely valid when it comes to cancer. 

                In addition to the above, having an ongoing input of good quality nutrients is essential to maintain an ongoing cellular energy level.  There is a class of compounds called nitrilosides found in hundreds of edible plants world-wide that has shown to be helpful in cancer prevention.  These compounds can be in:  lima beans, apple seeds, apricot, plum and peach pits, bitter almonds, nuts, millet, maize and sorghum.  Combine the avoidance of toxins and the ingestion of organic, clean food and food items high in cancer fighting compounds and you will be well on your way to a life free from cancer.  Why stop there?  Seek the advice of physicians who are familiar with all of the above and you can be well on your way toward preventing cancer and at the same time improving the quality of life for your future. 

Dr Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr. D.O.


9/11 Health Problems Linger

This is a day we all share with a common memories and continued concern. The tears still stream down my face when I think of all the families directly harmed and the rest of us left with broken hearts considering the pain and suffering of 9/11 victims.  The World Trade Center deaths seem to get center stage but we also have all the people in the Pentagon and on Flight 93, yikes.  Then there are the thousands of rescue workers and construction workers that helped for the months following.  People from all over the country who offered their muscle and expertise.

It is fine that we have finally acknowledged, through allocations of funds on the federal level, all the people directly involved need help with the overwhelming medical costs of the expected cancers related to the toxic exposures they endured as the result of their service.  I have no problem with that but here is the real tragedy, there is a simple, effective way to avoid the expected cancers.  I marvel at the ignorance and stubbornness of medical care as it is currently delivered.  We treat cancer but do nothing effective to prevent it.  Looking for signs of cancer in diagnostic tests does absolutely nothing to prevent it.  Nothing. There is a very big message in the offer to extend coverage for expenses related to cancer for all these citizens.  A giant message.

Exposure to toxins cause cancer.  Imagine that, a common sense realization on the part of our government and the medical industrial complex.  Yet, nothing is done in a broad way to rid the bodies of our citizens of the toxins they have been exposed to.  The only advice is to avoid exposure; do not smoke, do not take street drugs, medical drugs are ok?, do not ingest too much pesticide, wear gloves and masks when working around some substances.  That is it on the help.  If you develop cancer then we step in with guns blazing to expose you to radiation and more chemicals after we remove part of your body.  Makes no sense to me. Heroic??  I think not and after billions of dollars spent in research and treatment the results are meager.

I know of way to reduce the body burden of cancer causing chemicals.  They are stored for years in body tissue and that is how they help develop cancer.  There have been hundreds of rescue workers and survivors of those days in 2001 who enjoy good health due to this program.  We offer it in our medical center and I have the pleasure of watching people recover their health to a marked degree.  Why have you not heard this news?

Because this protocol was developed by one man, L. Ron Hubbard, who noticed some members of the Church of Scientology, as past drug users, were having trouble concentrating, studying and had other physical problems causing him to  suspected their bodies harbored toxins and drug residues.  Working with doctors and scientists he developed a way to reduce the body burden of these chemicals and the program he developed has been used since the 70’s to help thousands of victims from many walks of life including heavy drug users, victims of various environmental catastrophes, victims of the
Soviet nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl, and nearly 1,000 rescue workers of 9/11.  Like so many effective medical treatments this simple program is largely ignored by insurance companies and standard medicine.  Remember, the field of medicine does not accept new paradigms in healing readily.  They cannot make money with cancer treatments if no cancer manifests itself now can they?  Medical history includes the fact that it took 50 years for physicians to adopt hand washing between mothers in delivery as means to prevent mom and infant deaths.  The business of medicine does not readily accept new ways of doing things.  It is just offensive that they also prevent the widespread knowledge of helpful treatments that could be offered to educated public who might freely choose to do something that is harmless and may actually help.  No, they offer more chemicals in drugs to mask the horrible symptoms toxins cause.

My experience with offering the Hubbard program of thorough daily sauna detoxification is so rewarding and so fun when it clears away symptoms and health problems many other treatment protocols failed to affect.  You know when people find real help, where there was little hope, they do not care where or who offers it.  One for one they come to respect the man who brought this program to the broad society and did not hold it available to only members of our Church.    Read “Clear Body Clear Mind”.

Maddening Organics

Truth is hard to come by when you are talking business.  News today includes a study of conventional crops and organics having no difference in nutrient value.  On the face of this it is hard to buy.  If you have better soil and you do not trouble the crop with chemicals that linger and you provide microbes needed for plant health and the plants do better in drought conditions and they taste better to amateur foodies, maybe they are better.  This study was done by Standford University doctors and it states there was no funding from an outside source of the study.  It is published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Here is one; we have a study we cite that we like because the author looked at 50 years of  literature comparing the nutrient values of conventional and organic crops.  It was published in 1998 in Alternative Therapies.  That’s right.  The quack rag that has actual unsponsored studies to bring to the doctors who seek this kind of info.  In this case the author is clinical nutritionist who served on the board of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.  There was a trend in the data indicating higher nutrient content in organically grown crops.  The author called for further research.  She did note “Animal studies showed  better growth and reproduction in animals fed organically grown feed compared with those fed conventionally grown feed.”

This attack on organics might come from a relationship with a business interest contrary to good food and organics.  Maybe a chemical company.  Sounds just like the naysayers who always say your food is enough for your health needs and that you do not need additional vitamins and minerals.  You know if you have adequate vitamins and minerals and other important nutrients you do not become ill as readily and it cuts across the sale of drugs and trips to the doctors.  Having a strong immune system is better than a vaccination.

I, for one, am a Mom and us moms know something about food and health.  In our medical center I hear people commenting about the benefits of avoiding junk food and eating whole, organic foods.  They are stronger.  After all, people do know their own mind and should rely on their own experience.  I have serious concerns about chemical contamination but more seriously the effects of genetically engineered crops throughout our food supply.

International College of Integrative Medicine is holding a conference September 21-23 where these issues will be discussed.  Check out Diet and Nutrition: What a Clinician Needs to Know about Nutrient Density, Pesticides and Genetically Engineered Foods- Dr. Andersen was first a soil scientist and agricultural consultant, then a physician. He specializes in nutritional management of crops and advises farmers in “building biology.” His book, Real Medicine, Real Health, draws on his wide-ranging expertise to share a vision of healing based on creating a sound body through solid nutrition and a healthier environment.

Resorting to Drugs...

There are so many people who take street drugs and medical drugs thinking it will be for a short while and wind up long down the road with health problems they never dreamed of.  Addiction is just part of the problem.  Damage from free radicals, which are the stock in trade of chemicals, all chemicals, do something to your health.  Combined with pesticides and chemicals in the food we eat someone with a drug problem gets a double whammy.
If you stopped taking meds or street drugs you can benefit by the things we do in our clinic and if you cannot come to see us you can do this; recognize you have health problems apart from just the cravings of drugs.  You crave drugs because traces are still in your body and often dump into your blood stream causing the cravings some  people cannot resist…more drugs is their answer.  But how about this idea… if you feel ill or crave drugs go for  a long walk, a good walk and look at your environment, really look at it.   When you get back drink a big glass of water and make yourself something to eat that is fresh, from scratch that did not come out of a box. 

Free radical damage from whatever source either crowds out vitamins and minerals from doing their health building work or depletes them so badly you have nothing available for normal function.  Either way you are in trouble.  Mood swings, depression, belly aches, headaches all stem from this or are made worse by the fact that you are starving.  STARVING.  Your weight has nothing to do with it.  You are nutrient depleted.  Find a good absorbable vitamin and mineral program and rebuild your health.  While you are learning make food from scratch with a good cookbook and walking everyday and drinking water to help your body shed some of the drug residues you need to find a doctor who can help you in the way that we do in our clinic.  Doctors interested in health are available in most cities or close by.  Check out our website for some ideas about what you can expect and look for the sauna detoxification program if you think you are in trouble enough to worry about reverting to drugs again.  We help people reverse the accumulation of chemicals and drugs.

I was watching videos of some fabulous horses this morning thinking about the two Peruvian Pasos I have loved and who died over the last few years.  For me and many others the sight of a horse doing anything is a high and some of  the videos on-line are so inspiring and beautiful.  When my horses died I was struck by how much these wonderful horses mean to us, for weeks and some months later I would almost turn up the lane to feed them at the barn.  Feeling depressed is normal when things happen in life and I am always grateful for the love of my horses and to have experienced all they gave us over the years, better for me to have loved and lost than not to have loved in the first place.  I am disgusted by the “medical care” that offers drugs in place of remembering and being grateful and shedding a depressed, lonesome tear once in awhile over a loss in life.  It is so much more meaningful to really feel good and really feel bad, I know I am alive and in the game for real, no matter what.  I like it that way.  I want to help others who are made wooden and apathetic by being drugged.  I want to forward the message of true health care free from mind altering drugs because I value emotion and clear thinking.  I want you to feel alive.