Ground Zero

9/11 Health Problems Linger

This is a day we all share with a common memories and continued concern. The tears still stream down my face when I think of all the families directly harmed and the rest of us left with broken hearts considering the pain and suffering of 9/11 victims.  The World Trade Center deaths seem to get center stage but we also have all the people in the Pentagon and on Flight 93, yikes.  Then there are the thousands of rescue workers and construction workers that helped for the months following.  People from all over the country who offered their muscle and expertise.

It is fine that we have finally acknowledged, through allocations of funds on the federal level, all the people directly involved need help with the overwhelming medical costs of the expected cancers related to the toxic exposures they endured as the result of their service.  I have no problem with that but here is the real tragedy, there is a simple, effective way to avoid the expected cancers.  I marvel at the ignorance and stubbornness of medical care as it is currently delivered.  We treat cancer but do nothing effective to prevent it.  Looking for signs of cancer in diagnostic tests does absolutely nothing to prevent it.  Nothing. There is a very big message in the offer to extend coverage for expenses related to cancer for all these citizens.  A giant message.

Exposure to toxins cause cancer.  Imagine that, a common sense realization on the part of our government and the medical industrial complex.  Yet, nothing is done in a broad way to rid the bodies of our citizens of the toxins they have been exposed to.  The only advice is to avoid exposure; do not smoke, do not take street drugs, medical drugs are ok?, do not ingest too much pesticide, wear gloves and masks when working around some substances.  That is it on the help.  If you develop cancer then we step in with guns blazing to expose you to radiation and more chemicals after we remove part of your body.  Makes no sense to me. Heroic??  I think not and after billions of dollars spent in research and treatment the results are meager.

I know of way to reduce the body burden of cancer causing chemicals.  They are stored for years in body tissue and that is how they help develop cancer.  There have been hundreds of rescue workers and survivors of those days in 2001 who enjoy good health due to this program.  We offer it in our medical center and I have the pleasure of watching people recover their health to a marked degree.  Why have you not heard this news?

Because this protocol was developed by one man, L. Ron Hubbard, who noticed some members of the Church of Scientology, as past drug users, were having trouble concentrating, studying and had other physical problems causing him to  suspected their bodies harbored toxins and drug residues.  Working with doctors and scientists he developed a way to reduce the body burden of these chemicals and the program he developed has been used since the 70’s to help thousands of victims from many walks of life including heavy drug users, victims of various environmental catastrophes, victims of the
Soviet nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl, and nearly 1,000 rescue workers of 9/11.  Like so many effective medical treatments this simple program is largely ignored by insurance companies and standard medicine.  Remember, the field of medicine does not accept new paradigms in healing readily.  They cannot make money with cancer treatments if no cancer manifests itself now can they?  Medical history includes the fact that it took 50 years for physicians to adopt hand washing between mothers in delivery as means to prevent mom and infant deaths.  The business of medicine does not readily accept new ways of doing things.  It is just offensive that they also prevent the widespread knowledge of helpful treatments that could be offered to educated public who might freely choose to do something that is harmless and may actually help.  No, they offer more chemicals in drugs to mask the horrible symptoms toxins cause.

My experience with offering the Hubbard program of thorough daily sauna detoxification is so rewarding and so fun when it clears away symptoms and health problems many other treatment protocols failed to affect.  You know when people find real help, where there was little hope, they do not care where or who offers it.  One for one they come to respect the man who brought this program to the broad society and did not hold it available to only members of our Church.    Read “Clear Body Clear Mind”.

From a Gound Zero Rescue Worker Consulting Our Practice So We Can Help More People!!

I arrived at Ground Zero, from Philadelphia, on Thursday September 13. The AMTRAK trains had started to run again by then. Carrying two plastic bags with barely more than an extra pair of jeans and underclothes, I was afraid I would have to run from rioters in the streets.  When I exited the station what lay before me was a scene straight out of a science fiction film. What many call the greatest city on earth was deserted, whisper quiet. Even 30 blocks from the disaster site everything was coated in 2-3 inches of ash, it looked like snow, although it was nearly 80 degrees.  No cars, no pedestrians, completely and chillingly deserted. For vibrant New York City to be silent sent a stab of fear through me far greater than looting hoards could have. 

 The ash was so fine it floated as I walked. That ash was a deadly mix of toxins, so fine it was deemed to contain nano- particles, these minute particles can cross the blood-brain barrier, one of our body’s defenses against contamination.

 Over 10,000 rescue workers and volunteers helped at the disaster site. We, along with just about everyone within proximity, were greatly contaminated. Almost none of us wore protective masks. We needed to be able to communicate in order to effectively help. Most masks would have been insufficient anyway.  I volunteered for 30 days, breathing as well as absorbing that toxic cocktail through my skin. Certain amounts were even on some of the food we ate, if we ate.  We knew it was dangerous, no matter that our government made misleading statements of safety. Even early on there were discussions among the volunteers of the health risks and eventual impact on us. It took many years for the first admissions that these toxins were related to rescue workers’ deaths.

 While those of us at Ground Zero experienced a rapid and heavy dose of chemical intoxication there are millions of people who have chemical toxic overload. If you or a loved one has been exposed to a known toxic chemical, are a war veteran who was exposed to Vietnam’s Agent Orange, chemicals in the Gulf War or Iraq War, radiation, pesticides, have multiple chemical sensitivity, have been an habitual user of street or prescription drugs, live near major polluting industry or are experiencing some or many of the symptoms associated with toxic chemical overload – there is hope, there is help available to you. 

Several years before 9/11 I had heard about the Hubbard Sauna Detoxification Program, a dear friend who was a Vietnam Veteran had severe health struggles due to exposure to Agent Orange, he told me of his success with the Sauna Detox and that it had changed his life as well as many other war veterans’ lives.  There was no question that this program could help me sweat out the toxins that had invaded my body. I badly needed that help.

 When I started the detox I had all the classic symptoms associated with Ground Zero, they are almost a mirror of what anyone exposed to toxic chemical goes through, including: brain fog, difficulty concentrating, low energy, respiratory illness – the Ground Zero cough, sore throat, confusion, rashes, gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, headaches, chills, irritability etc. 

 It took just a few days in the sauna detox to start to see changes. First I noticed the same Ground Zero disaster site smell was coming out in my perspiration; there is no way to describe that odor unless you were in New York. Then my energy started to come back and with each day I started to feel like my ‘old’ self. My skin became soft and supple, my husband said I looked half my age. When all I wanted was to get symptom relief I received the added benefit of feeling more attractive than I had in years, I was in my mid 40’s but feeling 20 again! One way to describe the experience is that it felt a bit like the way divers talk about coming up slowly from a deep dive, so you don’t get the bends, once you near the surface you can speed up and break into open air, the sun on your shoulders, a big slice of freedom entering your lungs.

It has now been over a decade since the Ground Zero disaster. Many still suffer, far too many have died. As I said earlier there is hope. Every day we are exposed to toxins in the form of food additives, poor air quality, etc. Your health is constantly being compromised. If you feel you or a loved one are a candidate for the Hubbard Sauna Detoxification Program you should call for an appointment and tour the facility in Pennsylvania. It can literally save your life.

**We are asking your help in educating your friends and family about our special program and the care available.  We want to prevent continued health deterioration for the many affected.  You know, we have helped others harmed that terrible day in September and we have helped people from the city who had health problems before 911 and became worse, we have helped a Pentagon survivor.  We can help - read the comments of people who have completed this program on our website