Harmful medical legislation

Health Care Reform

It is very hard to watch the health care reform action in DC when you work in the field.  The marketplace already has the answers to meaningful reform and something puzzles me.  Have you noticed that the people helping to write reform legislation and advise our representatives are the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies?  They are supportive of several drafts so far according to NPR.  Does that scare you?
If insurance companies and pharma are supportive we are in for it;  you must realize they do not need the government to reform the way they conduct themselves. They could make changes tomorrow to benefit us all. The last thing they need is government to help them change.    SOOOOOOOO... must be more to this. They are making sure they have more customers mandated to use their services. You need to force people into psychiatric care and you need to force people into government programs, they do not flock to these “opportunities”. We all know “them with the bucks calls the shots”.  Recover YOUR MONEY and call your own shots.

Why are you falling for this?  Why not just demand your money back and put it in a health savings account; your pretax dollars will support your yearly health costs, you could use this money to stay healthy if these plans were designed right and you were in charge, and you could purchase a very high deductible insurance plan for serious illness and accidents.  Cheap, workable and it would cover everyone who wanted it. We still have welfare programs to cover those of us who have financial problems.

Is there anyone who looks forward to qualifying for Medicare? I do not. It is mandated so at a certain point you cannot buy your own coverage, you have to settle for the government run care – the treatments YOU want are not covered.  No prevention and no antiaging medical strategies. Remember, I do not think a test is a preventive measure, it does not stop anything from happening, it only tells you it is or it could.  Tests are not treatment.

I want to use my health care dollars for exercise, vitamins, non pharmaceutical products that would boost my immune system, chelation therapy to lower the metals that cause heart disease and sauna detoxification to rid my body of cancer causing poisons I can’t avoid.  I WANT TO HIRE MY OWN DOCTORS AND KEEP MY RECORDS PRIVATE.   I want to hire competent help to stay in my home when I am unable to fully care for myself thereby avoiding expensive, deadly nursing homes. Warehousing tires works, warehousing people does not.

Insane medicine reigns. In the hands of some insurance programs and pharmaceutical companies you get ideas like this.  A guy is addicted to street drugs, he wants help or he wants a bed and food for a week. He goes to a drug program and gets fed and a place to sleep. He does not get real help for his addiction, he gets put on psyche drugs as a replacement for street drugs because the insurance companies will pay for that but they will not pay for real help like searching physicals and repairing ill health with nutrition and finding out why the guy is having such trouble in life, not covered except by the most expensive plans. When the insurance runs out the psyches that run the place call him cured and throw him out on the street again. Criminal care. Druggies laugh as they should, free drugs, free food, free bed. They get to rest up and save a bit of money so they can hit hard in a week or two.

The current health reform proposals have vicious sweeping funding for mental health programs.  Everyone will be a psyche patient.  Mental health centers in schools will use drugs as preventive measures when you answer a question on a crabby day the wrong way.  Did you hear that some scientists are using amphetamine like drugs, ritalin types, for cognitive enhancement?  Makes them smarter until their heart gives out.  So your hard earned tax dollars will be used to fund mental health workers and therapists.  Do you see the end in that expense?  Drugs will take the place of real health care as they are cheaper than operations and preventive treatments.  All aboard the nazi like health camps.  We are in for it.  Speak up and throw your federal and state representatives out of office if they vote for these crazy changes.

We Already Solved the High Cost of Medical Care

Medical savings accounts utilizing pre-tax dollars with the control remaining with you, for the most part, on what you spend it on is the answer.  Simple and already available.   You still are free to choose your doctor.  Medical savings accounts are a great solution and being happily used by many of our citizens.  Medical savings accounts combine a high deductible hospitalization plan, for those times of acute and serious illness, with a savings account you can access as you need during the year for visits to your favorite doc.  The IRS does specify what you can use it for but even that  list could be changed by working with your legislators to increase the freedom of choice of what YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY ON.  That is a scream- I find it so hard not to scream when it comes to my life, my body, my health, my money.  How dare the government tell me what to do!!!!
Am I the only one alarmed at the pompous controllers attempting to  exert their bright ideas over my life - Washington know bests??   My personal experience is somewhat different than some as my amazing husband is an independent anti-aging  physician who relies on his ability to help people to make a living.  He does not need an insurance company to condone his practices; he left their clutches a number of years ago.   It is tough, I think he is lonely at times but I know how sound he sleeps because he does not have to comprise what he knows is right when he gives advice to his patients.  He practices what he preaches so that helps too.  Patients really admire him and I do too, he gets results because he wonders why someone has a problem; he does not hand out the latest drug for the symptom.  He investigates why the person has the problem in the first place, then treating the underlying cause of problems  brings results.  Simple.  Provide what the body needs to stay healthy or regain health OR remove the impediment to health and viola! healthy people.

So…we have this health care thing solved.  Independent physicians working with independent patients who make their own decisions of how to spend their health care dollars.  It works very well for very many.   Check out drmaulfair.com and go to our links for other doctors and at icimed.com. Check out the website of the American Physicians and Surgeons if you want the best source of independent medical thinking and to find out what really goes on with health care politics at aapsonline.org    Our website has many other links to other organizations of independent medical care. 

Join us in stopping the Mothers Act in your state and federally and get on board with your voice for independence.  We have welfare programs and disability programs for people who are destitute, the feds (rather us) could by them all medical savings accounts and save a ton of money.

Anti-aging medical care.

Anti-aging medicine is so much more than cosmetic procedures.  I venture to say many of us would not turn to cosmetic surgery to turn back the clock but would like to do something to regain our energy or return to good health or not slide toward death so fast! 
Beauty and energy and wellness come from within and if the internal needs of the body are not addressed it does not matter what cosmetic path you take, you will not be satisfied.  Many of us realize we are responsible for our own health outcomes as long as we are not harmed by bad advice.  For the next brief months we are still free to take or not the advice of physicians who care for us and we need to encourage others to think for themselves and do a bit of research when told to take pharmaceutical drugs as the answer to their health problems.

Because of the access to so many people through our medical practice Dr. Maulfair has heard it all!!  People who come to us are fed up with the lack of interest on the part of some doctors in finding out WHY they suffer from whatever.   Why? should be the biggest question, certainly posed before the take this drug and call me in the morning  lazy answer.  The body does not fail and become ill due to pharmaceutical deficiencies!!  If you have lost your edge with aging perhaps there is something you can do to adjust your lifestyle as part of the solution.

We are very fortunate at this time because we have alternative voices all across this country with research backup educating the public about health.  As baby boomers we remember when whole wheat flour was suggested and became readily available with new ways to unBetty Crocker ourselves.  We ate veggies again, we walked, we reduced chemical exposures and became aware of planetary environmental issues.  So here we are,  60 and 70 and needing good medical advice.  We are not the sheep our parents might have been, we want to know why and we want healthy answers to our difficulties.

Time to speak up to government officials and elected offiicials running amuck and wanting every pregnant mother to get a psyche evaluation through a questionaire administered by her doctor.  Every one looks mentally ill if you buy that line, it is a marketing strategy to sell drugs for depression and whatever else.  Its really sickening.  I am tired of menopause, pregnancy and all the other happenings in life made into illness – they are not.  Real illness is growing old feeling lousy, that is sick.  Lets steer this society away from “mental illness” to real solutions for feeling lousy.  Find a good anti-aging doctor and follow his non-drug treatments and win. 

Remember we were the generation that did change some things for the better-lets do it again.  Lets start talking and doing-in a really big way-for health freedom and healthy happy old age!!  Maybe we need some more marches on Washington, walking is good for us!!!

Health Care Freedom

It is time to let your legislators, both state and federal, know you intend to retain the meager freedom you currently have to select your own health care decisions.  We are losing ground when the government wants intrusive control over medical care.  Look to medicare for all.  The only treatment provided will be drugs to keep you docile so you can be housed quietly and not fight back.
Health savings accounts already exist and offer pretax investment in your own plan with a high deductible policy to cover the worst possible risks.  You have more leeway in how you are going to spend your health care dollars with these plans and they should be strengthened.  People need to determine their own choices when you are talking about intimate decisions.  We do not need the insurance companies and the feds making decisions for us.  If we do not fight for medical freedom they will determine if you meet the criteria for a procedure so there will be more wasted dollars.  We currently have disease care  not  health care.

People do not realize how the current system is stacked against health.  In the case of drug rehabilitation you have someone who has a sincere desire to get off of street drugs go to a clinic and find they are now offered only approved psyche drugs as a treatment.  Sound crazy?  It is.  It is also cheaper than actually helping the person clear the drug residues from their bodies thereby reducing the cravings and making it possible for the addict to learn new ways to live without drugs.  The choice is made by the insurance companies because it is cheaper in the short term and they answer to their stockholders-not the addicts or doctors – the stockholders.  Confirmed addicts like the system though because they can get fed and housed for a few days every once in awhile and free drugs.

We are never going to agree completely on the best health care system as a society, we will have those that do not want anything to do with independent choice and financial participation.  We do, however, need to strive for freedom and choice.   If you have noticed those with the purse strings call the shots, currently the insurance company and/or the government.  It should be you and me so we need to search out ways to retain our purse strings and therefore our freedom.  People are sick of paying health care premiums to be told what they can be used for.

If stock holders of the insurance companies knew how much money was wasted on good ole boy medical decisions they would change the system and allow the public to retain control of their own bodies.  Doctors and patients should make the decisions.  If the coming programs remove the decisions to others you had better hope your physician won on the debate team because if you are going to be cared for properly he will have to be convincing.