Health effects of toxins and drugs

Time to consider some things over the holiday.

Alarming as it may be the press if full of news of scientists admitting to taking mind altering drugs for “cognitive enhancement”, some are on the big pharma money train.   Some are not.  Ritalin, Adderall and drugs like them carry scary side effects.  They have black box warnings of sudden death, heart attack and stroke especially for people with heart disease, never mind the murderous rages some people experience.  How do you explain to a child who has just had a stroke due to a drug prescribed to HELP them that you are sorry?  One Pennsylvania Mom had her 10 year old daughter die in her arms in the doctors office due to the prescription ADHD drug she was taking, heart attack.  Does cognitive enhancement drug use sound like a  good idea?   Read all about it on your home pages health tab.
A child of the 60’s I took 1/2 a tab of Benzedrine for spring final week, I was up for three days did all my work, slept 8 hours, felt fine and then told the person I got it from to NEVER give me that again even if I asked for it.  I knew it was too easy and I did not want to be a victim of personality in a bottle syndrome.  Most people know the devastation of speed freaks, acne, heart disease, muscle weakness, addicts, man!!!!    For a short time there are benefits and those benefits are noticed by most anyone.  Is a few days a benefit when you face addiction? Acne? Heart attacks?  Have you ever smoked marijuana and then written down all your bright ideas only to find the next day when you read them there is not one good idea on the page let alone a coherent sentence?  Drugs make you stupid. Really stupid. 

As a society how will we stand up against the horrendous drug problem our young students experience, they are attacked from all sides.  Teachers, parents, school administrators, doctors want them on meds because they have behavior problems.  There is a big sign by their school that says DRUG FREE ZONE, just another joke from the idiot adults in their lives that do not understand.  The kid pushers are everywhere.  Ask any kid in any school area and they can tell you how to get drugs in a few minutes.  The insurance companies love this because expensive as it is it is they think it is cheaper than solving the kids problem with searching diagnostics to find food sensitivities, underlying health problems, allergies, heavy metal toxicity and on and on.  Insurance companies give drug addicts prescription drugs and call it treatment for drug problems!!!  

Now they have our societies prominent SCIENTISTS saying cognitive enhancement drugs are the wave of the future, we take them already.  Not only will we lose our scientific edge as a society we will have drug induced illnesses to contend with.  Our insurance premiums pay for the drugs and then are called upon to clean up the physical mess they make with more care, more drugs to handle the side effects of the first ones. other words for this.  Spend some time this holiday season and do your own research  How will taking an “attention” drug help a child who has a lead overload?  Check out the article “The Canaries Dropped from the Skies.”


Did you know your kids could be smoking a perfectly legal herb that could render them psychotic?  Salvia, a form of mexican sage, is perfectly legal and being used by kids.  You tube has videos of a drug company scientist saying they do not want the DEA to take action against the plant because they are studying it for potential use as a medical drug.  The drug effects of smoking salvia is a huge threat to your family if your child may be prone to trying something.  You could have a bale of it in your car as it is perfectly legal, sage.  Dress a turkey or pick your kid off the street if you can find him after he goes psychotic.

Please look into these problems and warn parents of the kids around you.  We are helping a family now that is dealing with the devastation of salvia use. 

Advocacy of drugs and medications for every little thing needs to stop and maybe we will be able to slow the use of drugs by our kids.

Reduce Stress

Reduce Stress
In these turbulent times we want to invite you to do all you can to improve a good night’s sleep, insure you have a strong immune system, are feeling well enough to exercise and know that the quality of the food you eat has everything to do with your health and happiness.

 YOU NEED EVEN MORE... you need the knowledge that our medical center stands at the top of the heap with regards outcomes and results.  We help the toughest cases and those who know how to avoid developing health problems in the first place.  We are one of many centers in the US offering these benefits, read all about in Susanne Somers new book Breakthrough.  Our first recommendation to you is to avoid pharmaceutical drugs of all kinds.  If you must use them use them the way we do: use the smallest amount for the shortest period of time.

 Infusion therapy is offered in our center because most people have poor digestion and do not eat foods that are healthful.  While we educate you on proper dietary choices we offer treatments that deliver nutrients needed to fight disease and prevent problems in the form of intravenous treatments.  WHY? you ask.  Results.  Delivered directly into your blood stream a trouble free intravenous treatment (IV for short) is supervised by our talented nurses while you read or sleep or work on your computer or watch you personal DVDs.   Nutrients and other infusions speed recovery to normal function and help prevent symptoms of all kinds from developing to begin with.

 If you have cancer and are undergoing treatment we support you with nutrient IVs and also high dose vitamin C.  Well tolerated, high dose vitamin C is given in amounts you could not take by mouth.  No need to be digested it is immediately available to your body for nutrition but also to combat cancer directly.  Cancer Centers of America are doing an IRB on high dose vitamin C in their Chicago facility.  We have been offering this treatment to our patients for years.  Although we do not treat cancer directly we support your immune system and help you fight that much harder.  People report fewer side effects from chemotherapy combining the use of both fields of medicine.

Vitamin C intravenous treatments also fight viruses and used pre and post surgery enhance the healing process.  St. Agnes Burn Center uses IV vitamin C for this very reason to help burn victims, it speeds healing and helps prevent infection.  People with influenza, mononucleosis, upper respiratory infections, Lyme disease and liver disease all benefit under our care.  You can also use these infusions to remain healthy during high flu outbreak months. 

If you suffer from migraines, muscle spasms, asthma, heart rate irregularity, angina, menstrual cramping, constipation, Raynaud’s syndrome, esophageal spasm, back muscle spasm and intestinal spasm, you will benefit by infusions of magnesium.  The health giving properties are abounding in the medical literature and you will find many reasons to use magnesium as you research its uses.  Low energy, fatigue, weakness, inability to sleep, anxiousness, nervousness, irritability are also improved with mega doses of magnesium.  You could not take the amount in an IV by mouth as you would get diarrhea due to the muscle relaxant properties of magnesium.

 Glutathione is essential for normal liver function.  It is minimally absorbed when taken orally but when you give infusions of glutathione it supports liver function.  If you are a past drug abuser or medical drug over user this is a very important treatment to help your liver function better.  People with cancer typically have stressed liver function and benefit from this treatment.  A series of infusions of glutathione can be used in conjunction with vitamin C.  There is evidence mounting that people with severe drug reactions to fluoroquinolone antibiotics benefit a great deal by the use of glutathione. 

The king of the hill remains chelation therapy.  It is under attack again by people who are trying to stop the NIH national study which will clearly show its benefits.  The last gasp of criticism is printed by our biased media who do not understand the science of chelation therapy nor the ways it helps the body heal and prevents circulatory problems.  Inflammation lies at the bottom of most symptoms of aging, inflammation caused by heavy metals picked up and stored in the body disrupting normal function.  We have tons of clinical evidence of the benefits of chelation therapy. We have scientific studies, pre and post treatment, of our patients that clearly shows the benefits and healing properties of chelation.  Without a doubt the benefits are known by medical scientists as a whole, but the business interests of big pharma and big medicine will not give way without calling every doctor using alternative complementary medical treatments a quack.  So be it… if it gets the results, if it changes and reverses circulatory problems, as documented by diagnostics commonly used, then it must be EFFECTIVE AND HEALTHFUL!!  We have reversed circulatory problems due to diabetes that could have resulted in amputations, we have successfully treated wounds that were slow to heal, heart problems and we have helped thousands of people slow the aging process and enjoy their active lives.  

Billions of dollars spent on invasive procedures could be saved if the public was able to avail themselves of chelation therapy and other IV therapy for prevention and treatment of existing disease processes.  You do not change or stop the process of heart disease when you have a bypass surgery, the disease process continues.  Spend some time in our reception area and read the hundreds of benefits people have experienced in our center.  Patients themselves are the best testimony to health restored.

 Dr Conrad Maulfair, Osteopathic Physician

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Warning

You know we are in trouble as a society when a pharmaceutical company recommends the use of a drug for people not only with no symptoms but who should take the drug simply because they are alive and over 18.  That is right, Crestor, the registered trademark of a cholesterol lowering drug.  Funny stuff.  Right next to the article recommending this was an article with old news that nutrients like vitamin C and others do not help avoid heart attacks or health problems.  Want to bet?
Buy and read Malignant Medical Myths by Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D. and pharmacist.  You will find a chapter in the book on page 34 discusses the studies done on vitamin E that are being cited in bad news medical press used synthetic vitamin E and it showed no effects on health outcomes due to the fact that the study was of people already eating a “Mediterranean Diet” , on and on.

The Crestor study article went on to say that the people who participated in the study had low or no risk for heart disease and were younger.  Well…. read the study yourself and see what you think and then pick up Dr. Kauffman’s book and learn what the problems are with studies and how to read them.  Did you know the abstract will often state an outcome not born out in the data of the study itself.  It is amazing how far a drug company will go to make their market share grow and how few of us read the basis for their harmful recommendations.  They count on us to be in the dark and unwilling to take the time to do the work of research. 

Research and then decide what health care to pursue. 

We have some people in our sauna program so I am very busy these days but I will try to get to my blog more often.  Every day there is something else I want to tell you.  Coleen

Chelation Therapy Confusion

The news regarding chelation therapy generated by the detractors and critics causes confusion for many people who may be interested in chelation therapy for their family.  Chelation therapy, using a chelating agent that removes toxic metals (EDTA), for people with heart disease has been utilized by physicians since the 50s for many circulatory problems.  Very safe, very effective when using the approved protocols of IV therapy.  Thousands of people have improved health and many with very marked improvements.  Increasing circulation can prevent amputations as well as improve heart disease and the problems for diabetics.
Other chelating agents have been used to remove mercury other metals in children with autism with  very good results.  The critics are busy trying to stop a study of DMSA to chelate mercury in autistic kids.  My information cites that fact that the National Institute of Health developed and funded the use of DMSA to treat lead toxicity in children.  But a study using DMSA to chelate mercury, now underway in Philadelphia, is threatened with discontinuation.  A real shame.  Edit- perhaps a real shame but for the real scoop on how to help kids see Dr. Rashid Buttar’s blog at to get his view of DMSA.

There is a simple fact at work here.  EDTA is not patentable, the patent ran out years ago.  There is not one single drug company that would not be hurt by its acceptance.  You see, if a patient utilizes chelation therapy they avoid expensive drug treatment and surgeries, jealous medicine can’t stand that.  Pharmaceutical companies squirm.  Keep in mind they want to ban some bio-identical hormone replacement hormones compounded by pharmacies.  On that note, a drug company has a form of one of the hormones soon to be released on the market in combination with other things and the compounding pharmacists are competition.  So big pharma is trying to wipe them out through the FDA.

Back to chelation.  For those a bit in the dark, the most widely used chelating agent is EDTA, it is used as a food additive to preserve food, it appears in the bottom of that little tube they use when they draw your blood. Why?  Because it keeps the blood from clotting so they can run tests.  Interesting.  What is the cause of 90% of heart attacks?  Blood clots.  See the connection.  EDTA chelation therapy can help prevent blood clots by reducing the stickiness of platlets, those little guys in your blood stream that clump together when you cut yourself to make a blood clot so you do not bleed to death.  Preventing abnormal blood clotting is a real plus when you have heart disease.  Think of how many blood thinners you would not have to take.

Now, there is the use of intravenous chelation therapy for kids with autism.  We do not do that in our office so I am not speaking from great observation here but there is a death of child from western Pennsylvania that is cited by the critics to showcase the DANGERS of chelation therapy to scare people away.  What they do not say is the chelating agent used when the child died was the wrong one, it was a drug error.  The technicians used the wrong agent and dropped the calcium levels in the child.  Had they used caEDTA (calcium EDTA)  the child would be fine.  A medical mistake.  Do you know how many people die and are harmed by drug errors improper precriptions and use in standard medical care??   Tens of thousands every year. 

Now to make the matters worse, friends of chelation tout oral chelation as a replacement for intravenous chelation therapy for people with heart disease, diabetes, arthritis or people who want to prevent those things.  I was just on one website selling oral chelation and all the references they cited to back up their claims were studies using INTRAVENOUS chelation therapy.  Apples and oranges, no worse, apples and ice cream.  So there is competition within the ranks of the good guys trying to bring the public a new and effective answer for chronic health problems and the aging process.  EEEEEE GADES.

What remains is that you need to protect yourself with a little study and research and look at the data and if you find something weird, it probably is weird.  Think for yourself and work out for yourself what should be done for health. You are being lied to at every turn.  The more confused you become the easier it is to sell you a bill of goods and take away your rights to good medical care.