Health Care Reform Moves Forward

With or without us federal health care reform proposals will continue and some news indicates there may be end runs around opposition to the current proposals with slick administrative moves.  Currently in hospitals and care centers some of the measures most disagreeable to me are being implemented without legislation.  It is becoming acceptable for someone other than yourself and your family to take measures to limit your care and the type of care needed to overcome your health crisis.
Health care savings accounts, private contracts with physicians and  a good defense by knowledgeable family members when you are unable to defend yourself are needed.  So is your voice.  What ever your opinion is regarding the role in government interference in private lives and health care decisions you need to make yourself known and heard by your representatives, federal and local.

Make sure you have someone with you at all times in hospital settings to advocate for you when you cannot do so yourself.  It  is clear you need someone standing by you 24 hours a day to monitor what is happening.  There are good hospitals and care centers you can trust but how will you know?  You need to be very active in finding people  you like and trust before you are sick or injured.  Make your preferences known before you need to implement them and it may be important to become more educated about the health issues facing you and your family.  Few of us think or study cancer treatments until we are faced with our own problem, then we are sick, scared and in need of some time to study and think about the best path.  Gather some resources ahead of time, when you are prepared  you seldom have as rough a time.  It can make all the difference in the outcome.

Coleen Maulfair