Heart Disease? Diabetes? The Broad Benefits of Chelation Therapy

One of our patients reported these findings:
In 2001 I had a catheter test at Reading Hospital and was found to have 3 blocked arteries. One 50%, one 70%, and one 80% blocked.

In 2012 this test was repeated and all my arteries were found to be clear-NO BLOCKAGES! I have been doing chelation therapy for the past several years and it appears to have been very successful. Thanks you Dr. Maulfair!! J.G.

(J.G. has been doing chelation since 2006 at the rate of one treatment per month for 70 treatments TO ACHIEVE THAT RESULT… IT IS WORTH IT.)

Intravenous Chelation Therapy is a wonderfully effective, safe, comprehensive program that can benefit people with chronic degenerative diseases. People with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, unhealing wounds, lack of energy and problems of aging can experience a resurgence of energy and life quality. This program is not new. It has been studied and offered to patients by many progressive physicians to hundreds of thousands of thankful people world wide for over 60 years. Patients who receive chelation therapy experience their quality of life improve first hand. Our patients report being able to walk without the use of their past aids, improved sleep, increased energy, improved sense of well being and many people return to work and previous sports as their illness abates. Their cardiologists notice the improvements.

Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy Recently Completed by the NIH.

It makes our day that we are no longer alone in these observations; the United States government via the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a study on chelation therapy. The study called TACT, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, started in 2003. The results were just announced at the American Heart Association’s meeting November 4, 2012. The results were positive.

People in this trial who received Chelation Therapy had decreased hospitalizations for angina, compared to the control group. There were fewer deaths from heart attacks and strokes for the patients receiving chelation therapy. The chelation patients also needed less bypass surgeries and angioplasties; the findings were especially positive for patients who also suffered from diabetes. Chelation Therapy reduced cardiac events by 18% and by 39% for diabetic patients. The total reduction in cardiac events was statistically significant. Physicians conducting the study included university cardiologists and experienced chelation physicians.
Keep in mind all study participants had a previous heart attack before beginning the trial, 83% had either bypass surgeries, angioplasty with or without stents. The majority of participants had high blood pressure and 73% had been prescribed cholesterol lowering statin drugs. One thousand seven hundred people participated in the study. An additional finding was the unquestionable safety of Chelation Therapy.

If this therapy is so effective in reversing the disease process can you imagine how helpful it might be to utilize it as a preventive before you have serious symptoms? We keep people healthy with this therapy.

For more information and background on the development of chelation therapy please check out Dr. Maulfair’s articles on our website .  Check out this article on newsmax maxlife