The Only Real Defense in Health Care

Stay healthy or work on regaining and maintaining good health and you will avoid all the mishaps and changes in “health care”.  Dr. Maulfair refers to the present system as disease care.  It is.  You have to have a disease to be admitted into the ranks of the cared for.  Common medical preventive measures prevent nothing, they detect problems.
Prevention is something you do.  You avoid toxins, you eat organic, clean food, you avail yourself of measures to avoid pharmaceuticals.  More importantly you find out how your body works, you exert some effort in understanding the ailments you have so you can differentiate good care from bad.  When your education is complete you help other people find out what to do about their situations.

Dr. Maulfair has started a podcast to educate those who listen about many aspects of medical care and the new paradigm in healing.  We still have the same old problem of this field not naming itself in a way that takes the confusion out of the noise in medicine you hear every day.  Alternative, Complementary, Functional, Anti-Aging, Intregrative,  Holistic or rather Wholistic since nothing is missing…oh, wait a minute; maybe the originators were thinking of filling the “hole” in normal medical care.  Who knows.

Certainly you hunger for a place to go where people listen, where underlying causes are searched for before the latest drug is offered.  How on earth does a pain killer for migraines headaches heal? does not…it dulls the pain and dulls you until the headache passes.  The question is why do have them?  Please start to help yourself and ask why.  Encourage your doctors to wonder why and if they refuse then find someone who will.

Listen to Dr. Maulfair’s podcasts and come to our workshops if you are within driving distance or just read the articles on our website, it is a start.