Who Does Your Doctor Represent? Is it You?

We want to let you know your physician may not be working for you.  Dr. Maulfair is receiving letters from Medicare Provider’s advising him as to which drugs are going to be approved as of January 1, 2013; this letter is specific for a patient and lists the drug Dr. Maulfair is prescribing for her and lists the drug that he SHOULD select.  In the case of one patient currently taking “Advair” he is being advised that as of the above date the covered drug will be “Symbicort”.  Do you think the group that made the list looked at the side effects of the drugs chosen compared to the ones left off the list?  Your doctor should decide which drug based on your history and current difficulty, what if the drug chosen by the list has as a side effect intestional bleeding and you have had bleeding in your digestive tract in the past?  Keep your eyes pealed after the 1st of  January.  You might be told you have to switch medications by your physician if you are a Medicare recipient because your physician is receiving letters advising reimbursement for “Formulary Drugs”;  drugs not on this list will cost patients more out-of-pocket expense.  As part of the changes within Obama Care perhaps pharmaceutical companies negotiated certain provisions.  Dr. Maulfair, as an example often recommends the use of older generic blood pressure medications as they have had years of success and fewer side effects than the newer drugs.  We are being advised to change our prescription practices as of January 1 to accommodate these new regulations.  Make sure you let your physician know what your preferences are or you too could wide up with a group choosing your meds for your doctor.

We are not a “participating” medical practice due to these mandates.  We work for our patients solely. Our practice includes recommendations for dietary and nutrient programs and other body friendly medical treatments which are not normally covered by insurance.  Insurance coverage has traditionally covered doctor visits, surgeries and medications so if you are physician who offers more than those treatments your patients have had to pay out of pocket for your care.  This type of care is usually less expensive and certainly more effective since no one has a deficiency of prozac but might have a deficiency of nutrients including B-Complex, our care is helpful and lasting and people get better and get off their drugs.  When someone is healthy they use fewer health care dollars. Surprise.  You would think the stockholders and owners of insurance companies would catch on but they do not.

People need to wake up to the fact that run of mill medical care is not putting your health first or even giving you the best recommendations.  I cannot figure out why physicians put up with this but they do.  Perhaps it is because most independent physicians are now employees of giant hospital interests with their far reaching community medical centers.  As an employee you do not pay your malpractice insurance premium, the company does.  You see, with the government telling a physician what can and cannot be done for patients when physicians comply and  it goes wrong a patient cannot sue the government, but will sue the doctor.  Your doctor was following the “standard of care” so it will be hard to prevail against him/her .    You realize, I am quite sure, that medical modalities that help you recover from chronic health problems are outside the standard of care, right?  If you have migraines the suggestion that you take magnesium and other minerals and watch your diet are outside the “standard of care”, yet they could actually keep you from becoming a drug addict.

I find it very hard to tolerate the government and pharmaceutical interests telling me what I can do with my own health.  I also think some of this mess is brought on by our own actions or lack of action.  You do not have car insurance pick up the tab every time you need tires or an oil change, yet, people are used to insurance picking up the tab for their doctors visits and meds.  If your employer pays most of your health care premium and you have little out-of-pocket expense when you go to the doctor you may not even know what the visit cost was because you are not paying for it.  Who is better equipped to drive the market place and demand fair prices but the consumer? You support your choices with your pocketbook.  You would not tolerate someone telling you which grocery store, gas station, or your pet’s veterinarian you were allowed to patronize would you?  You would not think you were part of the free American society.  Yet all of us put up with idea that our government supports an insurance company that chooses our doctor based on the list, and the doctor choosing our meds based on the approved list, and we accept the idea that whatever the recommendation it is, it is all that can be done based on what is payed for by others!!!

I want to live in a country where I am free to choose my own physician and my own treatments.  I dread the day when I might be a victim of  a car accident and must accept what will be paid for by the group, I do not want to be told what will and must be done for me.  I was in a car accident, I was told I must have spinal surgery and I refused.  I am pain free and I can walk  just fine.  If I would have accepted the “standard of car” for my injuries I would be on pain meds with rods in my back!  Part of the reason for that is the collaboration between the orthopedic physician (who eventually helped me my way) and an over zealous neurosurgeon.  Join me in supporting freedom of choice in all things including what do to for and with our own bodies.  I am happy with health insurance for critical and acute care and I am happy with health savings accounts and I am willing to suffer financial difficulties to retain my freedom to direct my own life.

Wishing you the best in health,

Coleen Maulfair