intravenous vitamin C

Ep 139 - Connection Between Alzheimer's and Diabetes

The causes of many chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s, may NOT be what most people think.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 072 - Standard Medicine Validates Vitamin C Helps Treat and Prevent Cancer

We've talked about this before, including here in this blog post, but here, again, is a study proving that high doses of vitamin C improve cancer treatment. Not only does high-dose vitamin C therapy aid in treating cancer, it also goes a long way in helping to prevent it. This episode might be what it takes to move you to more body-friendly treatments.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

S2 Ep01 - Michele Warner, Executive Director of MMC and Donna J

We support people through all stages of cancer and all phases of their cancer treatment through the use of dietary recommendations, intravenous vitamin C, and intravenous nutrient support including iv glutathione. This is a story of hope from one of our patients who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis to her liver and bones. She is making exceptional progress and she wants you to know about it.