
Ep 080 - Do NOT Treat Your Lawn Until You Hear This

It's finally Spring! Time to mow your lawn, maybe plant some flowers and a garden. Certainly homegrown vegetables are the best, right? But of course, we can't have any weeds, so you'll need to get some Roundup or another weed killer.* The only problem is Glyphosate, the broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant is linked to cancer, autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, depression, fatigue, gluten sensitivity, anxiety, and more. In other words, it makes you sick — really sick. When you add to that other chemicals we are exposed to, including ones we cannot help, and then medications (because those, too, are chemicals) — it's no wonder the quality of life — not to mention the quantity of life is not what it should be! *So DO NOT use Roundup or any other weed killers.

In this episode, we talk about The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. whom we utilize to test our patients for chemicals in their body.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 074 - The Single Best Thing You Can Do To Prevent Cancer

As Dr Maulfair always says, the best treatment for any chronic disease is taking measures to sustain health, and prevent disease in the first place. Disease can ONLY occur in the absence of health. That sounds philosophical, but it's not. It's an actual fact. However, on this episode, Dr Maulfair does share a little philosophy on health. See what you think.

If you listen to our podcast regularly, you'll know there are many episodes where we give you information on how to maintain health and prevent disease, including the show on The Ultimate Cancer Prevention Program. However, if you could only choose one thing to do — only one — to prevent cancer, what do you think that would be? On this episode Dr Maulfair shares with you what he says, in his humble opinion, is the SINGLE BEST thing you can do to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 072 - Standard Medicine Validates Vitamin C Helps Treat and Prevent Cancer

We've talked about this before, including here in this blog post, but here, again, is a study proving that high doses of vitamin C improve cancer treatment. Not only does high-dose vitamin C therapy aid in treating cancer, it also goes a long way in helping to prevent it. This episode might be what it takes to move you to more body-friendly treatments.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 068 - Why Most Skin Cancers Come Back

He's been on our podcast several months ago, and also last week, but Dr Robert Bard of the Bard Cancer Center in NYC is back yet again. On this episode Dr Maulfair and Dr Bard discuss these subjects and more:

  • "Gopher Cancer" and "Rodent Carcinoma" — what are they?
  • Why most skin cancers come back — and what you can do to prevent that!
  • How every single hour, one person dies from malignant melanoma in the US
  • How only 1 out of every 33,000 moles biopsied turns out to be a melanoma

Robert L Bard, MD, PC, DABR, FASLMS is internationally known and recognized as a leader in the field of 21st Century 3D ULTRASONOGRAPHIC VOLUMETRIC DOPPLER IMAGING. Dr Bard specializes in advanced 3D sonography to detect cancers in numerous organs including the breast, prostate, skin, thyroid, melanoma, and other areas.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 067 - How To Know If You Should Leave a Tumor or Lesion Alone

Dr Maulfair speaks with Dr Robert Bard of the Bard Cancer Center in NYC. Robert L Bard, MD, PC, DABR, FASLMS is internationally known and recognized as a leader in the field of 21st Century 3D ULTRASONOGRAPHIC VOLUMETRIC DOPPLER IMAGING. Dr Bard specializes in advanced 3D sonography to detect cancers in numerous organs including the breast, prostate, skin, thyroid, melanoma, and other areas.

He's been on our podcast before, but he's back again to talk about some more of the latest technology and data regarding imaging. Because of his safe and superior alternative to other diagnostic tools, such as mammography, many people are learning being diagnosed with cancer does not necessarily have to mean a death sentence.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 063 - Here's To Dying Old and Healthy - And, Yes, You Read That Correctly

It has always been Dr Maulfair's belief that we should all die old and healthy. Today doctors and coroners are pressed to specify a cause of death, so the terms “old age” and “natural causes” are rarely used. We are conditioned to believe that we all eventually must die from a cause such as cancer, a heart attack, a stroke, or some other disease. However, our bodies are designed to simply wear out. That's a perfectly reasonable way to die — and it is possible. The trick is to get to that point before it "breaks" from a chronic degenerative disease. Hear more about that on this episode.

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine