health professionals

Ep 042 - Not all doctors, healthcare, or chelation are the same

Dr Maulfair talks with another one of his patients. This patient lives in Philadelphia and drives to the Lehigh Valley just for the Maulfair Medical Center. He tried to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair closer to his home, but was unsuccessful. Not all things in this world are created equal. That applies to doctors, medicine, healthcare — and in this patient's case, chelation therapy. Several doctors later, and after double bypass heart surgery, this gentleman returned to the Maulfair Medical Center. Hear his entire story and what he is now up to. You may be shocked to hear what he does and how active he is at his age — especially considering what his condition was not too long ago.

This is just another example of how one may go to specialist after specialist, and you may be told by other doctors your options are limited. More often than not, that is simply NOT the case. Drugs and surgery sometimes are necessary. But more than you'd be led to believe, there ARE other options. We provide many less-intrusive, less-invasive, and safer options for your healthcare. Not too mention, our healthcare gets to the root cause of your issue(s), rather than masking your symptoms — thereby, truly giving you a better QUALITY of life. With drugs, your blood pressure might improve or your cholesterol might be lower — but do you FEEL better? Or do you still "just not feel right?" Are you still tired? And what other issues could you be causing with the drugs prescribed to you? With our healthcare you get side "benefits" rather than side effects. That's what this patient experienced, and you can too.

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

S2 Ep11 - Wendy Chappell, International College of Integrative Medicine

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area by going to

The "International College of Integrative Medicine" (ICIM) is a group of physicians who are comfortable treating health concerns relating to circulation, the brain, the immune system, hormones, digestion, pain, and/or toxicity. We are health professionals who are interested in utilizing more than just drugs or surgical procedures in the holistic care of our patients.

On this episode, Dr Maulfair speaks with the Executive Director of ICIM, Wendy Chappell.

S1 Ep6 - Alternative medical philosophy 2 of 2

Alternative medical philosophy: Part 2 of 2. Whether you refer to this as alternative, complementary, or integrative medicine (IM) — Dr Maulfair uses diagnostic tools to find the real causes of your ailments, and in turn, help you address them.

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area by going to

S1 Ep5 - Alternative medical philosophy 1 of 2

Alternative medical philosophy: Part 1 of 2. Whether you refer to this as alternative, complementary, or integrative medicine (IM) — Dr Maulfair uses diagnostic tools to find the real causes of your ailments, and in turn, help you address them.

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area by going to