
Ep 129 - Vaccine Safety Violations

Anyone concerned with the safety of vaccines needs to hear this.

The federal government has been neglecting safety obligations for decades. This has been proven in a court of law bringing RFK Jr and ICAN to victory over DHHS.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr teamed up with the Informed Consent Action Network to take on the Department of Health and Human Services for vaccine safety violations and they have won.

Their lawsuit has brought forth evidence that vaccine safety has been neglected for over 30 years.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 120 - Apparently Vitamin D is Kind of Important

Last week Dr Maulfair talked about the signs and symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. On this episode you’ll hear even more about Vitamin D, including how important it is in order for you to be healthy. Some of the things he talks about are:

  • The emerging sperm count crisis

  • Vitamin D is an incredibly powerful antiviral

  • Low levels of vitamin are associated with the development of MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

  • Something as simple as enough vitamin D can make all the difference in restoring fertility

  • A recent study showed children who take Vitamin D were 58% less likely to catch the flu

  • Antiviral drugs such as Tamiflu and RELENZA only reduced infection rates of influenza A by 8%

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine

Ep 066 - Toxic Metals Are Called Toxic For A Reason

Toxic metal exposure, including mercury and aluminum, is getting more attention as a leading cause of autism and other diseases. Children, beginning at birth, are receiving more vaccines than ever before.

The degree of toxicity and the effect toxins have vary from person to person because everyone is unique. But TOXINS are still TOXIC to everybody. How much we can tolerate before they do damage and it becomes obvious shouldn't be the question. The question should be: How do we remove our exposure to toxins and toxic metals in the first place?

Our bodies can only handle so many toxins before they malfunction and say "Look, I can't handle any more!" We then become symptomatic — which then is often handled by additional toxic exposures (pharmaceutical drugs). There ARE many alternatives — including improving the quality of your health — so in turn, you can tolerate many abuses more effectively than if you are ill to begin with.

You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104

If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine