The current standard of medical care in the United States is NOT a healthcare system, it's a disease care system.
It's NOT health insurance, it's disease insurance.
Don’t believe that? Go to the doctor when you feel fine and aren’t experiencing any symptoms. See how they act and what they say.
A symptom is NOT a disease, it's a symptom of a disease.
At the Maulfair Medical Center, we practice the old paradigm of restoring health.
We concentrate on things that restore health, as opposed to things that suppress a symptom of lost health.
If you have health, you don't have disease. And if you don't have disease, you don't have symptoms. That’s very simple, very basic. And the best part is — it’s doable!
You CAN be healthier than you are. You CAN live a higher quality of life. Just get educated. That's where we come in. Continue listening to our podcast, attend one of our free seminars, or give us a call. 610-682-2104
If you're not in Pennsylvania, but are looking to find a doctor like Dr Maulfair, you can search for one in your area with The International College of Integrative Medicine