What we are doing and how you can help yourself...

We are open our usual hours to offer you health care that improves your immune system. These are scary times but they are less scary when you start to understand how the body works and how much you can prevent with some effort.

For those of you who have contacted us in the past you have our recommendations on eating healthy and avoiding toxic exposures. Those two things keep your digestive system up to par as 60-70% of your immune system is in your guts. Dr. Maulfair reminds people that your digestive system and stomach should have an acid environment. Why acid? Because we ingest bacteria and viruses routinely and the acid in our stomach protects us by killing it. Very often, when people have acid reflux they have too little acid available not too much. Come to our workshops to learn more or give us call, we will send you information.

One other point, we clean our center routinely, and have for years, using a product that has microbes that eat bacteria and viruses. This is a long talk and worth the effort to try to understand as many contaminations of numerous sources can be handled. Please check out Teraganix.com and read up on Em-1 and ProEm. One for human consumption and one as a soil conditioner but also a “cleaner”. These microbes are a probiotic and eat contaminants. Call me for more information any time. You can be well. Coleen