Vitamin C & Immune Support

The route of administration of Vitamin C in large part determines its efficacy in fighting disease. Much larger and more effective levels of Vitamin C can be achieved via the infusion route versus the oral route.  Consequently, the Maulfair Medical Center utilizes infusions of Vitamin C which eliminates complications caused by incomplete oral absorption. As a result, therapeutic doses can be achieved which is essential when treating infectious agents; particularly viral agents. That includes any viral infectious agent. The infusion of Vitamin C also eliminates the side effect of diarrhea which can occur with large doses of oral Vitamin C.

We have obviously been referring to intravenous Vitamin C therapeutically. It could also be utilized preventively if one is anticipating an exposure to viral or bacterial infectious agents. An infusion of Vitamin C prior to the exposure and as soon as possible after the exposure would certainly be helpful in immune system support. Vitamin C infusion have been used effectively and safely for decades.



Dr. Conrad Maulfair, Jr., D.O.

Medical Director

Maulfair Medical Center