Diabetes and Common Denominators of Chronic Degenerative Diseases

Heart disease, diabetes and the aging process in general have common denominators. Diabetes is one of the most costly, destructive medical epidemics of the 21st century and can be treated in ways you might not have thought of. The earlier you address diabetes and its symptoms effectively the better the quality of your life will be if you are suffering from diabetes or have a family history predicting your development of the disease. The most healthful approach would be to take care of yourself in such a way as to prevent the development of the disease.

Most physicians recommend you eat a carbohydrate and protein balanced diet but some of the most effective programs recommend higher protein diets as carbohydrate diets lead to the use of more and more insulin over the years. Diabetics are often counseled to eat artificial sweeteners which ruin their health. When it comes to diet read the popular text called "Protein Power" by physicians authors Eades who are husband and wife treating diabetics effectively in their clinics. A very low carbohydrate diet, in a recent study, was shown to raise the level of HDL cholesterol (the good one) and lower triglyceride levels resulting in weight loss. Exercise and weight control are always recommended whether you suffer from chronic diseases or not.

Inflammation of tissues is brought about by many factors affecting chronic diseases including diabetes. Reducing or eliminating the inflammatory response should be a major focal point in your treatment program or to help you avoid developing any of the complications attributed to the aging process. The accumulation of toxins and heavy metals causes an inflammatory response in tissues throughout the body as does eating incorrectly in the case of consuming foods you are sensitive to in that they will cause your immune system to respond as if the food were a foreign particle to reckon with inciting your body to produce antibodies. Trans fats contribute to inflammatory responses which is a major factor in the development of disease and the aging process. The type of fat and carbohydrate you eat is of critical importance and more important than the amount.

According to a Harvard professor, Walter Willet, MD, 90% of type II diabetes and 80% of coronary artery disease could be prevented with these recommendations. We support our patients' wellness with a comprehensive dietary plan and chelation therapy which in itself is a treatment reducing inflammation of tissues throughout the body. Why do we recommend exercise as part of our protocols? Exercise improves muscle and fat tissue sensitivity to insulin and therefore reduces the need for insulin and reduces fasting blood sugar levels. Cellular resistance to insulin is a major factor in the development of type II diabetes. The mineral nutrients magnesium and chromium have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Complications of diabetes are numerous; cinnamon can help lower blood sugar, stevia is a safe herbal sweetener and has been shown to modulate blood sugar, and alpha-lipoic acid has relieved symptoms from peripheral neuropathy.

43% of diabetic patients who also had elevated blood pressure had coronary artery disease but showed no symptoms, called silent coronary artery disease, were reported in a study from a recent meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine.

Dr Conrad Maulfair, DO