Health Restoration Successes — Feeling Lousy & Low Energy
When I came to Maulfair Medical Center 9 months ago I suffered from Systemic Chronic Candidiasis. It was to the point where my whole body was infected. I had suffered with chronic yeast infections on and off my whole life, but this brought me to a breaking point. I was so tired I barely had the strength to go to work and even work. My whole body itched! It was no way to live. After tests to verify my problem, Dr. Maulfair got me started on a diet plan, a nutrient plan, and Oxidative and Nutrient IVs (in the beginning twice a week, then once a week, then every 3 weeks). I also was prescribed antifungals, which Dr. Maulfair alternated which seemed to help greatly with destroying the yeast. It took a lot of dedication to conquer this problem and certainly it was not an easy overnight process, but it was well worth the effort. I also seriously started watching my sugar intake and tried to eat yogurt every day, often twice a day. Miraculously here we are and I am recovered and have energy and no yeast infection anymore! I plan to continue the IVs. Supplements are great, but they never totally get inside the body like an IV does! Before I received IVs I would get a Shingle outbreak about every 3-4 months because I have the Epstein Barr Virus in me & stress brought my immune system down. I have not gotten any Shingles breakout since getting the IVs.
Thank You very much Dr. Maulfair!
The success story that almost didn’t happen. Not because I didn’t feel better. I almost didn’t write this story because I felt so good that I couldn’t find the time to sit down and write this. I have so much energy and love for life; I just want to do as much as I desire to do in a day’s time.
So much gratitude and appreciation is felt for Dr. Maulfair and his staff. Over the months and years, they have been there for me. They have listened to me. They have helped me with one issue after another. Dr. Maulfair and his staff are truly there for his patients who “want” to feel alive and healthy!
By having my regular check ups with Dr. Maulfair, I started to change the way I thought of myself and the way I looked at myself.
One day, I realized life is more than feeling good. It’s about feeling connected. Connected to oneself, connected to the world and connected to life itself. It happened when I looked in the mirror and started asking myself serious questions. Like why don’t I take care of myself to my fullest ability? What am I doing in life? Why am I here?
It’s when you start honestly answering yourself to these serious questions, that life changes for the better. Had I not gone to Dr. Maulfair, I wonder how long, or if ever, I would be able to “look” at myself and smile!
My sincere appreciation and thanks are sent to Dr. Maulfair and his staff for being there for me on my journey in life. I thank the heavens above for his wellness center and dedication.
SI February 201
When the year 2011 began I made a resolution to improve my health. I was tired a lot of the time and had trouble getting motivated. I also had difficulty getting out of bed. Dr. Maulfair discovered through 11 tests that I had yeast overgrowth. All three tests results relative to yeast were well over 100. This indicates a serious problem with regard to yeast. I went on the oxidative therapy/nutritive program and the oral vitamin program. I now have lots of energy and I do not have any trouble getting out of bed. I am motivated because I feel great and my friends say I look younger every time they see me.
B. D.
I have been going to MMC for approximately 5-6 months. When I started I was on an anti-hypertension medication, I had lost interest in my hobby, was overweight and felt tired all the time. I had no ambition to do anything after I got home from work. After a few treatments of chelation, along with the program, I started to feel better. I lost weight, I’m no longer taking my anti-hypertension medication and I have energy and more ambition to do the things I need and enjoy to do.
Thanks Dr. Maulfair
J. F.
Dr. Maulfair,
I am sticking my tongue out at you. When I first came to the Maulfair Medical Center my tongue was more white than pink. I had no energy. I was very weak and shaky. My mind was not thinking clearly as it felt foggy. I had to place a plastic chair in the shower for the dizziness I experienced while standing. I first went to a couple of medical doctors, they quickly prescribed antibiotics for my symptoms. After every antibiotic a new symptom would appear. I was given a popular nasal spray for my runny nose. More antibiotics for a sore throat that was severe. HRT for hormone therapy, yet all of these antibiotics failed to cure me. My last visit to a medical doctor is when I was told that I have no sickness or illness. It was all in my head. Then I was diagnosed as having depression. That really shocked me and woke me up to the only true way of being healed, naturally. Your concern to find out who I am internally gave me new hope to test my blood, hair and even waste, sums up what is inside of me making me ill. You diagnosed me with candida albicans. You placed me on an aggressive schedule to fight this. After the first week (2 treatments) I was walking around with half of the symptoms. By the fourth treatment I was cleaning my home, cooking and actually enjoying life again. Your treatment really healed me. And that is why I am sticking my tongue out at you. My tongue has turned back to its healthy pink color.
Thank you Dr. Maulfair, you are a blessing.
B. G.
About three years ago I started feeling dizzy and hungry all the time, and had constant headaches. I couldn't make it through a day at school without feeling weird. On weekends I would crash. I went to doctor after doctor. No one was helping. They just said they didn't know what was wrong and recommended other specialists. Eventually, I went to Dr. Maulfair and he finally gave me an answer to why I was feeling this way. He told me I had Candida and put me on a strict diet and supplement regimen. It was a rough few weeks but I stuck with it, and by the end of the third week all of my past symptoms had gone away. I still watch what I eat closely, but I'm finally feeling the way a 20 year old should.
B. H.
I am 42 years old and had quite a list of health problems. For years, I worked long hours, didn't sleep or eat right, stopped exercising, and took the Birth Control pill for 23 years. I did not take care of myself. My hair was thin, dry, falling out and losing its natural color. My eyes no longer sparkled. My vision was becoming worse. My tongue was swollen. The dark circles under my eyes were only getting darker. I couldn't think. Daily tasks would be so draining. I couldn't focus on how to do or handle things that would normally be done without thought. I was constantly in a heavy fog. The psoriasis on my elbows, rashes on my body and severe athlete's feet was more that uncomfortable & embarrassing. I had too much weight for my frame and it was mainly all around my hips, stomach & legs. The constipation was so bad; I couldn't have a bowel movement for days. Bloating and gas were daily symptoms. It was difficult to breathe at times; it was like I couldn't take a deep breath. I felt like I was gasping for air. My legs were restless & would severely cramp during the day & night. I couldn't bump into something without easily bruising. My circulation was so poor, my hands and feet felt so cold to the point were I would cry. I could no longer go on, I was falling apart. I had to take care of myself or die. I needed to detox. I decided to go off the Birth Control pill in December of 2009. In January 2010, my hormones were severely unbalanced and I had large, multiple, painful uterine fibroids. Sex was no longer part of my life because of the fibroids. I have been to so many doctors who all took tests and stated "You're fine. You're just stressed out - and a hysterectomy can be done to take care of the fibroids". How can I be fine I thought? When a doctor wanted to rip a part of my insides out, I prayed for an alternative choice. I made an appointment with Dr. Maulfair in June 2010. So many tests were done. As I suspected, I have a severe yeast problem. My hormones were also imbalanced among many other issues. Dr. Maulfair placed me on a strict Candida diet regimen along with a vitamin & supplement regimen. I started this program the end of July 2010. In one month I felt extremely better. By the end of September 2010, I noticed something. Looking back over the years, with all my poor health issues, I thought I had energy. I realized I did not. I was always pushing myself to the limit. Pushing myself to do things. I such a short time, I was better. Much better. My hair is growing & not losing its natural color. My vision stopped deteriorating. The sparkle is my eyes have returned. My skin has significantly cleared up and has become soft. My feet no longer burn or crack. My tongue is no longer swollen. Constipation is not a problem anymore. My fibroids have shrunk. I lost weight. When I bump into things, I don't bruise. I can breathe easily. My legs no longer cramp. Sex is part of my life again. I can concentrate and the fog bank has disappeared. My hands & feet are warmer. I'm happy, really happy. So happy, that I actually giggle. I haven't giggled since I was a little girl. The energy inside me is amazing. I no longer push myself to do things. Now, I "want" to do things. Friends & family have noticed so many changes in me. Even strangers give me compliments that I "look good". Having experienced all these improvements in a few months, I anxiously await the future. Knowing, I will continue to improve. I thank Dr. Maulfair and Coleen for doing what they do. The free seminars they provide have opened my eyes to a new healthy world. Dr. Maulfair's staff is wonderful. They greet you with smiles, and provide so much care. From the bottom of my heart, I am so very grateful to the Maulfair Medical Center. They are a God-send and have saved my life. I realize it's so easy now. Just make an appointment, tell Dr. Maulfair what is wrong, what doesn't feel right, and what health improvements you would like to see. He listens to you and helps you regain a healthy life. It is now October 21, 2010. I am now 42 years young and have a smile on my face. I thank you Dr. Maulfair and his caring staff.
S. I.
I came to the Maulfair Medical Center after being treated by several different conventional doctors and Endocrinologists for a thyroid condition that I've had for about eleven years. To my misfortune, I did not know of the Maulfair Medical Center back when I first sought treatment for my thyroid or my story would be short and sweet and I would not have suffered feeling awful and lifeless all the time. In recent years, I finally began to realize that I am in charge of my own life, no one else. I started eating better; buying organic as much as possible, taking additional supplements to compensate for losing the vital nutrients we do in the aging process and finally find a doctor who will be on the same page as me with this. I found this with Dr. Maulfair. Dr. Maulfair was the only doctor who wanted to get to the bottom of my problem and not prescribe a pill to just mask the symptoms. He also wanted to improve my overall health, for better well being, not just treat my condition which I was also thrilled about. It was so refreshing to have doctor listen to me. He asked me questions and suggested trying a more natural approach which I had always wanted to talk about but it was a closed topic to the conventional doctors I had been to in the past. They would shush me out the door after a quick, impersonal, "don't ask any questions" office visit with a pharmaceutical prescription in my hand. It took Dr. Maulfair and I a reasonable amount of time to find the right combination. I actually hit the lowest point in my life of feeling bad about four weeks ago. I had intolerable internal feeling of heat in my upper body, extreme sweating, constant muscle aches and joint pain, heart palpitations, dizziness, severe pain in my left jaw, extreme exhaustion, absolutely no desire to do things I once enjoyed, tossing and turning all night long, hair loss, major irritability (which is not my nature) and fogginess and loss of sharpness of my mind... that's when Dr. Maulfair advised me to stop taking my Armour thyroid medicine and let him know how I feel. Now, remember, I had been taking this or Synthroid daily for the past eleven years due to my initial endocrinologist giving me two doses of a radioactive iodine treatment which made my condition irreversible. Looking back, it is so upsetting to me, if only I would have known what I do now and said absolutely not to this treatment that my Endocrinologist gave to me. Well, I can't go back but I have learned that just because they insist that this is the only treatment available -it certainly is not. It has been about three and a half weeks since I've stopped taking the Armour thyroid medication and continued taking the supplements Dr. Maulfair suggested. By the way I had asked my old family physician what would happen if I would stop taking this medicine several years back and he said if you think you feel bad now, if you stop taking it you will feel awful - so I took his word for it and did not stop taking it or seek alternative medicine- my mistake. I feel so much better now, like I did in my younger years when I was so happy, pleasant and had a zest for life. If you would have told me that I would feel this much better in such a short amount of time by stopping my Armour thyroid medicine and taking additional natural supplements instead, I would not have believed it in a million years. I could not wait to share my remarkable turn-around with Dr. Maulfair at my office visit last week. I wanted to tell him in person, not over the telephone. He was so thrilled and happy to see and hear how much better I felt because at my previous visit I was at my extreme worst. We chatted awhile about my drastic improvements. I told him that I am even much happier at my job (at the front desk of an extremely busy international company). I am the voice and face that people hear and see first when they visit or contact us and it is my responsibility to portray our company in a very pleasant and positive way. Prior to this, I would put on my "happy face" when I started at 8:30 a.m. and by 5:00p.m. it had really become a struggle to stay up and optimistic all day long- I could have won an Academy Award for "Best Actress" for the phony performance I kept up over the years. Now, I'm pleasant and happy, I'm not acting at all, it just comes naturally as it did in my early days...I am so very, very grateful to him. As I went to leave the office after my visit, Dr. Maulfair shook my hand and said with a smile, "You Made My Day". I looked right at him smiled and replied "Dr. Maulfair, YOU MADE MY LIFE!!!!"
With My Sincere Appreciation,
D. M.
I can’t say enough THANK YOU’s to Dr. Maulfair and his staff. I went to the Maulfair Medical Center ONLY 3 weeks ago; I’ve had only 3 I.V. infusions now and I am a new woman. To keep it short and sweet, I am a young 44 year old, but I felt like I was 110! I had been diagnosed by my prior MD with diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypercholesteremia and obesity. I slept anywhere from 10 to 12.5 hours every night and NEVER awoke feeling refreshed. My joints ached and I felt as if I wouldn’t live to be 60 at this rate---- I was merely “EXISTING”----I wasn’t truly living. BUT ALL THAT HAS CHANGED NOW,……………….now I sleep only 6-8 hours, feel refreshed and energized and look forward to a bright new day. I have lots of energy, eating less and healthier and I’m living again….I feel alive! My fasting blood sugars are down to within normal limits. I have dropped a few unwanted pounds already and I’ve JUST started into my program. I’m excited about my future and the unlimited possibilities it holds for me. *(and I’m sure, without even seeing them yet, all my lab counts are coming back to normal limits if they are not there yet)*
***AGAIN, THANKS TO DR. MAULFAIR FOR HIS COMPASSION, KNOWLEDGE AND DEVOTION TO HIS WORK IN ‘TRULY’ HELPING HIS PATIENTS, not just writing prescriptions, (like most ‘Doctors’) which only act like a ‘band-aid’ = covering up the real underlying problem.------and to HIS ENTIRE STAFF AT THE MAULFAIR MEDICAL CENTER FOR THEIR WONDERFUL SENSE OF SELF AND WARMTH.
Blessings to all of you.
The last few weeks, a lot of days I felt lousy. On 3/29/05 Dr. Maulfair recommended two nutritional intravenous treatments. I got one the same day. The next day 3/30/05 I felt really great, on the go all day, getting my equipment ready to plant my garden, which I'm doing for over 50 years. I don't use any chemicals, strictly organic. I do not take any drugs.
E. O.
I came to Dr. Maulfair feeling pretty restless, heart palpitations, chest pain and a general dullness all over. Results of testing showed candida and low white blood count. I'm now one month into my program, I've lost 6 pounds; my senses, taste, smell and general feeling are back. I no longer have chest pains, palpitations. I'm back to eating properly and I've always been into walking, but decided to add yoga, which I will start this week.
L. F.
This has been great. I was having somatics here and there and my energy level would go along and then suddenly drop on me leaving me weak and tired-my energy is now not only sustained but at a higher level than before and it does not suddenly drop off. I have also lost thirty pounds and been sleeping better and found a great boyfriend for the first time in 14 years. This is all from the sense of well being and taking care of myself that I have felt from coming to Dr. Maulfair. Thanks a lot! This was life changing!!! The original problem of rectal bleeding is totally gone and has been since the first week-also my blood pressure is consistently lower!
L. G. B.
After only light (8) chelation therapy treatments I have experienced great results. My attitude has changed (less stress). I am having less trouble with leg cramps. My energy level is way up, I no longer, at this point in time, need an afternoon nap. I am very happy with the results from my chelation therapy. I must say my overall health has improved in this short period of time. I recommend chelation therapy very highly. I will continue to have chelation therapy as long as I need it plus maintenance.
I. S.
I am very pleased with the Maulfair Medical Center and staff. I decided to try alternative medicine in August of 2002 because for years I was always tired; I had developed exercise induced asthma, acid reflux and have suffered from migraine headaches since about age 15 and I'm 51 now. In September I was informed after several blood tests that I had a yeast problem and that they could help me. All testing I had prior to this never showed I had a problem to explain why I was tired all the time. I was always a very active person in my younger years. I was put on a candida diet and I was informed that a side effect is I could lose weight, which I also had been unsuccessful in doing for about 10 years. I started the diet and by Christmas I had lost 30+ pounds, I went from a tight size 16 to a comfortable 10! I no longer have the asthma, I can exercise for an hour and no problems, I still have acid reflux but not as severe as before, and to my surprise I only get migraine headaches if I eat too much stuff with sugar in it or cheese. I have energy I didn't know I still had and have been able to handle a very stressful situation well. All of which I am sure I wouldn't have been able to do eating all the wrong foods. The staff has been great to work with, they are always very kind and helpful on the phone or when I'm in the office. I have nothing but good to say about Dr. Maulfair and his staff.
D. W.
I have been on Vitamin C and nutrient treatment on June 10th and on oxidation treatment and I feel like a new woman! My energy level has increased and I have feeling of well being, of tranquility, less anxiety. I am on a candida diet and have also been working on food sensitivities. My blood pressure prior to treatment was 176/110 this morning, June 6, 2003 it was 120/70. If this continues hopefully I'll be able to eliminate the two blood pressure medications that I am presently taking and even better eliminate the side effects of these meds!!!
S. W.
I am so excited, I can't be kept silent! I want to share the good news to give other people HOPE. Depression (clinical) is what "drove" my husband and I to meet with Dr. Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr. I'm a 52 year old female that experienced depression for over 25 years. We tried every supplement "under the sun" it seemed, changes in diet, counseling and nothing really had lasting effects, as the depression did not go away. In August 2004 I received some vitamins from Maulfair Medical Center. In three weeks to follow I had oxidative and Vitamin C and nutritional therapy. In less than one month later I was feeling much more positive and the sinking depressive feelings are completely gone! A few bonuses such as sleeping much more soundly and having more energy without stimulants and my hot flashes are gone! This is truly a miracle!
I thank God for leading me to these wonderful people at Maulfair Medical Center!
J. Y.
While wintering in Florida, my wife was experiencing nausea in the mornings, at first we thought it was a flu like symptom. But as it persisted over a long period of time we sought the help of a doctor. This doctor diagnosed my wife as having "high blood pressure" (after seeing this doctor only once and having her blood pressure taken once). My wife was told she had to take this medication now for the rest of her life. The nausea continued, so after returning north we sought the help of another doctor. This doctor also on the first visit confirmed my wife's "high blood pressure", but stated her nausea was result of the medication no being strong enough! Therefore, medication was increased. The nausea continues for about two (2) years, with the blood pressure medication. We return to the doctor for help. He suggests an ultra sound scan of her gall bladder. This test reveals a "mass" that could be stones or a cancer tumor! Having had breast cancer we elect not to take a chance and agree to the bladder removal. Prior to the operation contact was made with the Anesthesiologist about taking the medication for high blood pressure the day of the operation. We were told, "Oh, yes, continue and take your blood pressure medication. On July 17th of 2002 the operations was performed and the presence of stones revealed. The nausea continued! We returned to the doctor and he said see the surgeon. The surgeon said see your doctor! The nausea continues with greater frequency and force. The doctor changes her medication (blood pressure) this medication causes violent reaction of nausea. We stop the medication and contact doctor and ask if he want to see us. No, no need, just stop the medication and return to the old. We stopped all the medication, as my wife was not experiencing tremors, pain in hands, arms, legs and feet. The pain continued so now she is unable to sleep. This results in our first visit to the emergency room at the ____________
Medical Center. They could find nothing wrong. She is given medication for her high blood pressure, and when the pressure lowers we are discharged with the advice to seek a doctor's help. We seek help from a medical team next to the hospital. We tell the doctor of the blood pressure medication being stopped. Told him we were there to be associated with doctors at the hospital as the other one was not associated with this hospital. He asks about my wife's symptoms. We also purchase a blood pressure device so we can monitor her blood pressure. We keep track of her blood pressure for three months. The result is my wife does not have high blood pressure!! We follow his advice, but the pain and nausea continues resulting in two (2) more emergency room visits (middle of the night) while under the doctor's care. We will see four of the nine doctors at this medical facility. The only thing they find is almost total lack of vitamin "b-12". There is a discussion about this as B-12 is in most all foods, why then the lack? We also share with the doctors that my wife has been unable to eat or hold down a meal since the operation on July 17th. This is one month later. The third emergency room visit we are suggested to seek help from digestive specialists. We do and this doctor places my wife in the hospital as she is dehydrated, lacking potassium and her kidneys are shutting down. While there, many tests are performed all indicate nothing wrong. Even the upper GI endoscopy (a tube that permits doctors to see down the esophagus, the stomach and into the small intestine) found nothing. While he there he takes a tissue sample. After he comes out of this procedure he tells me there is nothing wrong and suggests that we see a psychiatrist. Four days later she is discharged. The pain, nausea, tremors and unable to keep food down continues. Two days later this doctor calls and asks that we get another blood test done (this is about the ninth) to confirm that my wife has a disease that she is sensitive to gluten found in wheat, rye and barley. Latter he states, the tests suggest she does have this problem. While in the hospital a test was taken that showed food was staying much too long in her stomach. Therefore, the doctor prescribed a medication to speed that process along. She was unable to keep the medication down. He said if we refuse to keep trying this medication, he could not help us and suggested we try the University Hospital in Philadelphia. We were getting desperate; my wife thought there was no help for her as we had seen nine (9) doctors about this problem and all we received was "nothing wrong" two stated that it was time to see psychiatrists. We were making plans and seeking phone numbers for the Hershey Medical Center when friends of ours, she is a nurse and her husband is a past patient of Dr. Maulfair suggested that we try Maulfair. While our friends are talking to us we locate the phone number and call and get Dr. Maulfair on the phone. We tell Conrad our problem, he says we need to see him. We are scheduled for the next day. Talking to Dr. Maulfair, my wife states, "no one can help me!" Conrad assured my wife he was going to help her. As he does not treat symptoms, or even diseases, but the person. He would take tests to see what her problem was (not the symptoms). While waiting for the tests to come back (three weeks) Conrad suggested that my wife start immediately with nutrient supplements via IV, as this would provide her with the vital nutrients she requires and bypasses the digestive tract. My wife responded immediately after the first treatment and continued to improve through the next five. The pain lessened after the first and was gone by the second. Dr. Maulfair insisted my wife stop her medication for sleep as it was a "mind altering drug". (Freely prescribed by other?) After only three weeks (the other doctors three months and no help) my wife has resumed her life, her humor has returned, the pain and sleepless night are gone! Her body weight has been stabilized after losing 34 pounds. Dr. Maulfair has diagnosed via 24 hour urine hormone evaluation, comprehensive digestive stool analysis, hair tissue and blood tests that she has candidiasis, candida/yeast overgrowth, and resulting missing stomach acids to properly digest food. (I asked the specialist about stomach acids and his reply was everything is normal.) This is why the food was staying too long in her stomach, as it was not being digested due to lack of acids! Further her intestines because of the yeast overgrowth are unable to absorb what little she has been able to consume and keep down. Through Dr. Maulfair's careful and in-depth analysis we now know why my wife was nauseous, losing weight, fatigued, pain ridden, and unable to sleep. The candidiasis started a few years ago and progressed to where she was experiencing body shut down, because of her lack of so many vital nutrients. We are grateful to Dr. Maulfair, his approach, careful analysis and patient concern. The Maulfair Medical Center has become a real beacon of hope for us. When we go to the Maulfair Medical Center it is with the anticipation that when we come out, we will be feeling much better and further on the road to recovery. And we are experiencing the very same attitude with "all" the Maulfair staff. The visits for IV treatments are pleasant not only due to the cheerfulness and professionalism, but the homey atmosphere. Thanks to each and every one we are expecting a complete recovery of my wife's illness. I recently told my wife, just think of how much help you have received at the Maulfair Medical Center and how greatly you have improved, then what will be the effect after they start treating you in depth for the candidiasis!!
Thank you, Maulfair Medical Center!
H. R.
It was becoming increasingly more difficult to bound out of bed. But, I was going through many changes; moved my office, got married, sold my home, moved to a new location, was getting used to my new life routine…I think that it was just after my 42nd birthday that I realized and finally admitted that something was terribly wrong. The allopathic practice of medicine not only found no evidence of any THING wrong; I observed that their style of practice did not permit them the time to truly investigate to find the cause of my complaint. The Complaint: I cannot get out of bed much before 9AM, during the day I am often irritable and feel overloaded because I just don't feel well any more. My joints all make noises, my back and neck are always feeling irritated, my vision is blurred, and I've got this constant sinus THING. I've got this THING that makes me feel like %^&*. Enough! Through word of mouth I heard of Dr. Maulfair & I made the call, saw Dr. Lamb and described the thing and he listened diligently and asked many questions and prescribed a series of tests for me to take. The THING revealed its cause! Imagine that! My treatment to date since approximately 2/22/02 had been a modified diet, supplements, oxidative and nutritional IV therapy, exercise and awareness of what toxic sources I have in my life. The Result to Date: I can get out of bed by 5:45 AM! I work a long day, my joints and back and neck are better, my vision is not blurred, I am not getting sick with every virus or bacteria coming at me. We're kicking this THING! It is my responsibility to do my part; proper balance of stress relief, exercise, proper diet and to take my therapies. One note; I admit that I turned to junk over the past month, gradually falling off my diet and exercise program, even being abusive (sugar, alcohol, dairy)…I felt a little "shaggy" for 2 days and had a long talk with myself but- I did not get worse- I held my ground and that is amazing.
L. K.
Just 4 days before my retirement and turning age 65, I suffered a mild heart attack. Having always been active, I was very depressed with my lack of energy. My cardiologist did a catheterization, with his interpretation of the findings indicating that surgery would be very high risk. I decided to look for other options to regain my health. I had been a patient at the Maulfair Medical Center starting in October of 1995, however, due to my work schedule, I did not continue with my program past August of 1996. Looking back at my symptoms and weight, 218 lbs, I should have done a better job of participating in my treatment program. In December 2001 I returned to the Maulfair Medical Center and started dealing with my problems. Besides my heart symptoms, I had lots of indigestion at the time, taking Tums on a regular basis. A significant yeast overgrowth was identified. I started treatment as well as diet modifications to correct it. Going back on an exercise program also made lots of sense. I have just had my 24th chelation treatment. My weight is down to 198 lbs. I stopped taking the Tums. A discoloration I had on my ankle for years is much improved and floaters that were affecting my vision are gone. Most important, in my latest office visit with my cardiologist, he states that I am dong well from a cardiac standpoint. He told me I should continue to do what I am doing. I saw my family doctor recently and he stated he was proud of me because of what I did to help myself, along with the help of the Maulfair Medical Center. No program works without a commitment and you only get out of what you put in.
R. R.
In January 1998 I came to Maulfair Medical Center. I was very ill; I could not eat, sleep or even think clearly. I had lost a substantial amount of weight and most days, I could not get out of bed because of severe fatigue. Dr. Maulfair gave me a questionnaire related to candida. I had 90 percent of the symptoms. I was being treated by my family doctor and had numerous tests done which showed nothing wrong. After seven month I was still sick. I returned to the Maulfair Medical Center in August 1998. I had the tests that Dr. Maulfair recommended earlier. I discovered that I not only had candida, but also food allergies which were related to my digestive problems. I began treatments of nutritional and oxidative therapy along with a special diet for candida and my food allergies. It was not always easy to stick to this regimen but everyone at Maulfair Medical Center was caring and supportive and willing to offer help and encouragement. I am happy to report that today I feel great and have gained back my weight and my energy. I am truly grateful to Dr. Maulfair and his staff for all they have done to restore me to good health.
L. P.
I came to the Maulfair Medical Center because I was extremely tired and I had a history of candida infection. I was placed back on the Candida program and got some relief with the Vitamin C and nutrients but my condition go worse; loss of memory, numbness, muscle tremors and weakness, saliva in corners of my mouth. I saw a nerve doctor, family doctor and chiropractor with no answers. Diana at the Maulfair Medical Center called to have me come in for blood and hair test for heavy metals. I told her I just had that test and she said, "Yes, but Dr. Maulfair wants you to have one every couple of years." My tests came in with mercury and lead in the 95% which means I had mercury and lead toxic metals in my system. I started EDTA Chelation the next day and then for once a week. After less than ten Chelation therapy treatments I am on the road to recovery.
L. K.
When I first came to the Maulfair Medical Center I had migraines, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, nausea and bloating. I was so tired during the day that I struggled to stay awake. I was diagnosed with candidiasis, mal-absorption and allergies. Eliminating the foods that I was allergic to gave me immediate relief from most of my symptoms but my allergy to chemicals still gave me migraines. Every time I would smell things like smoke, perfume or gasoline I would get a severe migraine. Today with diet and supplements I am symptom free. I haven't had a migraine in seven months!
C. T.
My first child was born in 1994. Months later, I became depressed, had moments of rage. Anger seemed to be just a part of my personality. My second child was born. I loved being a mom and all of the "stuff" that came with that role, however I seemed more and more discontent with how terrible I felt. The brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and sadness were too much to bear. A psychologist recommended Paxil and desperate for relief, I took the drug. The drug produced short term results. I wanted to know why I was feeling this way. Thankfully, I found a copy of the MMC newsletter and made an appointment. This began my education in nutrition. Drs. Maulfair and Lamb helped me to return to a life of good health and a sound mind. I feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually better than I have in 10 years.
M. M.
Before coming to Maulfair Medical Center I had almost given up all hope of ever feeling well again. I suffered from chronic digestive problems, coronary artery disease, and degenerative joint disease. My family history and a stressful life had resulted in my depending on anti-depressive medication just to get through each day. Since I have been under treatment at the center I am no longer having chest pain, my circulation has improved, better nutrition with supplements has helped my digestive system and I am please to say I am no longer a slave to anti depressive medication. I lead a very active life and at the age of 71 I look and feel much younger. I recently returned to the work force part time and I am enjoying a better quality of life. Chelation Therapy, the doctors and the staff at Maulfair Medical Center have given me a new lease on life.
C. J.
Today I begin my 4th treatment. The program for me is more preventative, I encouraged my mother to participate because she has hypertension and MVP (micro valve prolapse). Almost immediately after beginning my treatments, there was a noticeable improvement in my vision, also, an increase in energy, a relief from headaches, decrease in irritability and my feet no longer ached. As for Mom, she's always had more energy than me, however, there is an improvement in her complexion, its cleared up, her blood pressure went from 220/100 to 149/___ and she has good weight loss results. I have not experienced a more comprehensive treatment program. The focus is on treating the condition, not the symptoms. With a recommendation of a selected diet and exercise, a protocol of vitamins and nutrients, I can clearly see why the program is so successful. This is the way medical treatment need to be handled.
D. W.
In 1987, I suffered a burst appendix. Due to a series of complications, I was on antibiotics for a period of about six weeks. This led to a yeast infection (candida albicans), which went undiagnosed for about five years. After a friend of mine suggested that I read "The Yeast Syndrome", I was able (with much difficulty), to find a doctor to diagnose and treat my yeast infection. However, the doctor I worked with only used Nystatin and diet to control the infection, and did nothing to correct the imbalances in my system. I suffered from a relapse about 18 months after leaving his care. Since then, I was referred to your office by L.S. I was given an extremely thorough series of tests, which led to Dr. Maulfair finding a number of additional imbalances in my system, including my thyroid and gastric performance. His treatment combined supplements to get my system back into balance, intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy and a detoxification program to clean out the candida, as well as the standard candida diet to inhibit candida growth. This combination has put my system back into balance. We have been slowly reducing the supplements, we have stopped the hydrogen peroxide therapy, and I haven introducing foods back into my diet with great results. I have now been symptom free for about six months and I feel much better than I have in years! Thank you for being open minded and willing to explore every alternative available to bring your patients to optimum health.
Warm regards,
N. L. C.