Health insurance

Health Care Reform Needs to Fail

We have health savings accounts combined with high deductible insurance policies we could make available to many more citizens at far less expense than the current ideas.  People need to spend health care dollars on doctors and treatments THEY choose.  There is no need to mandate mental health care or force young people with the threat of jail and fines to buy something they do not want.  Respecting people to direct their own choices in health care seems to be in alignment with America’s constitution and heritage.  In the current system doctors are helping people without being fairly reimbursed and they still help.  They are not paid for some of the care they give.  If you put patients and doctors back in control of their lives and allow people to find and buy insurance from any company they want you would see prices fall and people healthier.  It is demoralizing for patients and doctors and other health care providers to have to spend time and money meeting the mandates of government and insurance companies.  The insurance companies that would prevail would be companies doctors and patients liked. 
The threats in the coming legislation weighs so heavy on hearts of most Americans.  If you are a small business, like most doctors offices, it is a double whammy.  Socialism is never going to be less expensive than a free market.  Just think of one of the new initiatives in the health care bill in the field of psychiatry.  The poor psyches, people do not readily seek their care in large enough numbers so they have to have the government mandate  people see them and use their programs.  It has to be ordered!!  So they are now going to screen newly pregnant women and small children for mental health problems.  Their treatments are mind altering drugs and this will result in many more hapless people convinced that they are better off drugged.  

A good way to fight back is to find out how to stay healthy and avoid having to use the medical system run by the government.  Did you know that hospitals have adopted some of these rationing techniques ahead of the passage of the legislation?  You do not want to be elderly AND ill.  Staying fit and healthy is the answer.  People who feel good have the energy to be involved in their community and can help less able people and most importantly they can be politically active enough to protect privacy and freedom.


We stand ready to help you understand what you can do to feel great.  The confusion created by common medical recommendations and medical think is harmful to your happiness!! 
Tell me, how does a stress test prevent a problem?  If you have a stress test and catheterization and blocked arteries are found, what did you prevent?  If you have a mammogram and it detects breast cancer, what did you prevent?  If you have a colonoscopy and polyps or cancer are found what did you prevent?  What does a CAT scan prevent?

True, these are all very useful and “can’t do without” medical tools in acute situations.  If you are bleeding internally you need to find out why, if you have shortness of breathe and chest pain you need to determine the cause.  Heart problem or indigestion?  If you have a lump you need to find out what it is.  If you are in a car wreck you need to find out if there are internal injuries.  No argument with that.

The problem is we do not have enough care wrecks and lumps and pains to satisfy the thirsty business of medicine.  All this high-tech equipment is very expensive and you must have people using it to make the payments.  In itself it does not prevent anything but it gets billed as preventive medicine, it is not.

TRUE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE WOULD PREVENT SOME OCCURANCE.  Anti-aging medical modalities, both diagnostic and treatment modalities, do just that.  IF you find out you have a heavy metal toxicity you can take care of it and prevent heart attacks, high blood pressure, fatigue, cancer and early aging with all its inherent problems.  It is in your hands.  When you consult with your physician about your migraines ask WHY you are having them.  Is it because your nutrient minerals are low?  Is it because you have a hormonal imbalance?  Is it because you have B vitamin deficiencies?  Is it because you have food sensitivities? WHY IS IT?  When you learn to think like that and wonder why, you will find the reason and you will improve.  I can guarantee you do not a deficiency of a pain-killers causing your migraines.

You will get better health care when you demand it.  Really, it all rests with us.  We hav organic foods in grocery stores for one reason, we asked for them.  Are we going to continue to be victims of expensive,  invasive medical care that is throwing this country into an upheaval?   Are we going to continue to be a member of the  herd of sheep big medicine has created?  I would rather take care of myself, use my pretax dollars from a health savings account as I saw fit to see the doctors who really cared to find out WHY I have a problem.  I assure you I do not have a hidden delayed psychiatric disorder ready to be discovered by some nasty underhanded “questionnaire” so I can use drugs BIG pharma makes millions from that leave me unable to make my own way because of a drugged apathy towards life.  Not me and not my friends.

There are doctors all over this country who remain independent, who use cutting edge medicine to help their patients.  There are doctors who really care.  Find one.  There are diagnostic modalities that uncover where the normal function of your body has broken down.  Preventive care is anti-aging medicine, wellness programs, and enough curiosity to wonder why something is happening.  A strong immune system is preventive medicine.  Avoiding toxins and eating organic foods, supporting local farmers and growers who are supplying clean good food, taking additional nutrients and probiotics are just some the things you can do to prevent ill health.  Exercise does improve your immune system, it is the means your body uses to circulate lymph fluid.  Fresh air —all the things you know to do to take good care of yourself—do them and you will prevent scary medical problems.  We always stand ready to help in any way we can.

Check out these links: for information about the psyche programs in the health care reform bill, its is scary.  Check out for the latest updates on health care reform.  Do not forget all the useful links on our website.






There are many examples of ways to save health care dollars with increasing knowledge of self-care and permitting physicians to use alternative, complementary treatments without harassment.  As long as you have big pharma in bed with the government decisions makers we are not going to get there.
You can help yourself.  A great antiaging strategy includes chelation and avoiding many common drugs and treatments.  A great book written by Dr. Joel M. Kauffman who holds his PhD in Organic Chemistry with 80 papers on chemical and medical topics, and 11 patents, he has turned to exposing medical fraud.  The following is a quote from his recent book entitled Malignant Medical Myths, you can contact Infinity Publishing to purchase,

Here is what Dr. Kauffman had to say on page 176:  While no one is certain of why EDTA chelation by intravenous drip works to reverse atherosclerosis, prevent cancer, lower BP, and increase walking distances by countering poor blood flow, there is little doubt that it does so when properly administered to appropriate patients.  EDTA chelation also helps diabetic ulcers to heal and it delays or eliminates the need for the drastic mainstream treatments of angioplasty, coronary bypass operations, or amputation of limbs.

One has to be shocked that investigation of the procedure advanced only by means of low-cost studies, clinical observation, word-of-mouth communication, and publications of results in lesser known journals.  Lack of patent protection for the use of EDTA and the infusion process contributed, of course, but the lack of approval of EDTA by the FDA of atherosclerosis, despite evidence of far greater benefits that those of the toxic drug Trental, must leave one gasping at the iniquities of a treatment approval system so obviously biased toward Big Pharma, and against both patients who will benefit as well as physicians who want ot provide this chelation treatment.


The low quality of the efforts to debunk EDTA chelation has been exposed.  Officially sanctioned trials were rigged.  Raw data had to be smuggled out by honest researchers in order to show some of the biases in the published articles on the trials that were debased.  Chelation is one “alternative” treatment that works.

 Discouraging sick people from undergoing an effective treatment such as EDTA chelation is despicable, even more so when dangerous procedures with limited applicability and no lasting benefit such as angioplasty or bypass surgery are recommended instead.  Because of the bias in mainstream medicine against chelation, most patients who accept it do so as a last resort after all conventional treatments have failed, although a majority would have been better off using chelation as the first treatment.  It is estimated that by the year 2000 more than a million patients had received more than 20 million intravenous infusions of EDTA.  There were no ill effects when the procedure was correctly done.  About 88% of the patients improved (Cranton, 2001, pp4, 324).“     

You can see the extensive list of references when you have the book.  This book is a consumer protection of very high quality both in its usefulness and extensive discussion of medicine as it is practiced today.  Get one and you will see the possibilities of real healthcare reform.

The President's Health Care Plan

Did anyone else think this pep talk a bit off the mark?  I am just a Dr. Mom but…if new programs will be paid for by curbing fraud and waste in the other government health care plans then…....aren’t we headed for more.   If you cannot clean up the fraud and abuse NOW why should we design another government program to abuse???  Why do the same thing again.  We have all the solutions we need for great health care.
Really, we do.  We have private insurance, state and federal help if you have no money , health savings accounts with high deductible catastrophic coverage, and laws that make sure no one turned away from emergencies rooms.  We have antiaging medical treatments that do not involve heavy pharmaceutical use and that will keep you healthy until your work is done and/or you wear out. 

Washington cannot think, we need to strengthen what we have with tax  incentives.  Coleen