Antiaging Medical Care

An editor of one of Dr. Maulfair’s journal says it best, “older people are sick because they are sick, not because they are old.“  One of the viewpoints we hope to inspire others to adopt is that aging is easy with the proper medical care.  If you develop chronic degerative disease you may have some tough times but you can be markedly helped with complementary alternative medical care. 
 Chelation therapy with infusions of a chelating agent that helps reduce the levels of heavy metals you have accumulated is essential if you have health problems but even more important for preventing them in the first place.  Proper diagnosis of the FUNCTION of you digestive system is important to determine how well you absorb and utilize nutrients or to find out if you have imbalances of certain bacteria that cause problems.   Determining the level of heavy metals and nutrient minerals in your body helps you in selecting supplements important for YOUR body.  Finding out the various hormone levels in your body is important for health, you can be helped by hormone support with bioidentical hormones, for instance.   Finding out if you suffer from sensitivities to certain foods is important for optimum energy. The list goes on.   There is a great deal of detective work your doctor should do for you – not just scope the body but look for functional problems that later develop into serious health hazards.

Health is so often ignored and goes unsupported by most of us; we do little to help ourselves until we develop  a symptom or two.  It seems elementary to state that the body needs nutrients, not prescription drugs, to maintain good health or return to health but look what common medicine offers you for the most part, prescriptions.  Prescriptions of any kind or strength are considered toxins by your body.   Your body cannot use a chemical found in prescriptions to rebuild damage done by everyday living.  Prescriptions add new problems with side effects no doctor can predict.  Medical schools continue to offer drug education.  Students are taught which drugs to use for which ailment or symptom.  Friends of ours, currently in medical school, said not only are they memorizing which drug to use for which symptom but also the 5-6 drugs that are then prescribed to handle the predictable side effects of the  first one.  Sound familiar?  Look at how our senior seniors are now living.  Prescription after prescription on top of another presciption and not one doctor managing the whole program.  We have people come to us on tons of medications and medications to handle the health problems that develop from prescriptions, they are confused and not one of their doctors monitors or manages the entire list.  Horrifying.

If you are overweight or have a health problem you are undernourished, plain and simple.  Your diet determines your health or lack of it.  Fresh and fresh organic foods locally grown are a must, for high nutrient value per bite and less contamination with pesticides and food additives.  Certain food additives are used in lab animals to create obesity so it can be studied.  That is right, it may not be amount of food you eat that makes you gain, it may be the kind of food you eat.  Eat good organic cold pressed oils and feel you energy increase and watch your weight decrease.  Health is that simple.  Take some time to learn a few new things and help yourself age gracefully and happily.

We are here to help when you need it but you can make great progress on your own.  Keep in mind there are complementary, alternative medical doctors across the country.  Look and you will find them, your health depends on it., are two websites to locate drs. also try 

Have a very happy 4th of July with organic burgers and organic hot dogs and homemade salads.